I tried converting a .swf file into .avi through ffmpeg, and I got the error 'compressed swf format not supported'. How does a compressed .swf differ from an uncompressed .swf file? How do you specify which one you want to make, and is it even possible to? How would you decompress a compressed .swf and what should you expect to find? I googled a lot of these but I didn't manage to learn much from the bits and pieces I found.
We have create a flash file for both Touchscreen TV and Website.The document frame is is 1920x1080 however we would like to export the project so it can be seen on the website at the correct compression.Is there a way to export the SWF to the required 945x532.I know how to export it in the HTML however this reads the same SWF that is still too large in file size (not web friendly).I could pull the compression down to say 10% before exporting the SWF however there must be a better method.
I would like to add a very small and simple Flash audio player to my website. I have found lots of Flash MP3 players, but I can't seem to find players that will work with other types of audio files, such as aac/m4a/mp4.
I had previously been using Windows Media Server to stream WMA files on my site, but this only works for Windows users, and I need streaming to work for Mac users as well. So I think Flash is the way to go, but I cannot use mp3's because of licensing concerns.
I've been looking and looking for a flash player that supports other audio types, but can't find one. Is it true that flash has a native class for mp3, but doesn't have built-in support for others?
I read an Adobe article which demonstrated H.264 video playback support in Flash Player. Would video encoded in this format be more compressed than typical FLV videos? Should I be using this format for video I place on websites from now on?
The problem is that I suspect that in my handler I am only getting raw samples and not compressed samples. The reason for my suspicion is that the number of bytes I get per message is equal to 20 ms (which my definition is 1 speex frame) of raw audio and not compressed audio. Also the number of bytes doesnt change if I change the encodeQuality. Reading the documentation suggests that adobe will only compress the audio before transmission to a flash media server or another peer. Is there a way to publish and read the stream locally in order to get compressed samples. ? Or any other way to get the compressed samples?
I have imported voice-over into my flash animation project as a WAV file. When I test it within the library, it's perfect. When I play it back using "Play" under "Controls" it is slightly degraded. And then when I play it back using "Test Movie in flash professional" under "Control" and when I publish the file, the audio is severely compressed and distorted. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
I've written a SWF distributor which GZIPs the SWF then sends it as an SWF content type, it works just if the SWF used to loop it no longer does. Any reason why the compressed SWF doesn't loop the video/animation?
I have a string, I am compressing it with bytearray and save it to a file. In other application I am loading it and when I try to uncompress it, it's give me an error. How can I convert a compressed string in to bytearray type to be able to convert it? The code for compression: var b:ByteArray = new ByteArray();b.writeMultiByte(t,"iso-8859-1")b.compress();
I can think of to prevent my external images from being compressed. I have a few png files being pulled into flash via XML and AS3. For some reason the images that are being pulled in are being compressed and look terrible. What can i do to prevent them from being compressed so much. They are pulled in via an empty movieclip.URL...Here is the AS that is being used to pull the images in and the XML information.[code]
Does the uncompress method of ByteArray only supports level 3 compressed streams? Because I have a valid zlib compressed file but compressed in level 2, and Flash always throws me the 2058 error message.
I've also tried using the DefaultCompressionAlgorithm class for AIR with its two compression methods, but with no success.
Doing some quick tests with python using the same file gets uncompressed with no problems.
i am developing video chat system , one side is model, another sider is customer. Now i want that model sider stream sended to FMS, and then FMS make two streams, that the one stream is regular, the other stream is compressed. the compressed stream is just for administrator, so it should be small.
I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
If you have an .as file in the global include directory do you have to upload it to your server with the flash file or does it compile the flash file with the included info?
I have to work with a .fla file. I would like to rewrite this file in AS3. Is it possible? I mean, I would get a .swf file as result of compilation of mxml file in Flash Builder 4 IDE, not Flash CS5 (I don't know CS5, I'm a newbie) . Main target is getting a .swf file by compilation of mxml file, not fla file. Could you explain in detail how this code works? For example what's TXT ? Is it a inputText? Where is this variable defined? Now I 'm linking .fla file ....
