Flex :: Resize A Browser In Flex?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to open a new windows when a user clicks on a button so I would like to resize the browser (for example let's say I get the screen size (width) is 1000, I want to resize it to 700px and then launch a window next to the browser that is 300px in width and 100% in height. How do I resize the browser window using flex (and how do I get the current size of the browser).

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Flex :: Flash - Resize Children When Parent Is Resize?

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I have Buttons which I have rotated vertically within a Canvas, that is working fine. The problem occurs, when the user resizes the window to a small size a vertical scroll bar appears, I would rather have each button squashed upto a smaller size.

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="40" maxWidth="40" xmlns:myComponents="myComponents.*"


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<mx:VBox id="container"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser Resize Doesn't Trigger Resize Event?

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I'm having a bit of a problem here. As per the title, my flash swf file works fine when tested from the IDE, but when I publish it and open it through the browser, the stage doesn't seem to resize along with the window.I post below a bare-bones example. The "back" movie clip should resize, only it remains at the starting dimensions

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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recording from the microphone using a web app

performing an FFT on this microphone data

In the case of flex, according to the docs "Because sound data from a microphone...do not pass through the global SoundMixer object, the SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() method will not return data from those sources."[1]

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Dec 18, 2009

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Oct 27, 2010

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Flex :: Always Resize The ViewStack?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using a viewStack which have is property resizeToContent set to true. When I'm selecting a child higher than the viewStack, it's correctly resized, but when I'm selecting another child which is smaller, the viewStack isn't resized! What I want is that my viewStack get the height of the selectedChild each time.

though, the Adobe doc say :

If true, the ViewStack container automatically resizes to the size of its current child.

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Flex :: Resize Loaded SWF To Fit In Canvas

Jul 29, 2009

a .fla is 500 x 300. Inside, content moves OUT of the 500 x 300 stage so that it appears like it hides or moves off of the screen. .fla complied... loaded into Flex via SWFLoader:

<mx:Conainer width="500" height="300">
<mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%" />

Loaded .swf file shows outside of the 500 x 300 Container in Flex. How can i get it so that only what is INSIDE of the Container is visible?

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Flex :: Image Won't Resize To Fit The Sprite?

Apr 13, 2010

I have this snippet of ActionScript code that is supposed to resize an image to fit the sprite: (as in rescale the image not just clip it)


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Flex :: Don't Resize Images On ItemRenderer

Jul 22, 2010

Which parameter should I put not to automatically resize an Image that is put on an ItemRenderer?

Ex (in which the image gets resized):

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="estado" dataField="estado" width="30"
editable="false" resizable="false">


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Flex :: Scrollbar Skin Does Not Resize?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm working on a Flex 4 application and I started customizing the interface with skins to give a whole new look.So, I've created two scrollbar skins in Flash Catalyst (one horizontal, one vertical).Its working great when I test the application through Catalyst so I took it and imported it on Flash Builder, copied the components and defined the new skins in my css file for the HScrollbar and VScrollbar.The skin is working, all the buttons are ok. But, the scrollbar isnt resizing for some reason. It remains in the same height I've designed it to be regardless of the content it is bound to.

It scrolls the content in all the ways it should be but it doesnt resize and the thumb isnt getting all the way down.Also I've noticed the following.I have a custom component acting as a list. It extends Group and contains a Scroller. So at one place of the application the Scrollthumb is getting lower than on another place where the same custom list is used.I also have to mention that this scroller works perfectly without a custom skin.

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Flex :: SWFLoader Border Resize?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a MainPage, on initialize I am calling a method which would create a SWFLoader object (aka LoginPage) and loads it in the MainPage. When we run the MainPage in 800x500 window, the LoginPage loads in that window size, however when we maximize the window the content of the LoginPage gets resized to 1027X660, but the border remains 800x500, and the remainig area of the window stays blank.

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Flex :: Resize Groups Within A Group?

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to automatically resize the children within an s:Group. The children are another s:Group and a H:Group. Each have a percentage width of 10% and 90% each. The problem is that when one of the groups is resized (using a transition and rotation combination in the Skin), the other group does not automatically resize to fill the space?

Shouldn't Flex do this automatically? or do I have to code this?



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Flex :: Resize DataGrid When Shown?

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to write my flex application so that it restores the user's settings when it starts up. The application has 3 data grids (only one is visible [on screen] at any time) and I simply save the state of the grids if the user ever does any resize events.Saving the state works perfectly, the problem comes when restoring. It seems that only the visible data grid gets restored properly. On all the other grids, the widths are all wrong and do not match the settings I restored from.

