Flex :: Get Name Of Stream?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm implementing a peer-to-peer video conference application in Flex using the new RTMFP protocol and NetGroups..

Let's say the name of the group is Group1.What I want to do is; When a new peer connects to Group1; create a new video display for each joining peer and play his/her stream right away.

I listen to the NetStatus event of the NetConnection and on "NetStream.Connect.Success"; I want to add the new peer and play his/her stream.[code]...

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Media Server :: Close Another Live Stream B If Opening When Stream A Is Closed?

Aug 28, 2010

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Media Server :: Recording RTMFP P2P Stream By Sending Simultaneous Stream To FMS

Oct 8, 2010

Only just getting started on this whole domain of learning, so go easy!If I set up a P2P video/audio chat (similar to the sample VideoPhone thing on the Cirrus site), can I get the stream from both parties to send to a server at the same time so that I can record it? If so, would I have to use a FMS to stream it to and perform the recording (and if so which version could I get away with)? Are there any (preferably free, or just tutorialised) solutions for the recording side of things?
Currently it seems like the only option for doing the P2P thing is to use Stratus/Cirrus unless I use FMS4 Enterprise.
how effective this kind of situation can be, in terms of quality of the stream and recording? Does any of this make sense?

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Media Server :: Write Access Denied For Stream Error When Recording Audio Stream

Jul 26, 2010

I've had FMS running on my local machine for a while and have had a little experience writing FMS apps, but I've just tried recording audio for the first time using the standard vod application and I keep getting a "Write access denied for stream" error. My AS3 code is copied and pasted for various examples and am confident that it works.
I'm running Windows XP service pack 3 & FMIS 3.5.
I've had a look at the vod/media directory and under windows->properties the read-only attribute is ticked. Every time I un-tick this it reverts back to being ticked. I've googled this and MS say that most programs ignore the read-only attribute and that it only really applied to files. I've also tried the MS fix for setting the read-only attribute via cmd and still no joy (doesn't fix read-only attribute or FMS recording the audio after setting via cmd).
I've also tried our dev server install of FMS (running under linux) and am getting the same results.
Here's my AS3 code...
private function initApp(event:Event):void


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Media Server :: RTMFP Multicast Stream Has Exceeded Max Duration Allowed Closing Stream?

May 9, 2011

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Media Server :: Dynamic Live Stream Don't Take The Best Stream For Bandwith

Mar 9, 2010

I build a client side application where is only a FLVPlayback2.5 component and a short AS3 script.


My Encoder is setup with three streams: Vid: 500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 800 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 1500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbps I start the encoder and everything looks fine in the log. In my browser (Safari or Firefox) I go to my html site and the stream starts after 6-8 sec. But anytime with the lowest bitrate 548 kbps and nothing look like the stream is switching to another bitrate. I tried it with the smil playlist and the result is the same. Only the lowest bitrate is plublished.


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Media Server :: Access Log- Stream Play & Stream Stop?

May 24, 2010

I have recently installed FMIS 3.5.3. In checking the access logs I find data in both logs that display the same stream stop and stream play time .I'm not sure why the time is the same (00:19:27 example below). Videos play fine when testing from work (T3 connection). However, occasionally a very slight hesitation when playing video from home (I have cable connection). [code]...

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What could be causing this? Is the stream cut off too soon? Is the client unable to send buffered data to the server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Audio Stream Meta Data From An Akamai FMS Stream

Jul 21, 2009

I am having trouble getting audio stream meta data from an Akamai FMS stream. Everything is undefined and I'm not sure why. I am hoping maybe someone will notice something that I am overlooking. The stream is connecting and playing without a problem I just can't seem to figure out why all the meta data is undefined.


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Professional :: Sound Stream From One Clip Playing Over Stream From Another

Jan 23, 2011

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Dec 12, 2011

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Encoder settings:
Bit Rate: 150,500,700
FMS URL: rtmp://myserver/livepkgr
Stream: liveevent%i?adbe-live-event?liveevent

FMS 4.5

I see the following directories being created when I start encoding and each directory has a single file with a .stream extension in them. Are these correct? fC:FMS-HOMEapplicationslivepkgrevents\_definst_liveevent1[code].....

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ActionScript 3 :: Flex : How To Stream A Webcam

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Flex :: Camera Stream In Flash?

Dec 30, 2010

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public function receive(???:???):void{
//othercam is a graphic element(VideoDisplay)
othercam.??? = ????;


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Jul 25, 2011

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I have a narration and a nav bar. When I click the button for Section 2, the audio for Section 1 continues to play on top of the audio for Section 2.

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Flex :: Programmatically Stream Audio With NetStream?

Dec 31, 2009

In Flex you can stream microphone audio to an FMS/Red5 server using NetStream.attachAudio, which requires a Microphone object. Is it possible to stream audio through the NetStream from somewhere other than a Microphone? For example, from a file/embedded resource?

The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to be able to run automated tests that don't require using an actual microphone.

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Flex :: Actionscript - Cancel A Net Stream To Fms Server?

Jan 4, 2010

Is there a way to cancel a netstream publish from flex to a flash media server?

