IDE :: Creating A Dynamic Website Template

Sep 7, 2009

I'm about to create a Flash XML web site template.The site functionality should allow the site editor (the person)

-to add and remove new sub pages
-to edit pages contents
-to add and remove auto-scalable site multilevel menu items

What is the best way to do this? Where I can find guidance (tutorials or something like that) on building a full-scale, dynamic xml site?

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var butNum =["b"+i];
var butNum2 = _root.footer["b"+i];


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ActionScript Code:
for (var i:Number=0; i<mainXML.images.length(); i++) {
var motionImgMC = new MovieClip(); // create an MC. = "mc_" + i; // give new MC a new instance name
motion.addChild(motionImgMC); // add new MC to featured
motionImgMC, {title:"Images"}); // add image in XML to new MC
// push each mc into an array so you can access them from outside this function

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Apr 23, 2009

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1. I want a gallery to appear in the box showing my work

2. My buttons are named "Photoshop", "Illustrator", and "Indesign", i would like to have it so when you click on each button a new window gallery will appear in the box to show my work for each pogram

3. How do i insert my images? Do i just place them in my library in Flash? Do i use dreamweaver?
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Creating Animated GIF Or Basic SWF Website Banners

Aug 14, 2009

I am a very basic user on adobe flash, basically all I use Flash for at this moment is to create animated gif or basic SWF website banners. The problem that I am encountering at this moment is that when I export to an animated GIF the image quality becomes pixelated (see sample image below), where if i export the same work to an SWF it appears normal, I have tried several different combinations on the settings when saving the GIF but everytime I get the same results.
I would only use SWF formats but our website does not support SWF in every section.

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Aug 8, 2009

I'd like to create a Website in form of a book - completely scripted. Is that possible?

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Aug 14, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Full Browser Flash Website

Mar 14, 2010

i'm recently creating a full browser flash website. the important thing is: the stage.height should never be smaller than 768px because things are cut then. but how to tell actionscript not to make the stage.height smaller than 768 onResize? i've tried the following things, but they don't work:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Website With Sliding Background (4 Scenes)

May 21, 2010

This is my first time using Flash to create a website. I am not familiar with Action Script, its functions classes etc., however I am familiar in programming in JAVA. I will be using ActionScript 3 and Flash CS5. (I have Flash CS4 also if needed). I am trying to create a website with a scrolling background that has 4 different scenes. I have attached an image to illustrate my idea. There will be a user interface, consisting of 4 buttons, which will be on stage at all times. Each of the button will correspond to a different scene of the background. So if the user clicks on the third button, the background will slide itself until the third scene appears on the stage.

Questions in mind:
How would the coding be like? I am planning to apply it to the button. So the background should shift ___ amount of pixels to the left or right depending on which scene the user is currently in. So if background is currently at position 800,0 (so the user is currently in scene 2) and the user clicks on 4th button. The background should move -1600 so the 4th scene will appear on stage. I am guessing there is 16 different cases I have to address. Assuming if that works, how would I also move the other objects on the scenes of background? Such as links to email address or my portfolio.

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