Best Way To Insert A Simple .swf?

May 26, 2010

I've finished my flash file. I created it with Flash CS3. I didn't use any scripting, dynamic stuff, etc.. It's a simple flash movie of vectors/tweening.I want to insert it in my homepage, but when I publish it, I get quite a lot of code. I've been looking around & I see some sites that have all this javascript & some that don't.Could someone help me identify the correct way to embed my .swf file? I'm not a fan of .js since it doesn't work if it's turned off in a user's browser. I want my .swf file to play as long as the visitor has Flash 8 or higher installed. And if they don't, I want to display a .png instead.[code]

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<param name="movie" value="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" />


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import flash.display.Sprite;
import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;


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eventName =;
stringManip1 = eventName.substring(13, eventName.indexOf("_")); //get the Number before the _
dotName = "dot" + stringManip1 +"_mc"


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