Flex :: Labels On Both Sides Of A HSlider Or VSlider Control?

Jun 23, 2009

Is there some way to have labels on both sides of a VSlider control? I need this to show meters on one side and feet on the other side....

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Flex :: Remove HSlider Horizontal Control Line?

Mar 31, 2010

Does anyone know how can the horizontal control line be removed or made invisible. What am trying to say is, I just want to show the drag-thumb and not the horizontal line.Is there a way to do so, with out using skins?

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Flex :: Button Or Any Control With Two Labels?

Feb 14, 2011

How can I have two labels on a Flex button, one label on top and another on the bottom?

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Flex :: Use A Vslider As Scrollbar For A List?

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Flex :: Using An Image As A HSlider?

Feb 16, 2010

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| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

With 2 thumbs (min and max values) that would stay in the middle of each box.

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Flex :: Zoom A Canvas Through Hslider?

Jun 19, 2009

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Flex :: Skinning - HSlider - Set Different Skins For Different Thumbs?

Jul 1, 2009

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Oct 12, 2009

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Flex :: HSlider Dragging Using Slider Track?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to create a simple Music player has play/pause button and an HSlider that shows the position of the song as it is playing using a custom SliderThumbClass. I would like allow the user to drag/drop the sliderthumb or click on the sliderbar to change the position of the song currently playing.

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As expected, thumbDrag/Press/Release events are not triggered when the user clicks on the sliderTrack - What events should I be subscribing for to handle this case?



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Sep 1, 2010

how to skin the datatip of a hslider component.

I have created a 3 skins with degrafa. One for the track, one for thumb and one for the datatip. I had no problem attaching the skins for the track and thumb of the hslider component. But how can i skin the datatip?

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Sep 13, 2010

I have a simple application that consists of a HSlider and a list that contains a item renderer with a border container managed by a tile layout. For some reason when moving the slider to reduce the size of the item renderer it only reduce to a certain size and wont reduce any further. I use the same principle in flex 3 (with mx components it works fine).


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Nov 15, 2010

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Flex :: Using HSlider: Coercion Of Event To SliderEvent

Sep 5, 2011

I'm porting a pure Flash/AS3 application to Flex 4.5 this code:

import mx.events.SliderEvent;


gives me the error

Implicit coercion of a value with static type flash.events:Event to a possibly unrelated type mx.events:SliderEvent.

How do I fix that? The Adobe HSlider doc is unusually sparse.

Is mx.events.SliderEvent still okay to use in a Flex 4.5 application?

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Flex :: Using HSlider: Coercion Of Event To SliderEvent?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm porting a pure Flash/AS3 application to Flex 4.5 this code:

import mx.events.SliderEvent;


gives me the error

Implicit coercion of a value with static type flash.events:Event to a possibly unrelated type mx.events:SliderEvent.

How do I fix that? The Adobe HSlider doc is unusually sparse.

Is mx.events.SliderEvent still okay to use in a Flex 4.5 application?

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Flex :: Text Box Value Should Increase While Hslider Start Drag

Jun 3, 2010

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Flex :: Force 4 Spark Hslider Snap To Certain Values?

Oct 19, 2010

I remember using values array on good old mx:HSlider, is there any workaround for s:HSlider?!Basically I need slider to choose values between 300 and 2500 in following steps 300,500,1000,2000,2500.

<s:HSlider id="franchiser"
skinClass="components.HorizontalSlider" x="0" y="0"


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Flex 3.5 :: Flash HSlider Event Listener Not Triggered When Value Is Updated

Aug 16, 2010

I am writing a web application that will serve as a configuration for a random data generator that I have written in Java.The values that I set in this application will write to xml. The xml data is updated by a file called simulationParams.as and that file is added to each child in the "viewStack" so that when I change any of those values the simulationConfig file will be automatically updated.The problem is that when I press the randomizeBtn the proper events are fired and the listeners grab those events.My problem exists when I uncheck the randomize button.For some reason an event is triggered or the listener isnt listening so that when I uncheck randomizeBtn the values go back to their last position or value on the slider. Ex. if my initial value is 0 then press randomize the slider will go to 100. The config file updates and all is well.When I uncheck the randomizeBtn, the sliders value goes back 0 but the config file isnt update.The same thing happens when I press the useDefaultBtn for both selected/unselected, nothing gets updated.[code]

