I want to enable auto update script in flex3. i am using below code to do this but flex editor showing red mark on line 39 and editor show error when i hover my mouse on red mark is:1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UpdateEvent.how can i remove this error.
// Instantiate the updater
private var appUpdater:ApplicationUpdaterUI = new ApplicationUpdaterUI();
private function checkForUpdate():void {
Currently i am working in mobile application development in flex4.5 . i want to know whether there is any possibility to make the auto update feature(regarding the verison) in mobile application using flex 4.5 .
I have a AS 1.0 code that when i refresh my page change an especific swf file.but i want that every 15 second, change automatic the files without refresh the page?how i can do it?i dont know use action script.
don't spend time trying to read it because it's in danish Just so you can see how it works.I need it to change the final amount (last box) if I choose another one from the scroll down bar. (right now the final amount does not update when first option is changed.Its at simple array form which multiply with the second box and give me a anwser.
The code: //This is used for the scroll down bar. It get's the info from a array. Quote:
I have a dynamic text box that I'm loading data into from a PHP file using loadVariablesNum("data.php", 0);
The PHP runs a SQL query that fetches data from MySQL. The data in the MySQL database changes frequently, and I want to update the dynamic text box with the latest info.
How do you do that? Or is it possible? I assume you use setInterval.
Currently, it only updates the field if I visit the PHP file and refresh the data. Otherwise, the dynamic text box just displays the data from the last SQL query.
I have a problem about my desktop application program which is I have a banner in my application and it has a flash (its name exmple.swf) run in the banner, now I want my program will auto update the exmple.swf file from remote server for the flash. How must I do.
I'm building a flash application (actually four of them) that pull a simple RSS feed from a site, display's the contents and gives the user options on what it wants to do with the updates. However, currently the refreshing is manual (e.g. client does it on their own digression). I like making modules / widgets mostly for myself at the moment to learn more. I had previous experience making a C# XMLSocket server for a flash application that ripped information off of windows media player in my home network which ran on my old archos 7 device. I could control my music on my desktop PC from anywhere in my apartment! Pretty cool stuff and it really got me reeled in.
I understand on making flash auto-check for the latest rss items, and could possibly do away with the manual "refresh" button. What I'd love to figure out, is there a way to have flash automatically update displayed contents out of a feed the second the RSS feed updates, or will it only be on a timer? Secondly, let's say I get some new items in my RSS feed, how would one kick back a) the amount of updated items b) the time in which the rss update was caught and c) kick some sort of message back to the user e.g. => "5 new entries, updated x minutes ago". Lastly some sort of caching locally would be awesome to store older xml entries. I have many questions to understand this fully but this is the ice breaker. Essentially this is my holy grail of questions on things I'd like to do with my flash project. My last step in this understanding process will be getting this into adobe AIR and having actionscript fire off a Toast notification. However, I'm taking the baby steps (Yes, I know I posted this in the Actionscript 2 forum) however this will allow me to better understand this on how to do it. Later on I will learn by myself how to port this over to AS3 and get that jiving with AIR.
I create a widget that displays the weather from a feed supplied from weather site, but after the initial load the weather isn't updated until the page is refreshed. Its not going to be web based widget so HTML refresh won't work. How would I go about getting the swf to auto refresh every 4 hours?
I know there currently some ways to install the sdk for Air 3 and flash player 11. But when will there be an update the installs these key elements in a professional an clean way? Is the an offical date for when an flash cs5.5 update will install the new sdks?
If trace statement says: Your Flash Player version is older than the current version 9, please update. How to start auto update of Flash Player using Actionscript?
How do I make a photo gallery that up dates by itself its contents getting it from a folder and putting then in order? The pictures when clicked should load a swf with information about the tittle.
How does Adobe Flash launch auto-update message as soon as I logon on Windows? I thought Flash is only a browser plugin. I tried look for the program it runs, but can't find it in all the usual places: Start Up group in Start Menu, HKLM Run, HKCU Run, Services.
I know it is possible to disable this via Flash preferences. However, I need to remove it mechanically once and for all, because it seems like a security risk to me (as hackers would be able to exploit a Flash installation even if the browser has not been launched).
I've created some error handling for external images loaded via a path in XML. Within the Flash preview it's fine and shows the full error message (and most importantly, the URL that isn't loading).
But in the browser, even locally, it doesn't out put this message!
Here's my code:
function loadIOError(event:IOErrorEvent){ errorLog+=event.text+' '; }
this is my code for photogallery.there will be 61 images loaded in this array.how can i make an AUTO button which will make a slideshow,showing all the images in array?
arrayrow = new Array() arrayrow=[ ["00.jpg","0","sajkad","hjsgadhj"],[code].....
