Flex Application Trying To Access Crossdomain.xml On Server When No External Domain Has Been Specified?

Apr 27, 2011

I have recently uploaded my flex applicaiton on server, it works fine on my system (localhost) but on the production server it tries to access[URL]..which is not available and end up showing "loading" eternally.

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Flex :: Access Crossdomain Files Outside The Originally Requested Domain?

Jul 2, 2009

Flash Player 10 specifies:

"Redirects to policy files outside the originally requested domain will continue to cause policy files to be ignored by Flash Player."

Is there a way to access policy files outside the domain?

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Media Server :: Crossdomain.xml Request Unanswered By Application?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a FMS 3.5 running a VOD service (on-line training based on videos) on what I call a "streaming server". The client loads the Player from a secure (separate) domain, and the Player then requests the SMIL files from the webroot of the Apache server (part of the FMS installation. The Player then starts the video which is streamed dynamically.
In order for the Player to get the SMIL files, it is making a crossdomain.xml request to the Streaming Server. When it get the response, it continues the process. PROBLEM: Sometimes, the crossdomail.xml response from the Streaming Server is SEVERELY delayed, with perhaps 5 minutes. So the end user experience is that it does not work.
I improved the situation by opening up more ports on the Windows Firewall of the Stremaing Server (now open for 1935,80,443,8134) and it works say 90%+ of the times. But there are still occations when there is no response.

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Media Server :: Install Fms 4 In Windows 7 And Access From A Webserver In Different Domain

Sep 1, 2011

I have installed fms 4 in windows 7 in my computer, but i cant get it work with a flex application that i have in a server. I added the port in my router's settings


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Flex :: Rest - Adding Crossdomain.xml To Tomcat 6.0.24 To Access Webservices?

Oct 28, 2010

I have to deploy a webapp on Tomcat 6.0.24, serving some webservices that should be accessed with REST-style methods (not fully REST, since the used flex class HTTPService can just send GET and POST).

The webservices are deployed at [URL]

The problem is that the policy of flex sandbox (i think it is called so) requires that the server with the services has to offer a file crossdomain.xml on his root directory.

I created that file with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">


I am testing it and it does not seem to work. Maybe i am not doing it right. PS: I think Apache is not configured to manage Tomcat-addressed requests, every request is dispatched by port, i think. I can not provide the exact flex error since i am not developing that part. I will try to make a minimal example in the next hours and see if i can reproduce the problem.

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Flash :: Limit Cross-domain Access To Specific Locations On Server?

Nov 29, 2011

Flash cross-domain policy files only allow you to specify allow-domain-from tags.I'd like to know if there is a way to limit access as if the tag read allow-domain-to. In other words:[URL]...

Is it possible to achieve this without resorting to creating a special sub domain for flash callbacks?

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Of Any Domain (for Test) And Copied It Directly Into File Server?

Mar 15, 2012

In code I use this before URLLoader (swf will be used with many different domains and this will be changing in time):


In http:[url]...., I have this for test:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

I used [url].... to create access for any domain (for test) and copied it directly into file server and also test if [url].... is accessible. I checked flashlog.txt and found that [url].... is loaded but will be ignored because of its syntax error - its generated by crossdomainmaker website and also correct with specifications and examples over internet, so what can I do?

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Media Server :: Application Is Not A Valid Signed Application Loading Access Denied

Oct 29, 2009

We have an application that works no problems on our server with FMS in test mode. As soon as we enter our FMS license key we get this error: "application is not a valid signed application loading access denied".We removed the license key and it works again, but with user limits obviously, so this is not an acceptable fix.

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Actionscript :: Moving A Web Application From One Domain To A New Domain Flash/Php/MySql?

Jun 3, 2011

I have moved a web application from old domain to new domain. I cannot get Flash to engage. I have changed the domain in flash_images.php file to the new domain. I have a flash_box.swf file and I have a js file these are the only flash components that I see--old domain is e.g. www.example.com new domain is [URL]..I am not a flash developer, how do I get flash to work on the new domain?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Post The Code For A Working Cross-domain Securityfile That Allows Access Only From The Same Domain?