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Flex :: Spark Border Only On 3 Sides Of Button?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a skin class whose host component is a Toggle Button. I need to be able to add a border around it but only on the top, left, and right sides, As I understand it you have to the: <s:Line> component. So I added:

<s:Line left="0" top="0" right="0">

<s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="180" weight="2" caps="square">[code].....

This worked for the top line , But I can't seem to get the left and right lines. I tried: this for the left side line, but it did not work (no line showed up):

<s:Line left="0" top="0">
<s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="2" caps="square">[code]....

How can I achieve the 3 Lines around the button?

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Flex :: Stretch An Image By Dragging Its Sides In Adobe?

Mar 22, 2012

I want to develop a hair style app in adobe flex. In that ,the wigs should be placed in right position.So i want to adjust the wigs in x and y directions.

how to stretch an image in x and y direction?[url]...

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Sep 8, 2010

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Is there a way to easily specify on which sides a border is drawn for Flex 4's Spark BorderContainer?[URL]But that uses MX styling which seems like a hack. Is there a better or 'correct' way without having to build a skin? It seems incredibly silly to build a skin for a 'Bordered' component when this is a very common use case.

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Jun 25, 2011

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Flex :: Can Set Labels Visibility

Apr 18, 2010

Can I set label visibility in Flex ?


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Flex :: Manipulate Child Control Inside A Panel Control?

Oct 12, 2009

I am trying to manipulate (move up and down, enable/disable and launch a form) child controls inside a panel control. However I am unable to get the id of the child control on which the click event occurs. To illustrate, I am trying to create similar functionality as is available. I am trying to create the up-down buttons that you see in the image at http:[url].......

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Flex :: Specifying Granularity Of Labels With Datetimeaxis?

May 3, 2011

I've been trying for a while to set the number of labels being shown with a datetimeaxis being used for the y-axis. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get the desired behaviour.I'd like to have the y-axis separated into days (i.e. a tick on the axis for each day). However, it is spacing them out one week at a time. I have tried setting labelUnits and minorTickUnits to "days" but no joy.

<mx:DateTimeAxis id="vStepAxis" labelUnits="days" minorTickUnits="days" parseFunction="ParseDateForAxis" title="Date/Time"/>

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Flash :: Control Flex Application From Embedded Control?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a flex application and have embedded a flash (SWF) file into it using <mx:SWFLoader>. There is an "Exit" button on the Flash file. I want to be able to handle the button click event on the flex application.

So when that button in the flash file is clicked, I want to perform an action in the parent flex application.

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Flex :: Add A Click Event To Axis Labels?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a bar chart with the vertical axis this way

<mx:verticalAxis >
<mx:CategoryAxis id="catAxis" title="Employee" categoryField="id"/>

I would for the labels on the vertical axis to be clickable. So when a user clicks a label a click event fires and I can do something with it. I am not interested in clicking the bar itself (I know how to achieve that)

I tried adding an event listener to the CategoryAxis of type Mouse.Click but nothing gets fired.

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Flex :: Labels Mysteriously Disappearing From A ComboBox In It

Apr 16, 2010

Observe the Flex program below (I'm using Flex Builder 3 w/ 3.5 SDK). The second combobox is conditional on the first. If a 'first name' is chosen, then you are allowed to choose a 'last name'. If 'none' is chosen, then you are not allowed to choose a last name, but rather prompted to choose a first name.

To see the mysterious issue of the disappearing labels, run this program and choose a first name. Then choose a last name. All is well. Then choose 'none' in the first combobox. The prompt of the second combobox changes back, and the last names are removed. All is still well. Then try selecting a first and last name again. You will see that after choosing a first name, the last names do not appear, although the spaces for them do (and if you debug the program, the correct data appears in the dataprovider).[code]...

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