Why didn't my Flash version change after I invoked the update alert on 08/12/10. I had V and your website shows the latest recommended to be V After the update it shows mine still unchanged.
My system particulars are: XP SP2 32 bit IE V6.0.2900 32 bit
I click on update for flash CS5 I get error msg #U41M1C212 The error says, "The update server is not responding. The server might be offline temporarily, or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect.
If someone knows how to fix this please let me know. I know for a fact that my internet is working fine or else I would not have been able to post this message.
I'm trying to update an AIR 2.5 app. (Packed as Windows .exe)This error pops up bei updating: Application namespace and update descriptor namespace are not compatible.[code]
I'm using QueueLoader to load my main SWF into my preloader SWF. The problem is, that the preloader gets to 100% and then nothing happens. No errors, no nothing. When I test it locally from flash it works fine, when I test it locally on WAMP server it breaks, and when I test it remotely it breaks as well. I use ExternalInterface to log to the console, but none of these get trigger in my main SWF because it is like nothing is loading at all. I even have a console.log trace on the very first line of my root as file so it should DEFINITELY execute.
One of the strangest parts of this "unreported error" is that it just showed up today. I've been working on this project for prob 4 weeks with nothing like this happening at all, and one day I just stop getting any error for why my project won't show. I've removed (as far as a I know) all the TLF text fields from my FLA. I've even saved as CS4 doc, then saved back to CS5 to make sure they were removed. Embedding fonts, however, is another animal altogether. I've switched RLS to "merge with code" and embedded the _sans font I'm using on all my text fields.
I hv make 4 movieclips and i wanna add mouse event but it is showing error on MouseEvent function, and the error is. 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MouseEvent.
I'm currently working on a game and I'm trying to work out a way to load images externally and display them on the screen.But the problem is it won't load them correctly and display them, as seen below...
Code: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild() at main_fla::MainTimeline/frame2()
I have what seems a straighfoward situation: I update the source property of an image, when the image is loaded i want to redraw the border skin to fit the new size of the image.
newImgEdit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadImgComplete); newImgEdit.source = myurl_ressource; private function loadImgComplete(evt:Event):void {
I am deploying Updates via SCUP and SCCM to hundreds of Computers. Fortunately Adobe provides an SCCM Update Catalog for both Adobe Flash ActiveX and Adobe Flash Plugin. But now my Problem: After publishing the Update via SCCM, the client is not supposed to be interfered with the Update Progress (which is working) I figured the Updater works like this: First SCCM checks if a Update needs to be deployed, if this is the case, The Flash Updater begins. First the old Flash Version is beeing uninstalled. But now: if the Client has a Browser Window (IE, or Firefox) open, the Updater is not able to install the new Flash Version and quits with an Error. This leaves the Client PC without any Flash (because its being uninstalled before) How can I prevent Flash being uninstalled due to the Update progress not working while a Browser window is open?
I've got a movieclip, which has got a dynamic text element.The movieclip uses a package for its codeThe package if obviously derived from the MovieClip classI've got a timer, that updates the dynamic text field every second.When debugging the code, I see that the timer works well. Its updates the value of the dynamic text field.
i've done some simple apps to get the felling of it, nothing involving updating a file or a database.I wanted help, how to do a query to a MySql DB from a Flex application (thats gonna be running in a web server).I didn't saw any duplicated questions, sorry if any exists, just point me to it.
I'm making an interactive film. At certain points within the film, the viewer has the ability to select from a few options that will direct them to an external video clip (they are flashback scenes). The main story pauses when the user selects a flashback scene and I'm clear on how to achieve this.
However, my issue is that once the flashback scene ends and the external video closes, I'm not sure how the main story will resume. Is it possible for it to auto-play (resume) in some way? My last resort would be to have the viewer select a play button - this is only because I do not want a break in the narrative and want to limit the amount of clicks the viewer has to make.
I've created a AS3 class which extends UIComponent so that I can easily add it to my MXML layout. It works fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to update the UIComponent width and height dynamically. I want my super UIComponent to draw a border around the content, so I need get the specific 'content' dimensions in order to do this.
I understand the idea of UIComponent is that you are supposed to specifically set the width and height... but I am literally only extending it so that I am able to use my custom component with MXML easily.Is there a method in which I can get the width and height of a UIComponents 'content'?
I have been trying to find a way to connect Flex to sharepoint in an elegant way that allows me to update lists, build charts, and create widgets with FLEX on the client-side. I have researched this extensively but I am running into circles.
I understand the basics of Flex data connection/webservices/etc... , I just can't seem to get my head around how to use the sharepoint list services.