Flash :: Use A Method Of A Class Inside A Callback Function ?
Sep 13, 2011
When you call a method of a class inside a callback function, you can not use this object.To call the method, in javascript, I declare that variable, assign this to that, and use that inside the callback to call the method of this.In actionscript, do I have to do the same way as I do in javascript?The following code is the example to use that to call a method inside callback.Are there more simple way in actionscript?
class C {
private var that:C;
function C() {[code]......
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private var myProperty:Number = 1; //default is 1
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[Code] .....
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ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property placeChar not found on flash.display.Sprite and there is no default value.
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import fl.IBanner;
import fl.Banner;
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protected var _hp:uint = 50; //Character Health Points
protected var _power:uint = 5; //Damage dealt
I`m instancing a Character and a Player in the Main Timeline, all in frame 1.
When I use: ""player.attack(character)"" it works fine by itself.
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1061: Call to a possibly undefined method win through a reference with static type Character.
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package {
public class myClass extends MovieClip {
public function myClass(callback) {
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ActionScript Code:
var newClass:MovieClip = new myClass;
I've tried putting parent. before it etc - just to note this isnt my actual code I'm working on but a simplified version of it.
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Call to a possibly undefined method through a reference with static type
For example, in some random class there is a function defined like this :
public function GetID() : String { return m_strID; }
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public function GetIDFoo() :String { return m_strID; }
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[Code] .....
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override a custom class method with a function expression? For instance, if I want to change the destination of a button on the fly, I could theoretically type:
var new_destination:Function = function(evt:Event):void{ go_to_new_place();};
myButtonClass.mouse_clicked = new_destination;
but unfortunately that generates an error because the class method "mouse_clicked" is already defined in my class (with the eventListener tied to it). I tried using the "override" keyword in the Function Expression but that didn't work either.
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Oct 25, 2005
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class Foo {
private my_mc:MovieClip;
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Jul 14, 2010
1- i have class and i called its before and its running on runtime. i need to call function inside this class from another class, but without call the first one again, because if i called it, it will run default class function again is this doable ?
2- What super() mean ?
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Aug 1, 2011
i want to call an external function inside a class. thats the code;
in checkConnectionStatus function,
this[_funcNameForSucceededCon].apply(); doesnt work because "this" is the class, not the Application. How can i reach Application at this time or what can i do?
package myLibrary
import air.net.URLMonitor;
import flash.events.Event;
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Jan 18, 2006
class className () {
function className(targetmc,linkId) {
My question is how can I set up an interval when I click on a button that is created from within the class.
I need my function updater to keep repeating untill I clear the interval.The only way I can figure out is to give the full path like this._parent._parent.instanceName.updater inside the setInterval, but although this works I think is just dumb to hardcode the instace name of the class. I could of course try to pass the instance name as a parameter, but I would really love to find out the smart way to do this (by the book).
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o.type = "focus";
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Dec 11, 2007
From what I understand, this should work:
How do I keep the cycles active, and also call a function at the end of each cycle/tween? Right now I can remove the soundHammer call back and the tween will continue to cycle, and if I remove the cycle soundHammer is called properly, but obviously it doesn't cycle anymore.
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Jun 20, 2010
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this.onEnterFrame = myFunction;
If I add another enter frame listener, will this replace the old one, or add to the old one, so both functions will run when frames are entered? And how do I remove these listeners?
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Feb 7, 2009
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private function setTimer():Void
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Aug 12, 2009
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May 20, 2010
I have been trying to convert the watch function code into AS 3. I am totally new to AS 3 and could not find the solution yet. Here is my code -
The variable 'buttons' must be in the root timeline. And, I cannot use this variable inside any other class.
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