ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Generated Movie Clip Names?
Sep 4, 2010
In AS2 I would do this:
this.attachMovie("clipLinkageName", "instanceName" + i ,this.getNextHighestDepth());
But now in AS3, I'm learning to use:
var instanceName1:clipClassName = new clipClassName();
But I don't know how I can put that in a for loop like I did above..this["instanceName" +i]:clipClassName = new ClipClassName(); does not work.
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var stageL:Object = new Object ();
stageL.onResize = function () {
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var total = 6;
myThumbs = new Array();
for(i=0; i<total; i++) {
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var nm:MovieClip = mc_image_holder.createEmptyMovieClip("swfHolder"+i,-((i) * 10));
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(problem 1 is that I cannot call buttonmoce this way!)I am really trying to imporve my code writing and using arrays and for will save me writing this code over and over again Cheers sub
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I have the following code below which creates two movie clips on the stage dynamically. How would I give the two movie clips different instance names, so I can add separate event listeners to them?
ActionScript Code:
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var my_box:Box = new Box();
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Jul 6, 2003
okay here's my code
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
for (z; z<4; z++) {[code]....
how do you turn the s[z] into something like s1 - s2 or s3 ? i just want different movie clip names for each loop..
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Oct 2, 2006
Right check this:
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
But the problem is the thumbMov movies will obviously have a uniquely generated instance name i cant target directly due to the "for" loop..How can i modify what ive done to target any of the thumbMovs with the FUSE functions?
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Nov 24, 2009
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Jan 24, 2010
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Mar 20, 2009
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txt:TextField = new TextField();
txt.Height = 20;
txt.Width = 60;
txt.text = 'This is Some Text'
It's not working. No errors, no nothing, but the textFields don't show up when I run it.
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Jul 20, 2009
how can I unload a movie clip which is added dynamically?can we create multiple instances of the movie clip?I am adding the movieclip dynamically as below where tLevel
//global variable
var tLevel:MovieClip = this;
var myMovieClip:MovieClip = tLevel.attachMovie("MyMovieClip","myMovieClip",tLe
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Mar 21, 2006
I have a movie clip with 11 frames containing 10 different images named "thermometer". I have a dynamic text box on the root of the movie with the var name of "therm"
action script in MC "thermometer"=
onEnterFrame = function() {
if ((therm <= 15000) && (therm >= 0)){
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Nov 12, 2009
i have 3 movie clip and one button in my project. i want to hide movie clip by this way.. but my code is not working.
m1_mc.onRelease = function (){ // first movie clip
mySselectedItem_txt.text = this._name;
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Jul 1, 2009
I wish to have a 3d carousel much like a flash one in the below link : [URL] however, i wish the images to be dynamically generated and at the same time txt 'beneath' (to be added) the picture to be dynamically updated also...through a database. I wish to get it connected to a back end and probably use a content management system.
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Nov 1, 2006
ok, here's the deal. We are creating an ecard that will be customized by the sender, and sent to soldiers in Iraq. There are about 5 different things that the sender can customize, as well as write a message. The goal is to have their choices sent to a database and then inserting those variables when the receiver watches the movie.Now, instead of creating possibly thousands of XML files (one for each sender), we decided it would be better to just generate the XML on the fly from the info in the db. But my question is, how do I handle loading that XML? Since this won't just be a static page on the server, I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm wondering if you can use variables when loading XML, for example:
Code:my_xml.load("senderData.xml?user=LyndaSmith");Basically, how can i create an XML file on the fly with the values from the DB, that can then be loaded into Flash?I have virtually no experience with db's, so this is the method I came up with because I do have some experience with XML. I have a developer who will actually insert the values into the database with ColdFusion, and he can also generate the XML, I just need to be able to load the dynamic XML in flash when the receiver watches the card.
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Oct 4, 2008
way to remove the clips generated by the following function.
function loadClips() {
for (i = 0; i < Urls.length; i++) {
var mov:MovieClip = attachMovie("numClip", "numClip"+i,
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Feb 26, 2009
I've been trying to write AS3 that can read xml which is dynamically generated by php.i've generated the xml in several ways all of which seem to work but i keep getting the error,Error #1088: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed,when i try to load the xml into flash. however the xml (as viewed when you go to "view source" in your browser) is indeed well formed.i have 4 versions of the php.the first just uses echo. the second uses echo but i wrap it in {start_ob(),ob_end_flush()}; then i use simpleXML and finally i use domdocument.[code]
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Aug 7, 2009
I have Flash CS4 and I'm developing an RPG game. My goal is to dynamically change the weapon/armor the main hero has on according to what the player has on. I think the term is paper dolling. Basically I want to be able to set a point in which a graphic (movie clip/w.e) can be place permanently and I can load images to it via actionscript 3. I want the point to stay on the hero becuase I plan to move him and animate him and I want to be able to have it so that all it takes is me loading an image to the hero so it will basically "mask" over him. Hope you guys understand what I'm saying, I'm having a hard time figuring this out.
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Jan 3, 2009
I'm trying to dynamically load an exterior movie clip Showreel.swf into the movie clip loader_mc. I want it to have a preload bar, and with the source file I have all this code and objects are held within the first frame of the first scene. This works fine, but if I move the loader_mc elsewhere, (in this instance, frame 40 of the next scene it doesn't work?
Im confused because from the book i'm using I thought that this code has instantiated all the objects, so that I can keep the code in frame 1, as I understand is best practice, but bring the objects in when I need them on the timeline?
Here is my code:
ActionScript Code:
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener:Object = new Object();
loadListener.onLoadStart = function() {
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