Mvc :: Use "." In POST Parameter Names, Generated By Flash?
Mar 8, 2012
I'm trying to find out if a Flash application can create a POST request, where some of the names of the posted items include the "." character?
The background: I'm working with someone who is writing a Flash application that has to POST data to the server. I'm working on the web application which receives and saves the data. As such, I know little about the inner workings of Flash myself.
To allow automated data-binding at the server (within Microsoft MVC), I want the names of the POST items to use a particular naming convention. So if I want to receive the results of two tests, I would like the POST items to use the names:
However, the developer says that when constructing a POST request within Flash, any items with a "." in the name are ignored, and not included in the POST request. Is this a known limitation of Flash, or should it be possible to include a "." in the POST item names, as I would like?
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// this gives l1, l2, l3 ect... no pb with that
var lineToColorise = 'l'+ArtAPI.GetCurrentSlide();
// here is the pb
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ActionScript Code:
public function traceMessage(message:String){
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ActionScript Code:
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PHP FILE: dynamic_xml.php
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Sep 9, 2009
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newsPageContent_txt.html = true;
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test_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {
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Nov 25, 2010
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public void record(IConnection conn, String streamName)
ClientBroadcastStream stream = (ClientBroadcastStream) getBroadcastStream(
conn.getScope(), streamName);
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Jul 22, 2011
I have an online flash video player fed by a playlist driven by XML. This XML is generated from a mySQL database via 'playlist.php'. The issue I am having is that when I feed the php generated xml into the player, it only reads the top level/hierarchy of xml information into the playlist (i.e. gallery level, when below that is category, and ultimately video).
When I copy the output of the php generated xml into a normal xml file (i.e. playlist.xml), the playlist is fed with all of the appropriate information, and is complete.
Can you tell me why my flash (as3) video player and playlist will recognise 'playlist.xml' but not 'playlist.php' information?[URL]..A link to the player, which is currently hooked up to 'playlist.php' is at the same address but with theater.html instead of playlist.
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May 11, 2010
I'm currently developping a quite big (multi-lingual) application in Flex and I'm now confronted to a problem.I have to do some custom Buttons which have special fonts, special design (like shadow corner radius etc)and the most important, which are oblique not straight.I've made the button in Flash from which I've exported it in SWC.The thing is that, I need different buttons with different labels/icons/backgroundColors.So I would like to know, if there's a way to pass variables to the button class through theSWC file in order not to has one file for each button and each language.
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Apr 14, 2009
Using Flash CS4 and having the Flash plug-in ver 10 on my PC, the generated html file will not play the swf in the browser.I noticed that the active-x javascript is now included in the header as well as the javascript portion in the body tag.But it won't play. I get the typical blank window in IE with the "X" in the upper left corner.I don't have this problem with Flash CS3.
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Sep 25, 2009
how Flash reads the PHP coding which was generated from the MySQL database.Though, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this task and/or clear stuff up. All I want to do is grab a single video file, when on the video.php page.the video.php will have the parameter, video.php?id=____ and than the PHP coding in the header will grab the database info for that video. Though, do I have to create a separate page for the flash to grab that information?Like, I notice that for Flash to grab that info, PHP needs to set it up like so:
and ect. Though, do I have to echo this part out, or do I have to send that PHP info and create a page from it, than have flash grab the information from that 2nd page?
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Jul 16, 2010
I am building a Flash Application which will allow a user to mix two mp3 files and send the mixed result to our server.
Using Pixel Bender I am already able to create a mix:
public class Mixer
[Embed(source="mix.pbj", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
protected var NewFilter:Class;
Not sure if the event.byteArray can be transformed to an mp3 file? Ideally we'd send the mp3 to our server for uploading.
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Nov 10, 2010
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Jan 17, 2011
If I have a sound waveform stored as a ByteArray in actionscript 3, how would I go about converting this into a Sound object that can be played?
Note that the array is full of sound samples - a complete generated waveform. It isn't an array containing an mp3 or other compressed data.
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