Flex :: Subsetting Array - Select A Range Of Sell Data For Some Month

Aug 14, 2009

I want to subset an array. I have the following array


Now based on user requirement I want to select a range of sell data for some month.For example sometime it may be sells data from Apr to Dec,sometime may be Jul-Oct.How can I do that without hampering the original array

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Range Within An Array?

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numbers = ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2" etc etc];
function checkNumbers () {


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var vec:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(); 
vec.splice(3,vec.length); // output RangeError: Error #1125: The index 5 is out of range 5.
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var vec:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();


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Flex :: Set Datechoose To Only Choose Month/Year?

Jan 20, 2010

I am builder a graph that is going to cover an entire month. The user may change the Month/Year but there is no point in choosing a date for the month as it is going to show the entire month anyways. So is there a way to maybe make the DateChooser date always the first and only allow the user to pick the month and year?

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Aug 2, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search For A Range Of Numbers Inside An Array?

May 15, 2011

I have a standard array with some text items and some numbers.

Here is an array item

ge: 65,  (no quotes around this number)
Here is the DataProvider line (the section that applies to my example)

DataProvider([{label:"over 60", data: 65}]);
Here is the search line
for (var n; int = 0; n<arrayname.length; n++
arrayname[n]. Age ==  search_age.selectedItem.data

This works fine because the array number MATCHES the selectedItem data number (65)  exactly and I get all records where age is 65

BUT I want to find records whose age is any number "greater than 60" 

I have tried many ways to use the > sign and keep getting an error, example:

DataProvider([{label:"over 60", data: >60}]);
DataProvider([{label:"over 60", data: (>60)}]);
DataProvider([{label:"over 60", data: >(60}]);
None of these work.

Maybe these aren't numbers?  I've tried putting 'int' in various positions with no results. I'm using a DataGrid which works fine for text items and will find numbers without quotes around them (if those numbers match whats in the array!).
What's the way to write this so I can get records greater than, or less than, etc.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Validate Range For TextField - Check With Array Of 3 Inputs

May 29, 2007

I was supposed to set the validate range for the Name field to be checked with an array of 3 names, the validate range for the Password field to be checked with an array of 3 passwords, and the validate range for the State field to be checked with an array of 3 states in order to create my own error messages.

var errors:Array=new Array();
function clearForm() {
[Code] .....

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Data Integration :: XML Select Data By Value?

Mar 12, 2007

I am looking to select XML in flash from an external XML file by a tag's value.

var xnRoot:XMLNode = this.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;

How do I select like the forth child by its value of "my text value".

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Flex :: How Much Data Is Too Much For An Array

Jan 25, 2011

I have a flex webapp that retrieves some names & addresses from a database. Project works fine but I'd like to make it faster. Instead of making a call to the database for each name request, I could pre-load all names into an array & filter the array when the user makes a request. Before I go down this route though I wanted to check if it is even feasible to have an application w/ 50,000 or 1 million elements in an array? What is the limit b/f it slows down the app? (I anticipate that it will have a lot to do w/ what else is going on in my app but for this sake lets just assume the app ONLY consists of this huge array).

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