Flex - Setting TextAlign To Centered On A TextArea Trailing Spaces Aren't Used To Determine Centerin?g
Oct 9, 2009
I'm doing something wrong but I have a textarea where I've specified textAlign = center and if I type in text with several trailing spaces, it doesn't count the spaces towards centering the text. If I add another character to the text (after all the spaces) it then all of a sudden centers the line, is this a bug, can anybody think of a good solution?
To replicate:
-Create a textArea
-Set textAlign=center
Run the application and type in something like 'FOOBAR' followed by 10 spaces, note that it centers FOOBAR but stops centering the text while you're typing the spaces Now type another string like 'WTF', now it'll all of a sudden center the whole line.
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