Flash :: Open A .swf To View Contents?

Apr 9, 2012

I want to get some images from a flash webpage and I got the .swf files. Is there a way to open the .swf and grab the contents of that file. I am not asking how to play the file or view the file. I actually want to open up the file and view its contents, if possible. I don't know anything about flash and tried searching already. It probably isn't possible since i didn't find any answers via search, but I wanted to try here first.

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Aug 26, 2009

I have a flex 3 application that creates an Image from a canvas which the user draws on. I use the ImageSnapshot class to create the image

var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot=ImageSnapshot.captureImage(myCanvas);
var imageByteArray:ByteArray=imageSnap.data as ByteArray;

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var printJob:FlexPrintJob=new FlexPrintJob();
printJob.addObject(myCanvas, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);

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Edit Contents - Delete Contents Of The Layer And Then Add The New Clip?

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Now go on the stage, and delete the contents of the last layer(background & pattern). Here, add from the library, the square movieclip, and name it mcBackColor(see attached image).And then to add your swf background in the "background & pattern" layer from the main.fla file.
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Professional :: View To A Webpage In Normal View?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
function PM3ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"));
I tried modifying the line as well. It also doesnt work.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"), "_blank");

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Rendering Div Contents In A Flash Movie?

Jul 2, 2009

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<div id="sectionone">content</div>
<div id="sectiontwo">content</div>
hide sectionone div and sectiontwo div
Display sectionone within flash movie when requested

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Flash :: Add Padding To The Contents Of A Textfield?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a textinput component on my stage with an instance name of "myTxt" I would like to add some left padding to the contents of this textfield. I've tried:

myTxt.setStyle("textPadding", 5); But it adds top (and I assume bottom and right) padding in addition to the left padding. What is the best way to simply add left padding to the textfield's contents?

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Html :: Extract The Contents Of A Div Using Flash?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a SFW embedded in a PHP page. There is also a div on the page with id="target".I want to access the content of that div (ie: the characters inside it) and hold them as a String variable in AS3. How can I do this?My attempt so far

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var myDivContent = ExternalInterface.call("function(){ return document.GetElementById('target');}");


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Aug 6, 2011

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IDE :: Flash CS3: Specify The Size Of A MovieClip's Contents?

Mar 30, 2009

I have an MovieClip that loads a slideshow (imagerotator to be exact). I'm using AS2 loadMovie to achieve this. The images in the slideshow appear way oversized, extending the width of the entire stage. How to I constrain the size of the slideshow/MovieClip contents?All the images are going to be the same pixel dimensions so it doesn't have to be anything fancy.

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Flash :: Get Dimensions Of Only DisplayObjectContainer's *visible* Contents?

Oct 8, 2009

A DisplayObjectContainer's dimensions change based on its contents.

That can be a LOT of contents, many of them with visible = false or masked, thus making them hidden. Is there a way to get only the visible contents of a DisplayObjectContainer similar to a TextField has the textHeight property, which gives you the exact dimension of what you see on-screen.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Clear The Contents Of Stage?

Sep 22, 2010

I have added some movie clips to the stage using addChild method on Some Mouse Events.Now on an event say Mouse Double Click I want to clean the stage.I checked the Stage class from reference it does not have any method called clear.Neither I have stored the references of the objects, so that i can clear them using removeChild()

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Flash :: Swfobject - Alternative Contents Loads?

Oct 5, 2011

I have a Flash map on my page. My problem is that when the page loads for a while I can see the alternative content and then the map.


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Publish Flash Contents To Facebook Stream

Oct 17, 2011

I want to share some flash file hosted in my website to Facebook stream, as far I knew my domain should be whitelisted by Facebook but unfortunately I don't know who can I do that. RL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Xml Out Of Flash And Set Node Contents?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to generate a simple node within some xml that i'm sending out of flash like this


i was using this:

tx = xmlOut.createTextNode(myVariable);

but this is causing ', ", etc. within my strings to be converted to character references...How can i set node contents otherwise?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Conditional Contents In A ComboBox?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to learn AS3 the hard way (i.e. just barrelling on into it), and I'm a bit stuck on this form that I'm putting together. Aside from the normal headaches associated with form building in Flash, I've got a series of conditional contents that I need to work out.Basically, it's a no-brains-required error reporting form, and it's covering three sites, with several buildings, and a couple of thousand computers. What I want to do is to limit the amount of selectable machines available as more fields are filled out in this form: say I chose site 1, I only want machines that are actually on site one to be available. Would it make more sense for this to be done at the server end, or is there a way of getting the combo boxes to check to see whether conditions have been met prior to displaying contents?

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