Flex :: Button To Simulate Key Press?
Mar 2, 2012
I have a TextArea with undo/redo which is performed via ctrl+z, ctrl+y. My app is a mobile app with no cntrl on the soft keyboard so I want to make an undo and a redo button which simulates the keypresses. How do you simulate keys in Flex?
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm creating a virtual keyboard for a touchscreen Flex app and i'm trying to simulate a key press by dispatching a KeyboardEvent. I've written a handler function to listen for the event and act accordingly. So far so good but it's starting to get complicated as i have to manage the focused textInputs (easy), the cursor position in those fields (not to so easy), etc.Now, if only there was a way to actually dispatch a KeyboardEvent that Flex would actually interpret as a genuine key press all those issues would be gone.
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Feb 21, 2011
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Sep 28, 2011
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Full story - My application (a scheduling application) allows the user to replace one student with another. In order to do this, the user can bring up a list of available students. Once the list is presented, and the user selects a new students name, that new name is supposed to replace the old name. Instead, the text box simply goes blank. Now, if I click a image (which acts like a button) that increases the length of a that scheduled activity by one day, the name appears for whatever reason. I've tried simply calling the function that increases the number of days, but it doesn't work. For some reason, it would appear that only the user clicking the image (button) seems to make the new user name show up in the text box. This is why I would like to simulate the user clicking the "increase by 1 day" image.
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Jul 19, 2007
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Mar 14, 2007
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I want to change the jpeg the button loads in depending whether a separate navigation button has been pressed -
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-car pics
-lorry pics
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It's a simple sample that if you click on the bookmark and you can get access to it.
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May 14, 2010
here is my code,
This is running on Enterframe but I want to ratate 180 degree and on button press and hold button
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May 29, 2008
i have a set of buttons cranked out from and XML file. how can i emulate, in code, a press on one of those buttons? i'd like to 'press' one of them for an initial state so that the list it controls will load first off instead of waiting for the person to click it manually and THEN show the list it's connected to. thing is, the first loaded list is going to be random, so i need to 'press' what on another day/load would be a button that the user would press themselves.
in other words, i have 3 buttons. on random, i have to 'press', say button 2, to start. users can press 1 or 3 and then 2 again if they like. another time, it's button 1 that gets 'pressed' on load, etc. make sense? i have a sneaking suspicion it might be easy... or stupidly convoluted.
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Feb 19, 2011
If you know Flex, you probably know what the property "includeInLayout" does. If not, this property make the parent of your component disregard the bounds (like width and height) of your component in render their own bounds.Description in reference below:
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. If true, the object is included in its parent container's layout and is sized and positioned by its parent container as per its layout rules. If false, the object size and position are not affected by its parent container's layout http:[url]...
In Flex, for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
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Dec 20, 2005
I have 6 button call m1-m6...ok my problem is how to disabled button when one of the button being press...and also stt.text will display crrently selected button...coz currently when I press the button it never stated and also 'stt.text ' also show nothing.
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May 31, 2011
I wish while i am draging and moving arround TitleWindow instance and a specific event occure to simulate drop of the window, and not further moving been possible for a few seconds.It is very unusual question but it will be more than handy each point to a solutionP.S: The whole idea is as follow : When i am draging a TitleWindo instace with the mouse, and if the TitleWindow hit the border of it's parent container then to drop the TitleWindow, and not further moving is possible (simulating release mouse button). If i wish to move it again, then i should click the TitleWindow title again and grag it.
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Jan 19, 2012
I know how to make a button and all.. but what do I do to make it go to the next scene?
scene 1: Startsidan
scene 2: Sidan
I made a frontpage and when I click on the picture I want it to go to scene 2, where it enters the inside.
the button is called PortalenKnappen, I want to be able to just press on it and it will go to the "sidan(scene 2)" that's empty at the moment.
what would I have to write? I've tried "portalenKnappen.onPress nextScene("sidan", 1"); but it doesn't work.
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Jun 12, 2006
I know theres a way to do this.how to press a button with AS[code]...
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Aug 11, 2009
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Sep 19, 2010
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