Changing Website Template Text Buttons?

Jun 20, 2009

I just started using Adobe Flash CS4. I am a newbie and do not have flash experience other than teaching myself how to do it. Problem. I have a website template that allows full customization and has 4 flashing text buttons on the header. Everything has been working flawlessly until this....When I go to change the text for any one of the text buttons it changes the text in all of the other text buttons regardless of what I do.

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Changing GetURL In A Template?

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Editing Flash Website Template?

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So I have basic flash knowledge but not to much. I'm editing the majority of the template perfectly. When I want to test out how the changes are I export the it into a flash movie, than click on the index.html (which is linked to the flash movie) everything works fine.

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Add A New Page To A Flash Template Website?

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for (var i = 1; i<=5; i++) {
var butNum =["b"+i];
var butNum2 = _root.footer["b"+i];


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Editing Flash Website Template As A Novice?

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Completely new to Flash CS3, Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver, but looking forward to learning about them.My question is this. I'm putting together a horse website and was going to use this templateQuestion 1.All I want to do is change the images to horse photos and change the layout of one of the pages. Considering that I'm a complete novice, is it straight-forward enough to be able to do basic editing of these type of templates and change the images?? Question 2:It states on some of this templates that the requirements for flash are Flash MX2004. Is this the same as Flash CS3. Can I use Flash CS3 for this

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Colors On The Event Of Buttons?

Sep 24, 2011

when i run this code.. all is good and everything is read from the file trees.txt
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("trees.txt"))
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataLoad)

now what i am trying to do, and i am almost certain i am going the wrong way with this, is to add on rollover a button that corrosponds to the text the text will change color from black to red. meaning... if i rollover button_0  the text of tcname_0 with change to red , and if i rollover button_1 text in tcname_1 would change.. and so on. so here is what i did:
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("trees.txt"))

2- if the loop works and doesnt break, i still have a problem of how to exactly pass the name of the text field that should be changed. right now i am hard coding it as tcname_2 to see if this even works but i would like it to somehow pass the button_x (x being the number) and use that x to change the corrosponding text i.e (tcname_x) .. is this even doable?

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Feb 10, 2010

I am new to Flash and was trying to start a website for my photography business. I have an up and running version of Flash Pro CS4 with all updates. I purchased a full flash template from [URL] hoping to just open the .fla file and go to work editing. No such luck. When I click on the main.fla file, all the components seem to load in the library, however in the timeline, I only show like 9 random layers. When I run the timeline, all I get is a bunch of lines, squares, etc running on and off the stage. When I click "publish" the layers and components run fine with all the default content. The template came in a ZIP file and after extracting, I get the usual files, .fla, .html, .XML, .SWA, etc. All the components seem to be in the .fla file. What am I missing? I know there should be more layers in the timeline, but I cant find them. My troubleshooting has been to confirm that the template is good with CS4 and ActionScript 3.0. I've tried different settings to include changing the pixel size, but nothing.

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ActionScript Code:
times_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showTim);
function showTim(e:MouseEvent):void{
var oneFont = new timesNew();
var timForm:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
timForm.font = oneFont;
[Code] .....

When I run the movie everything works fine and the console shows no errors but when I press the button to change the font the text in the dynamic field simply disappears.

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Actionscript 3 :: Kick Start Template Based Flash Website?

Apr 28, 2010

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My question is what is the best way to start a project like this? Can anyone guide me to a template or something that can be used for kickstarting this? kind of like a wordpress (without the admin)? Or am i on this all wrong?

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Mar 29, 2004

Jesus Christ - I thought I was really good in flash.Got this template and I can't see S***.
WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
Go into project explorer and can't see much AS so how the hwll are they getting the images and text into the flash swf. By the html??? I don't think so.

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May 12, 2006

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Template Amendment To Get Text From Xml And Few Other Tweaks?

Jul 1, 2009

I am working on a project based on the following template [URL].html and I would like some updates to it.I would like to enter the text via xml,When the video reaches a cue point I would like it to load text from an xml attribute of the same name, ie cuepoint A loads <item name="A">each xml will be bulleted list with up to 8 points which I would like to style globally, (css or similar), and add or remove points to make longer and shorter lists I would also like the animation to be standard so this can be modified project wide through actionscript or similar.

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Professional :: Adding Text To A Template?

May 6, 2010

I am using this template: [URL]
I would like to add text as it opens, going across the flag, something like this....
Sam Young. Not Uncle Sam, but here to serve you!
Now, obviously, that's not what I want it to say, but it's an example, of how I want it to move across the page, on the flag, before it opens to the first page. I've tried everything I know to do. I'm sure I'm just missing something silly.

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Flash8 :: Changing The Size Of Fully Flash Website?

Oct 18, 2009

The site is created and I tested it on all resolutions but some are complaining some text is too small to read easily. Is there a way to change the size of the entire flash website without having to go in and change individual font sizes and resizing all the graphics?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening A Website From Flash And Changing Quality

May 12, 2007

Question 1: Basically I need to change the quality of the entire movie by actionscript.. Question 2: How do I open a website from flash like this: opens a new tab in your browser (like mozilla firefox) otherwise open a new browser (like internet explorer) and opens the website I imagine something like this


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Professional :: Text Fields Don't Show Up In Preview Hard To Edit Webpage Template (monster)?

Jan 9, 2012

While I'm just a beginner right now it/I'm an experienced computer user and I have really enjoyed/but when I'm looking at it now I'm trying to use flash to edit a website template, for example monster templates. I bought a template from the site and nine trying to edit it now and well it just seems like it's a very very long process to do something kind of where I just want to look at the page and I want to edit the text and only I go to bed doesn't seem to be the case. So I'll show you what I mean.
When I'm using the program and I'm in Adobe flash I'm looking now at the screen inside the program and there's no text I see the graphics images and there's no text and also is that some type of way where it's easy to navigate link to link where I can just edit the text what supposed to be in there rather than search for the funeral push page up and down until I come across just a white background with tax and then have to edited which is pretty confusing because I don't know where that's located but I the general idea that if you change it but surely there must be an easier way.
So basically I'm including a screenshot that shows you exactly what I'm talking about. Basically once again I'm in fashion items Sandy text so it's kinda hard to see what was going on or whatever so you can see the snow text located in the thing but however when I publish the file yeah you can see the text and everything I'm kinda looking for some type of you well be able to see this and just edited really. I know there are other programs out there like SWF edited her or quick note to some like that. But I really wanted to use flash, unexperienced Photoshop user and I really love all Adobe products and I really think that this is the master program to use however I'm really don't want it as of right now it's been about 40 days and nine still a bit lost navigating through the program will I'm just really just China entities tax bills and just go through the site. Now I realize I should have the respect for beautiful program like this and it's not been a be set up to the way that I'm hoping it Siskind be a point-and-click editor I understand that. I'm just wondering if anybody has any type suggestions or perhaps of I'm missing something which is fantastic.

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