Flash :: Reset Checkbox By ID

May 9, 2011

I have hundreds of checkboxes in a VBox need to be reset from a "Reset" button.How do I convert "p1" into a checkbox component?[code]

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PHP Code:/DESTINATION--------------------------

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Anyone know?

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flash :: Actionscript 3 - Checkbox In Datagrid

Jul 10, 2011

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value for chekboxes is : 1 & 0. where 1 mean TRUE(selected) and 0 mean FALSE(not selected). my question is how to show checkboxes to be SELECTED for value 1?? as checkbox need an event to be occur for state change. I am using the following cellrender class.[URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reset Flash After Video?

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var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.connect (null);
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
theVideo.attachVideo (ns);


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If you go here, scroll ALL the way to the bottom and then click on "Donations" - you'll see the scrollbar stays in place.

How do I get it to refresh each time new text is loaded? I've tried refreshPane() and a few other things, but nothing works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Button Reset With Flash?

Aug 13, 2009

I recently made a flash banner that changes frames when you click the next frame and last frame buttons, and it also goes to the next frame on a timer. The thing is, I need the timer to go back to it's starting point when you click one of the buttons, so you don't end up seeing a frame for 2 seconds. Initially, the timer starts at 7 seconds, and when you click a button, I'd like it to go back to 7 seconds. Here's my .FLA file:[URL]

Also, whenever the banner goes through all of the frames and comes back to the first frame with the buttons, the first frame next_btn stops working for some reason.

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The windows are in a mess now, is there a button/menu that can reset the view so that it looks like what it's like originally?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reset A Flash Video Each Time They Log On

Oct 11, 2010

I am working in AS2 and I am wondering if someone knows how to make a video so it doesn't reset everytime the user logs in - it just remembers where they are and what they already clicked.I created a video that will be uploaded in a learning management system.Students can click on movie clips and make them disappear.What I would like to have happen is have the flash video remember which movie clips the student already clicked (and made disappear) so that the next time they log in the movie clips that should be invisable remain invisable (rather than starting over)Basically, it is like a little game, once saved you do not need to start at the beginning every time you go back to it.....it remembers where you left off.

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Flash :: Reset List Component So That Nothing Is Selected

Oct 28, 2009

I have a list component on the stage in an AS3 movie. I populate it with values at runtime and the user can select multiple values. When a button is clicked I want the list to reset to a state where nothing is selected, all I can figure out is to set the selected index to 0 and have the first position on the list either blank or reading "choose from the list" and make the code ignore this if it is selected. Is there a way to reset list (and combobox components) to nothing selected.

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Reset The Current Tab Index In Flash

Nov 29, 2010

For instance, if I have an ordered set of objects [a, b, c, d, e] with their tabIndex property correctly assigned, and the focus is currently on object c, I want to change the focus so that:

a) Nothing is focused;
b) Next time I press tab, object a gets focused.

stage.focus = null solves (a), however it remembers the current index causing object d to be focused when tab is pressed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Reset Button On A Flash File?

Mar 26, 2011

How can I make a reset button so when the file ends it resets all variables and code to the default run-time code and frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Drag & Drop Reset

Jan 30, 2009

The users have to drag-n-drop the right answer onto the question.The question data is pulled out of a SQL db trough an .NET form (fscommand ("getquestions", "1") for question 1, etc.I can get 1 question to work on 1 keyframe, but when I want to reset the question & fill it with another one (for example question 2) I cannot seem to find anyway to reset the whole frame & dump new data into the variables.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox In Flash - Check More Than One Box / Service At A Time?

Jan 22, 2009

Im working on a form in Flash/php. The form must contain the possibility of checking boxes, to order material on various services. My challenge is this: How do I make it possible to check more than one box/service at a time? As it is now, when you check box/service no. 2, the first one checked goes back to inactive. I think that the problem is, that I have used radioButtons and not checkboxes from the start. how to make the technique work all the way through (in AS as well as PHP)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checkbox - Converting HTML Form To Flash

Nov 25, 2009

I am converting an html form to a flash form. I am not so good with AS3 and it's the first time I have to create forms so it was quite difficult for me. I am almost done, I did the text fields and the comboboxes, so everything except the checkboxes works.

Here's the html code for the 5 checkboxes;
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Find Your Pace">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Stress Escape">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Time Revolution">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Ultimate Connections">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Contact Me About Life Coaching">...

Here's an example of how my flash form works;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("website");
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
varSend.data = variables;
[Code] .....

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