Jun 1, 2010

post the code for a working cross-domain securityfile that allows access only from the same domain as all the flashfiles and xml files are in?used to be easy in as2 but i think i dont know what i need to know about it in as3..

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Flex :: Access Swf From Another Domain?

Oct 20, 2010

When trying to load a swf from a domain different from my swf's domain, I get this error[code]...

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Media Server :: Videos Start Immediately In Domain, 20+ Sec Delay Outside Domain

Apr 23, 2009

We are running FMS3 on Windows 2003 Server. Videos stream and play fine when inside our domain, but outside the domain the videos take anywhere from 20 or more seconds before playing.
After analizing the connections it was determined that the player is randomly trying to access ports until it gets to the one that works, but this is ONLY happening from people trying to view videos from outside our domain.

View 14 Replies

Bypass The Cross-domain.xml Requirement For An Adobe AIR Application Built With Flex?

Apr 23, 2010

Is it possible for an Adobe AIR application to connect to a remove webservice that does not expose a cross-domain.xml file? If so, how do you configure the security sandbox within Air to allow this?

I have attempted a socket connection and received the following error:


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Flex :: Type Coercion Error When Casting An Object Loaded In A Different Application Domain

Apr 28, 2011

My application currently contains a number of Widgets that are managed by a Widget Manager. When the user clicks on a widget (e.g. a Helper widget), the Widget Manager loads the widget into a separate sibling application domain with the following line of code:

wgtInfo.load(null, null, null, moduleFactory); //wgtInfo = IModuleInfo

However, I am unable to use the widget's variables and functions later on. I attempt to find the Helper widget from the Widget Manager's list of widgets, and I do successfully. But when I try to caste the Helper Widget from type IBaseWidget (the interface all widgets share) to type HelperWidget, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed.....

This is because the application domain of the class trying to use the Helper widget is different from the application domain of the Helper Widget. I tried to fix this by loading all widgets into the same application domain as the loader:

wgtInfo.load(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null, null, moduleFactory);

I now get the following error whenever I attempt to load the Helper widget:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

How can I load my Helper widget into a common application domain that is accessible by the other widgets?

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Flex :: How To Find Server IP Address Through Domain Name

Jun 1, 2010

I'm working on file transfer application where client sends files to cpp server. At client side I can give the server's domain name but not IP address cuz it may vary. How can I get my server's IP address through it's domain name. I have to put this logic into air application.

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Flex :: Loading External Images From Another Domain?

Jan 19, 2010

Is it possible to load an image(jpg, png, gif) from another domain and manipulate the pixels? I guess when the image is downloaded/copied it is in my domain.

Using the Loader and add the content to an Image component I get an error in my debugger. I guess there are some cross domain polices at work here.

But I need to be more sure how this works before moving on. I guess, if it is not possible to load the image directly I could create a local proxy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Application Ignores Crossdomain.xml?

Dec 8, 2009

With a looming deadline for a big project, I've just wasted an entire evening trying to find out why my application won't properly load image content when the .swf is deployed to a web server.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

- load a jpeg image from a different domain than where my .swf's are hosted

- turn it into a Bitmap object to apply smoothing

Loading the jpeg itself is no problem, as long as I do this:


As soon as I try to access loader.content, or loader.contentInfo.content to create a Bitmap, Flash simply aborts the script.So there you have it: a typical security sandbox violation (although no error is ever thrown). Solution: crossdomain.xml! Or that's what I thought.Now the image host has a crossdomain.xml in it's root, with *.rocketclowns.com as an entry. I'm testing my app from www.rocketclowns.com.Even if I try to force load the policy file:


Or, with LoaderContext:

[AS]// create a loader context that
// checks for policy files
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
context.checkPolicyFile = true;
// use the context with your call to load
myLoader.load(request, context);[/AS]

...I still can't access my loader.content.

