Flex :: EPub Viewer - Control Exist Out Of The Box For Flex?

Jan 7, 2011

Does any such control exist out of the box for Flex? I see people say things like "EPUB is just a zip file of XML and HTML files, so it shouldn't be too hard"... yeah, I get that... but if such a control exists, I wouldn't have to write it.

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Display Epub Files Using Flex 4.6?

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Flex :: Encoding For RTF Text - Does One Exist

Nov 2, 2011

I'm wondering if there is an encoding like UTF8/16 that can account for characters that are bold, italic, underlined, and super/sub-scripted? If not, is it under consideration by the powers that be? Reason for the question is that I have a large excel file where many cells contain rtf text such as italics, bold, superscript; and I need to access the information on a row-by-row basis. I know I can save the file in html or xml, but I would like to import the data into MySQL - keeping the formatting - and then being able to access the data a row at a time.

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Flex :: Override Child Node Controls In A Flex Tree Control?

Aug 20, 2010

I am currently developing a dynamic LineChart in FLEX 4.I am implementing a Tree control next to my LineChart, which will filter the LineChart dataprovider and lineseries. The tree control has several branches and ultimately 5 children (leaf nodes) at the bottom of the last branch.I need the leaf node/children to be displayed as checkboxes inside the tree control.As I understand,this will require overrides in the TreeItemRenderer class.This is where I am a little confused on how to implement that.Currently I can distinguish between leaf and branches using this code, in my main MXML component.I added this because it may be helpful to some beginning FLEXdevelopers, such as myself, who cannot easily find this functionality documented well:

private function treeClick(e:ListEvent):void {
_selectedItem = Tree(e.currentTarget).selectedItem;
if(mainTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(_selectedItem)) {[code].....

I am looking at the TreeItemRenderer override class from the following example here: In the example, they override the "createChildden" super function to add checkboxes to the tree control.My question is, can I override the createChildren function directly in my MXML component, and not have to use an entire class file to override this functionality? Must I re-invent the wheel to do this?Also, how can I distinguish that my treeItem is a leaf node and not a parent, in the override function? I only want to add checkboxes to the leaf nodes, how can I differentiate? The following example adds checkboxes to all branches and leaf nodes, but I want to add checkboxes only to leaf node/children. How would you approach that?

override protected function createChildren( ): void
super.createChildren( );[code]............

Here is my tree tag:

<mx:Tree id="mainTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemRenderer="TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer" labelField="@label" showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="treeClick(event)" />

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Jan 18, 2010

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I gives me an error code:1151: A conflict exist with definition mysound in namespace internal. I and also the website doesn't function properly like my intro movie doesn't play and then it skips thorough everthing else.

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Jan 25, 2012

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Jan 25, 2010

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Jan 27, 2011

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Jul 2, 2009

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I tried using an array of objects as a dataprovider. The item renderer works and the horizontallist behaves as I expect it to. However, when I use an xml file, it's empty.... I don't know why it's not working.

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Flex :: Set Property Of A Control On A Different State?

Jan 20, 2011

Latest_News_Display is under the Latest_News state. I want to set Latest_News_Display's x property even if the currentState is set to Intro. However, when I try to use Latest_News.Latest_News_Display.x = 10,it returns an error that says 1120: Access of undefined property Latest_News

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Flex :: Set Focus On UI Control, Button, Etc?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm trying to set focus on a specific button when the app launches (or later based on certain events), so that the user can simply hit return to press the button. None of the following approaches work however.

protected function group1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void

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Flex :: Button Or Any Control With Two Labels?

Feb 14, 2011

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Flex :: Add Checkbox To Datagrid Control?

Feb 24, 2011

i have a datagrid in my flex application, i am binding datagrid with arrayCollection, now i want to add checkbox control to datagrid column and i dont want to bind chekcbox to arraycollection values. i want something like this without binding checkbox column field with arryayCollection.

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Flex :: Set An Application Control Bar's Color In It?

Mar 16, 2011

I can't seem to figure out how to set the application control bar's background color in flex 4? It doesn't have the backgroundColor property, and I'm a little stuck.

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Flex :: Use Proxy In It's HTML Control?

Mar 21, 2011

I want to use a proxy on the HTML Control found in Adobe AIR.I have tried looking at the AS3 docs on Adobe but honestly, it didn't explain the usage clearly to me and looking at Adobe's example, I can't seem to make out anything off of it.

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Flex :: RichText Vs Label Control

Apr 16, 2011

I have a flex project where I uses the spark RichText control quite extensively, there are places where it is possible for me to replace RichText with the Label control - (The rich text occurred due an import from Flash Catalyst). My question is, is there any space/performance advantage in using Label over RichText, since Label seems like a much lighter option, I am building a web app, size matters.

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Jun 7, 2011

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Aug 2, 2011

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