I have the need to change a variable in a child Flash file.
The setup is a parent Flash file, that has called a child Flash, and placed it in a movieClip.
I can send a variable using Javascript to the parent Flash file, but not directly to the child Flash file. Is there a way that I can access the child Flash file directly with Javascript?
Or do I need to send the variable to the parent Flash file, and then have the parent send the variable to the child Flash file? Is there a sort of dot notation that I can use with Javascript to get to the child Flash file without first accessing the parent, when the child is added to the parent using the loadClip function in flash?
I have created a booklet in InDesign cs4 that includes page turn transitions. I have saved it as a SWF file and it works perfectly on my PC with the ability to sweep through the page turns. My issue is now, what type of file can I export the SWF file to so that I can view it on an iPad and am still able to have the page curls?
I'm having some problems inserting my ammap into my webpage. I've read through the documentation and it isn't helping. The map works with if I use the .html file in my original folder but all the paths are relative and I'm trying to make this work in an ASP.NET MVC project using visual studio. It's rather tough to explain the problem since I don't know what's wrong (no javascript or flash debugger).Here is the code that embeds the ammap:
Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):
Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!) SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation fancyupload - looks buggy.
phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?
I need to find a way to detect keystrokes when the flash file is not selected and send that information to an .swf file. The file would be stored locally (not on the internet).
is there a simple way to just pull back a true or false value from an associated javascript file to a flash file? here is what i have:
Code: var bincheck:Boolean = fscommand("eval", "parent.check_bins(\'"+img+"\')"); if (!bincheck){return false;} return true;
check_bins(img) is a function in my javascript file that simply iterates through an array, returning false if "img" is found. im simply trying to get the true or false value back into flash, but its not proving that simple. i added a couple alerts so that i could see what the "bincheck" value was, and i keep getting an 'undefined' value for "bincheck" in flash.
how to pass variables from one Movie clip's AS file to my Main AS file. Let say my Movieclip's AS file is calling damage = 1; so how the Main AS file retrieve the damage value from the Movieclip's AS?
Code: public class robotMC extends MovieClip { public function robotMC() {
I have a Flash movie which is embeded in 'base.aspx' file, when a button is clicked in the flash movie another 'something.aspx' file need to be called.When I run the flash movie from the Adobe Flash Professional CS3 IDE , it (the flash movie) calls the 'something.aspx' file just as expected.However when I embed the flash movie in to the 'base.aspx' file it doesn't work as expected .
I have a problem with SharedObject. I created SharedObject using AS2.0 it's working fine.... my question is can it possible to store the variable values in an .txt file where the flash file is saved... basically the SharedObject will store the vallues in localdrive with file extention. not only using SharedObject if any other way to store the vaules in .txt file will be helpfull for me... my requirement is to store the the position of the swf file and when the time it reopen, it should start from previous position.
I changed a layer entry of my Flash file by moving around various elements within the layer. I sitll have the original file, too. I'd like to put it back exactly like it was in the original file. How do I replace the changed sprite element from the new file with the original from the old file?
I am using a flipbook Flash/Actionscript 3.0 framework for a digital magazine[url]...
You can have videos embedded in the pages of the flipbook, but they can not be display fullscreen like Youtube videos, for example.
The flipbook can also import swf files to display as pages of the flipbook, so another way of embedding videos into a page of the flipbook would be to have the video player in the swf page you are embedding. This gives you more control over the style and the positioning of the video.
My question is: Is there a way with AS3.0 to togle the embedded video from normal predefined size to fullscreen and back?
I am very new to ActionScript. I have a .fla file which contains the AS2 code for the frames. What I need to do is that I have to export this code as a separate file. There may be a separate file(or class file) for each frame code. Is it possible to me do it automatically without losing animation interactivity and functionality? Or is there any other way?
Let me give the context first. A user opens a local html file which has a reference to a network url of an swf file to embed.
(1) If the embed swf requests a local image file , will Flash allow the request? ( 2) If the embed swf requests an image file on a non local url other than one of the swf file, will Flash check a crossdomain.xml file on the url?