ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset The Scrollbar In Flash?
Mar 11, 2004
How do you reset the scrollbar in Flash? (I'm using the component, not a cusom scrollbar.)
If you go here, scroll ALL the way to the bottom and then click on "Donations" - you'll see the scrollbar stays in place.
How do I get it to refresh each time new text is loaded? I've tried refreshPane() and a few other things, but nothing works.
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Apr 26, 2009
how I would convert this vertical scrollbar into a horizontal scrollbar
heres the code:
onClipEvent (load) {
diff_y = bound_box._height-scroller._height;
bounds = bound_box.getBounds(this);
top = bounds.yMin+(scroller._height/2);
bottom = bounds.yMax-(scroller._height/2);
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Nov 25, 2009
With out getting into a ton of background I am wondering if there is a command that will reset all the variables in a swf at once with out having to do them individually?
I've googled and searched my books and can't find anything. Another option I could see is having the current flash reload, that would set everything back to the start but I couldn't find how to do that either.
Anyone know?
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Aug 11, 2010
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var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.connect (null);
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
theVideo.attachVideo (ns);
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Also, whenever the banner goes through all of the frames and comes back to the first frame with the buttons, the first frame next_btn stops working for some reason.
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a) Nothing is focused;
b) Next time I press tab, object a gets focused.
stage.focus = null solves (a), however it remembers the current index causing object d to be focused when tab is pressed.
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Jan 30, 2009
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Aug 19, 2010
Is it possible to make some kind of clickable object that resets a flash file? Say you're in a game and your character gets killed. By clicking on a button you you're taken back to the start of the flash file and all the variable reset to their starting positions. Basically I just want to make a button that reloads the flash file the same as hitting the reload button on your browser (except that it just reloads the flash file and not the entire web page).
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Dec 31, 2009
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Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem when the same page-to-page transition video needs to get invoked for two consecutive transitions. When playing the same video twice in a row, setting the source property of the component to the value it already has doesn't seem to do anything, meaning that my listeners for never fire. I could do something hackish like setting the source to a tiny, never-used-elsewhere FLV before setting it to the FLV that I'm actually using for the transition as a means of "resetting" the component, but I'd like to know what best practices are in a situation like this (insofar as best practices with something like the FLVPlaybackComponent can be discussed with a straight face).
I've perused the livedocs for the component but came up empty-handed, and manually using NetStream, NetConnection, and Video objects at this late stage isn't really an option.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have 2 overlapping movieclips on the stage. Both are instances of the same movieclip, but with different names. One bigger then the other, due to a magnifying effect. (I have tried to out-rule that code by the way, so its not that). The intention is to make both movieclips play when the mouse is over the stage and then stop as the mouse leaves the area. Seems simple and I have done that alot of times with other animations.
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May 11, 2011
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May 12, 2011
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flexLibProperties includeAllClasses="true" version="1">
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Apr 1, 2011
Basically what happens is 5 eggs fall from the top of the screen. What I'm trying to have happen is, to have flash recognize when all 5 have been clicked and goto and stop on frame 3. The other problem is I want the animation to reset when the timer runs out. Thus clearing all current eggs off the stage. I've zipped the 2 files I'm working with the (fla and as files).
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Jun 5, 2006
I know how to pass vars from php to flash and from flash to a "new" php page but here is my question.
I have a php page (page1.php) with some HTML and a php variable called $number. page1.php also has an embedded test.swf movie. While working with the test.swf movie, I want to send data back to the $number var on the page1.php without reloading the page1.php because then it would reload the test.swf movie.
I have been able to use javascript to change background colors on page1.php from within the test.swf movie but cannot figure out how to set a php variable from within the test.swf movie.
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Apr 9, 2009
I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0. I have a flash timeline that shows 4 tabs and cycles through them. There is also a play/pause button. My issue is that when you click one of the tabs, you start the timeline up again, but the play/pause button doesn't reset. I have the full Flash file, as well, if needed. [URL]
Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)
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Jan 20, 2010
I am new to flash and I'm trying to do a button. This button should play a short video clip when I would go mouse over it. On Mouse Out, the video should stop and reset.
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Jan 17, 2011
I am using Flash builder 4 to both build and manage (via cvs) projects. In recent days my designer has been having trouble committing to CVS, leaving a project blocked. I have troubleshooted troubleshot tested CVS and it is working fine (others can commit and retrieve without a hitch).
in an effort to start from scratch - I have removed the flash builder application (dragging it to the trash, its a Mac) as well as using the uninstaller (which does not work as well as I would have thought), but on reinstall - all preferences are still there - CVS connection and all.
is there a file or set of files I can delete to reset all of the prefs for Flash Builder (built on eclipse if that helps)?
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