The issue is I have code where I can Start/Stop a recording to my Flash media server. However in my front end I have a cancel button which allows the user to cancel the current recording and all this code essentially does it close the netstream. But the issue is it still creates the file on my flash media server even though the user has canceled the stream. Is there a function that I can call that will clear up the stream and remove the file that was created?

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Flex :: Access The Remote IP Of A RTMFP P2p Stream?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm writing a communication system, using Actionscript 3 and C#. Flash is used to communicate with RTMP server and stream video and audio using RTMFP p2p, but the actual client logic is handled in C#.

What I want to be able to do, is allow users to share files between each other also using a direct p2p connection. I have got the RTMFP connection working but I need to access the IP address of the remote user so I can initiate a connection to send or receive files.

I looked at the Adobe docs but I can't see anything except how to access the farID.

Is there a way to get the IP of a RTMFP stream?

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Flex :: Apply Filters On Publishing Stream

Dec 6, 2010

I've developed a Flash video recorder(using AS3, Flex) which captures live web cam and streams to Wowza media server.I am trying to apply sharpness, contrast, saturation and sharpness filters on the live video being captured.I am able to apply filter effects on the video being captured on the screen. How do we apply the filters so that it reflects in the stream being published ?

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C# :: Uploading File From Flex To WCF REST Stream

Mar 24, 2011

The system is a Flex application communicating with a WCF REST web service. I am trying to upload a file from the Flex application to the server and am running into some issues. I'm using a FileReference in the Flex app to browse and upload the file as defined here: [URL]. I am then receiving the file as a Stream (shows as System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.StreamFormatter.MessageBodyStream in the debugger) in the WCF REST web service (using project type of WCF 4 REST Service)

[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "_test/upload")]
public void UploadImage(Stream data) {
// TODO: just hardcode filename for now
var filepath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\_testfile.txt");
using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(filepath)){
[Code] .....

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Flex :: VideoDisplay Control Does Not Open Stream

Jul 9, 2011

I'm trying to make VideoDisplay playing media with FlashDevelop. Here's the source of my application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]">
import mx.events.VideoEvent;
private function pause():void {
[Code] .....

The problem is when I build application and run it (unfortunately, got no idea how to run it without KMPlayer or Mozilla - Flash Player is a plugin afaik) I got no video. The movie file is in the same directory as application's "Application.flv" one. But if I reload application (within player or browser) a few times, video starts. So, here are my questions: What's wrong with VideoDisplay component and how to fix this 'non-playing'? What's the better way to execute application than running it within movie player or browser?

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Actionscript 3 :: Play Windows Mms Stream In Flex?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm developing a Flex app (Flash Builder 4.5 AIR app). Flex can play other streams but it does not supports mms://url stream. can anyone suggest some sort of codec library in actionscript/flex. I want to design a stream radio app for desktop.

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Flex :: Restore Spark VideoDisplay Stream?

Dec 8, 2011

how to receive an event when the streams disconnects that would be great.

The documentation for this control is simply horrible. I have an application that will have a live video stream and I'm looking for a way to make the VideoDisplay control restore its connection in case of the occurrence of any of these specific scenarios:

The application starts and the stream is not online yet. The application is streaming and the user is disconnected from the internet. The application is streaming and the video server crashes and reboots.

I'm using Wowza Media Server and Wirecast to test this. 1 and 3 don't work, I'm not sure number 2 does. I made number 1 work by adding this very questionable piece of code:


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Flex :: Red5: Send The Microphone Stream?

Dec 22, 2011

i am using red5 and flex. Actually my objective is to send microphone stream from the server to the client and play it on the client side. Similarly send microphone stream from client to server and play it on the server side. No need to store the live stream.

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Flex :: Flash - Buffer + Live Stream Via RTMP?

Jan 27, 2010

Live streaming and a buffer on a NetStream do not mix. Why? The docs don't say you can't do this.The playback gets hosed. Buffer is supposed to fill to what you set it to before playing. Instead though, about half the time, the player starts playing right away and disregards the buffer time you've set. Then you get caught in short buffering and rebuffering cycles that degrades the playback experience.

Give it a shot yourself. Here is the simplest of live streaming video players. No frills. Just connect it to your live stream by changing the defaultURL string and stream name in the ns.play() statement.

Run it in Flex debug mode. It will check and print the ns.bufferLength property every second. The buffer is set to 20 secs currently. Last time I ran it, I never made it above 2 seconds in the buffer. Player started playing right away instead of buffering the full 20 secs first. Sometimes you get to the full 20 and sometimes not.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"


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Flex :: Change The Sound Volume Of A Live Stream?

Apr 20, 2010

I have something like this:

private var myVideo:Video;
public var videoDisplay:UIComponent;


how can I change the volume of this stream, I would like to bind the volume to a slider

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Flex - Disconnect A Subrscribed Stream From The Publisher Of The Netstream?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a publisher who publishes a netstream using stratus p2p. This is then connected to by player who subscribes to the netstream.

I believe one can reject the subscriber when the stream tries to connect by using the onPeerConnect method of the netstream's client. However, I would like to boot the subscriber after they have been connected.

There are potentially other subscribers to that netstream so I cannot just close it. How would I boot a particular subscriber without closing the published netstream?

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