The problem is that, when the application starts, the data grids are not sized correctly. Each data grid takes up the full screen, but initially they are only given a very small size (ie. 200 width).Is there some way to force the data grid to resize properly when it is created? Or is it possible to know when the data grid is "maximized" I don't want to hook up to the resize event - if possible - because I would get that quite frequently, and I only want to restore the settings once.Here's the code I'm using to restore the column widths:

var grid:DataGrid = ...;
for each column ...
... parse width into width (ie. width is now "320")[code]....

The settings are saved into a database (the flex proejct is connected to JBoss). I simply save a CSV type thing with the column's name and it's width. I know this works because the one data grid that is visible when the application starts gets sized correctly.Yes, the grids use relative sizes (ie. 100%) -- I can't really change that because I want the grid to take up all available space in its container -- and I want the user to be able to resize their browser and still have it look right.Each grid is contained in its own Hbox The data grids are created when the application starts -- you can only see one of them though.They are in a tab navigator type thing, but it's creation policy is set to "all" so they can be populated with data (the population takes some time, and typically the user sits on the front grid for a little while.)

I can't put my resize stuff in the creationComplete handler because I end up with the same problem. The grid's size is like 50 right after it's created (it should be like 1000, 100% of the page width) -- and then I go to set the sizes of the columns (which are obviously > 50) and the resize does nothing

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Flex :: How To Resize Images (Bitmap) Using AS3

Jul 8, 2011

I am loading an image using a Loader. Once loaded, I can get the bitmap data using Bitmap(event.target.loader.content).bitmapData.
However since the images I am loading are quite large (around 2000 x 1600), I would like to reduce the size and create a new smaller bitmap maybe 200 or 300 pixels wide, sort of like a thumbnail. I think it has to do with creating a new BitmapData with the new size. However I am not able to get that working properly.

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Flex :: Force A Resize From A Child To A Parent?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a page-like flex application. In my main application is a holder (a canvas) that displays all the pages. The problem is that the components that are loaded inside the holder are bigger than the holder is when the main application starts. The holder height is set to 100% but still he gets scrollbars when I load a bigger component inside of him then himselHow can I solve this problem? And if it isn't solvable would it work correct if I use a viewstack?the holder looks like this:

<mx:canvas height="100%">

But the end of the application is 500 pixels lower so canvas height is 500 pixels high. Now I put a new child inside the holder that is 1000 pixels high.

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Flex :: Get A Stage Calculation To Resize An Image?

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to center an image in the middle of the stage and scale it proportionally to the correct aspect ratio based on its loader's size when the image is loading.

In my main app runner I do:

private var rec:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
private var img:BitmapDisplay = new BitmapDisplay();
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, setRect);
img.imageURL = "some/path/to/image.jpg";


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Flex :: Approaches / Libraries For Resize Dragging?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm currently working on a WYSISYG editor that allows the user to move, resize and rotate shapes by directly manipulating them. The resizing seems to be fairly complex when the shape is rotated. I got this working for non-rotated shapes, but it will take some trigonometric calculations to resize shapes that are rotated. The registration point is always is the middle of the rectangle because this makes rotating a lot easier. Before I start implementing this, I was wondering if anyone knew of any libraries or sample source code that does this, or could share some tips and tricks to calculate the transformations.


I attached a screenshot of what I'm trying to accomplish and another one that has some lines drawn onto it that should allow me to deduct the trigonometric calculations. The cross is the cursor.

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Flex :: Have A Mx:Window Automatically Resize To Its Content?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm creating windows in a Flex application (AIR) using the mx:Window component. I'd like the window to be automatically sized to its content (because it will be dynamic), in the same way that an mx:Panel or mx:Box would be.I've customized components before, so I'm somewhat familiar with the UIComponent lifecycle, but I'm not quite sure how best to do the logic for auto-sizing a container.If it makes it easier, I'm not expecting that the window auto-size to its content at any time, thought that would be a bonus!

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Flex :: Resize The Dropdown Of A Combobox Along With The Combo Box?

May 17, 2010

Background: I am doing some UI work where I allow the user to programatically add and resize controls on a canvas. Problem: When resizing a combo box through AS the dropdown stays at the same width as the first time it drops down. So user places combo box on the page, clicks the down arrow, sees the options, selects an option or clicks down arrow again to close, resizes the width of the drop down, clicks the down arrow. Now drop down is the same width as original. Have tried simple things like setting the width of the dropdown specifically and invalidating display list but it still doesn't work.

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Flex :: Resize Flash.media.Video?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm having trouble to resize my custom UIComponent that wrap flash.media.Video object (The reason I choose this way is because mx.control.VideoDisplay doesn't support streaming playback that available in flash.media.Video that is attachNetStream()). Once I create a 320x240 Video size and remove it from its parent, I can't replace it with another one, bigger or smaller.Here's my code (this one only capture Camera not NetStream).

package media
import flash.media.Camera;


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