Flex :: Style Of Tabulation : Replace Spaces By Dots?

Apr 11, 2011

For a multiple choice questions, I would like to format text like this :


I tried with 3 labels in horizontal layout for each lines but it doesn't work for the third case.Now I use tabStops for alignment, it work well, but I can't find how to replace spaces by dots in a proper way.

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Using string.replace function what code that can replace spaces with comma

Input:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Output:The,quick,brown,fox,jumps,over,the,lazy dog.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Runtime Font Embed With Spaces In Style Name?

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[Embed(systemFont="Futura", fontName="PreloaderFont", fontStyle="Condensed Medium", mi


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Is it possible to configure Flash Builder 4 to indent using spaces instead of tabs?

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What's strange is that Insert spaces for tabs works in Eclipse but not Flash Builder, which is built on Eclipse. Perhaps there's a bug in Adobe's portion of Flash Builder.

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Flex - Setting TextAlign To Centered On A TextArea Trailing Spaces Aren't Used To Determine Centerin?g

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To replicate:
-Create a textArea
-Set textAlign=center

Run the application and type in something like 'FOOBAR' followed by 10 spaces, note that it centers FOOBAR but stops centering the text while you're typing the spaces Now type another string like 'WTF', now it'll all of a sudden center the whole line.

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fontFamily: MyF;


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import fl.data.DataProvider;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Function In Flex

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I want to replace the tags "<" with < and ">" with "'>" in following xml:

<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="103" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="104" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="105" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
How it can be possible.

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Flex :: Replace Infinite Loop?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to access a webservice:getMonitorData() , on creationcomplete and returns an array, in an infinite loop so that the getIndex0.text is updated each time.Flex is not able to handle an infinite loop and gives a timeout error 1502. If I run the for loop until i<2000 or so it works fine.How can replace the loop so that my webservice is accessed continiously and the result is shown in getIndex0.text.This is how my application looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Replace A Dynamic Image On Flex?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating an image dynamically on flex. This images changes (as in changes image source) when the user clicks on it. Images are PNG format and I replace it with this code:

img.source = PATH_TO_IMAGE;

The problem with this is when I replace the image is it is not smooth even if you set the image property to smoothBitmapContent.

Is there a way to smoothen images when you are trying to replace the source?

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Dec 7, 2011

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/* CSS file */
@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";


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May 24, 2010

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I need to have an @ symbol instead of %40, so I run this line:


But the string has the same value after.

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JavaScript :: How To Replace HTML Tag In URLRequest Flex 4 / Air

Mar 2, 2011

I am embedding a website into my application, and Adobe Air does not recognize the breakline HTML tag in the source code (Firefox and Chrome auto-correct the error). I have attached the source code below. Is there a way to replace the breakline with the correct syntax (no forward slash). I do not control the website, I am merely loading it into my application, so I can't just change it at the source. I am using an mx: html object and htmlLoader to load the url.

Website Source:
<li><a href="Rpt_Selection_2.asp?Report=StatusReport/StatusReport.asp">Status Report</a></li>
<li><a href="Rpt_Selection_2.asp?Report=StatusReport/AlarmsAlerts.asp">Alarm History</a></li>
<table class="Header" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
[Code] .....

MXML Component:
<mx:HTML id="htmlControl" width="100%" height="100%"/>

Script to load URL:
htmlControl.htmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));

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Flash :: Use Flex Tech To Replace Our Old Dashboard Ui?

Apr 6, 2011

We want to use flex tech to replace our old dashboard ui.

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Flex :: Replace An Existing XML File Using Webservice In It?

Jul 15, 2011

Is it possible to Replace an existing XML file using Webservice in Flex(browser-based application)?

I wanted to replace an existing xml file with new xml file of same name for example 'dashboard.xml'.

How can i replace this file from Flex browser-based application? can this is possible using webservice?

what things should be taken care to implement this?

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Flex :: GWT Style Code Splitting?

Dec 22, 2009

I do a lot of work with GWT but don't have experience of Flex. I was talking to a guy today who was looking at moving some large Flex based applications to GWT due to the Flex application getting too big and using too much memory in the browser. This is a problem I have had before with GWT - browser apps using lots of memory as all the code gets loaded when it starts.

However, in GWT 2.0 there is now a code splitting feature to overcome the problem of the client code getting too big. This allows all the code (javascript) not to be loaded as one big file on start up but instead code split into different files that can be loaded when required.

I was thinking as to if there is anything similar in Flex. I assume the Flex application code all lives in one single SWF file which loads at start-up so this approach is not possible but thought there might be other solutions.

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CSS :: Most Effective Way To Style Flex Application?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a fairly complex Flex application that uses many different components. I want the application to be able to custom styling and/or skinning. I also want to be sure that the styling approach makes the most efficient use of system resources (memory, CPU, network), and that it does not adversely impact performance. We currently are using a hybrid approach to styling the application that uses both CSS and a Flash skin created in CS3. It seems odd to me to have a two-pronged approach to styling an application and ideally would like to settle on one approach or the other. Some outline about advantages and disadvantages of using either exclusively CSS or a Flash skin? Is there a justification for using both within the same app?

Using CSS exclusively seems advantageous because it is approachable by anyone with a basic understanding of other uses of CSS, especially when using the Flex 2 Style Explorer. On the other hand, I know that the CS3 skin we use declares up/over/down/disabled/pressed skins for each component where these states are needed and Flex manages the transitions to the appropriate skins as each state is (de)activated. However, my impression is that creation of a Flex skin in CS3 requires somewhat specialized skills and tools. So what would you recommend for styling a Flex application if performance, customization, and efficient resource utilization are priorities?

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