Flash :: AS3 GESTURE_SWIPE With N-Trig Powered Touch Screens

Oct 18, 2010

I'm currently developing a prototype using AS3 and trying out some touchscreen gestures. I'm compiling using AIR 2.0 and currently have GESTURE_ZOOM and GESTURE_ROTATE working but for some reason GESTURE_SWIPE is giving me a few headaches. I know It's possible as I've seen it working here, using the same laptop (DELL LATITUDE XT2 & N-TRIG) as I'm testing on.


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var mySin:Number = Math.sin(myVelocity);

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Displaying Different "screens" On The Stage As Movieclips?

Aug 2, 2011

Taking this thread to the next level and now making a Main.as class to display different "screens" of my game.For right now I only have 1 screen called ControlPanel, but this will eventually have multiple levels (each level will be a separate screen) and a level selection screen, etc. added. So at this point I'm losing control over how to give things access to the stage (in other words... it's getting really thick with multiple levels and this noob's brain is being overloaded lol).

To start off, I took all of my graphics that were on the stage by default (buttons, lights, meters, score text, etc.) and created a new symbol (MovieClip) that I called ControlPanel and checked off "Export for ActionScript" with a class name of ControlPanel. So now my games fla stage is black and I made it's document class Main.as. which looks like this:

public class Main extends MovieClip {
public var controlPanel:ControlPanel;
public function Main() {[code].........

Running this worked perfectly in that my Control Panel screen popped right onto the screen. Of course all the buttons didn't work yet but that is the next step. So I modified my old Game.as to now be called ControlPanel and read like so:

public class ControlPanel extends MovieClip {
private var docRef:Main;
private var _player:Player;[code]...........

this is a hodgepodge of ideas torn between the docRef and the View idea. I need to have access to the stage for my mouse and keyboard listeners, but then I also need access to the buttons in the ControlPanelView symbol. Do I need to pass both the view and the docRef here? How to I maintain access to the stage and the ControlPanelView graphic?

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Jun 25, 2009

how to develop a touch screen application using flash action script.  It is a kiosk type application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash: Build Flash Application With Touch Screen Monitor

Jun 9, 2009

My client ask me for build some flash application which will be show on his kiosk exhibition. And what I wondering is it any different kind of addEventListener for touch screen interface? Or it is similar like mouse click or double click?

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Zoom Flash Multi-touch On Windows 7 / Configurable?

Oct 29, 2009

I'm testing a Flash application in Windows 7 that uses the mouse wheel to perform a zoom. When I do a standard pinch gesture the app properly zooms in or out, so I'm guessing that somewhere the gesture is getting converted to mouse wheels. The only problem is that the zooming is really slow.

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Flash :: Iphone - Packager For IOS And Touch Events Don't Work

Jul 12, 2011

I am trying Flash CS5 for ios development, but TouchEvents don't works on my ipod. My ipod is jailbroken. The code I try is here:


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Flash :: Prevent Touch Event From Firing From Under Another Sprite

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to make a vieport in which you can pan by dragging the background image around. Here is what I've done: [URL] Note that I've hidden the mouse cursor and replaced it with 2 custom ones. The problem is, the event attached to the background, which is a touch event, fires even when the mouse is over a sprite/movieclip (the monkey or the stats) that's in front of that background. And the stats isn't even in the gameLayer (where the monkey and the bg and the mouse cursors are). Try to drag the stats around, and see that the background and everything else pans with it (this is unwanted). Also, I need to remove the custom cursor and show the regular cursor whenever the mouse is NOT on the background (i.e. when it's on the monkey or stats or any new sprites I may/will have in the future).


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Professional :: No Scroll Bar In Low Res Screens?

May 10, 2007

I just designed a web site. It looks fine on my big screen, but a few people that I have sent it to cannot see the whole thing. They say there is no scroll bar on the right side to go down. When I lower my screen resolution to 800x600, I get a scroll bar. Are they using an old version of flash maybe? I am using Flash 9 plugin. In my publish settings, I require at least 8 and I have my dimensions set to pixels under HTML. Here is the web site: [URL]

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May 19, 2007

I'm making a slide show presentation, I have a child screen nested inside a parent screen. When I load the child the MC inside it seems to have already been played. I tried adding a stop(); in the first frame inside the MC then calling a gotoandplay in the first frame of the child but it doesn't seem to work and the MC doesn't play...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Touch Events Slowing Display In Air Android?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm still having some problems understanding these touch events...or maybe something else..can anyone enlighten me as to what i'm doing wrong in this code?? Only left as1&2 to go to 3 recently so I'm sure I have bad habits and misconceptions but. In the IDE i have a button on the stage called: "touchBtn" and a textfield called "timer"

the problem i have is that if i touch the button fast / lots, the display rate really slows down...I know this is down to something I'm doing totally wrong but not sure what..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To One Of The Screens Referenced In The Constructor

Jul 8, 2009

basically my program has this part in it where it emulates this menu system that's on a piece of hardware. So in my code I just have a bunch of objects in a hierarchy to represent the menu. Each object constructor has references to other screens. When these buttons are pressed, they go to one of the screens referenced in the constructor.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Switching Screens In Levels?

Apr 21, 2011

When the character touches the escape, the level loads of course but neither character or the exit shows up.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Actionscript 3 :: Make Scrollable UI In Touch Flash CS5 For Mobile Devices (Primarily IOS)?

May 3, 2011

I wanted to know how I would make a whole symbol (an image) scrollable? I have found out how to do the multi-touch pinch to zoom but I can't find any code samples that will let me make the image scroll vertically only with one finger.

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Ios :: Cocoa Touch - Displaying Flash-based Youtube Videos On Devices?

Nov 14, 2011

Is it possible to display flashed-based youtube videos on ios devices?What solution do you use when you decide to embed youtube videos on your app?Or do I have to give up on all flash-based contents?

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