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Actionscript 3 :: Using External Xml Data In A Flex Application Without Compiling The Source Into The Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to read xml data to a mxml application from a xml file on my filesystem. The example I found was for AIR,link2, link3. But I want to target the Flash Player runtime. If I use the the tag, I can do it; however the xml compiles into my swf. How can I retain the xml file in my release build?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Crossdomain Access Do Work

Dec 2, 2009

how to get crossdomain acsess do worke what is wrong with this code? , do i need to add something else?Do i need to set the loadPolicyFile on all load function or can i just set it once in the document class constructor? [code]

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Media Server :: Application Read From External Xml File Not In It

Aug 22, 2010

I have below code


I need this application read from exteral xml file not in it.

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Flash App Loading Crossdomain.xml From App Server Fails?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm writing a web application using three tier architecture. I have three Amazon EC2 ubuntu servers. The first server handles the presentation of the application and includes my main flash file. The second EC2 instance represents my application server. It contains the AMFPHP files and corresponding web services. Finally, the third instance handles persistance and is running a MySQL database. Both the presentation and application servers are running an apache web server. I created security groups specific to each tier such that the presentation layer will accept all incoming traffic on port 80 while the application layer will only accept incoming traffic from the presentation server. This should allow anyone to request my web application from the presentation server but prevent anyone from accessing the web services on my application server.My flash application cannot make web service calls to my application server. When a request is sent, I never receive a response from the server and eventually receive a security sandbox error.[code]It seemed odd that I wasn't receiving a response, so I decided to try a couple of things:

1. I connected to my presentation tier via ssh and attempted to use lynx to connect to my application server's gateway.php. I was able to connect without any problems.

2. I used Chrome's developer tools window to observe network traffic when loading my site. I found that it is attempting to load the crossdomain.xml file (which resides in the root of my web server [/var/www] on the application tier) using a GET request; but strangely, it times out and fails. This is where I am confused. How come I can use lynx on the same machine to connect to the web server on the application tier but yet the flash app can't access the same file?

While running some tests, I decided to open up the application server instance's firewall such that it can receive http requests from my IP. As soon as I did this, the application being hosted on the presentation tier immediately began working (Received a response from the web service)! However, this means I would have to force my application tier to accept http requests from the internet in order to work, which is not something I want to do. I don't understand why making this change would allow the application to grab the crossdomain.xml file. If the application server's security group is set to accept incoming http requests from the presentation security group, it should have no problem acquiring the crossdomain. xml file residing in the web server root of the application server right? I've spent more time than I would like looking into this issue. I really would like to setup a three-tier environment for my application in which the flash application will be able to send web service requests to my application layer. The most confusing part about this is the fact that when I add my computer's IP address to the application server's firewall, everything seems to magically work as intended. Please correct me if I am setting my application up in the wrong way. I am basing my architecture off of the following:URL..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Crossdomain - Xml - Load Variable From Server X Y.swf

Sep 18, 2009

Anybody got experience with new restrictions in flash player 9 & 10?[URL]..._security.html I have two servers X & Y Y hosts a Y.swf file that is trying to load variable from server X Y.swf has this line of code in it: System.security.allowDomain("*"); now, server X has crossdomain.org file in its root that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="www.Y.com" />

So with this setup everything should work correctly, or so I thought... From what I see variables from server X never make it to Y.swf What do you think could be the problem? Unfortunaltelly guy who has access to the serwer X is not at work today so I can't experiment with adding this line of code just yet to the xml file: <allow-access-from domain="Y.com" /> maybe that would solve the problem..

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Crossdomain.xml Flash Banner / Crossdomain And XML Loading

Jan 25, 2010

I want to create flash banner with XML content, and host it on my site with crossdomain.xml, and then share banner code with other sites for banner exchange.So, everything is on my server.Will loading banner, on other sites, load XML from my server, if both banner and XML resides on the same server, but banner is loaded on the other site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Swf From Other Domain In To Air Application

Jan 25, 2009

i am trying to load swf from other domain in to my air application. but it gives security sandbox error and i use Security.allowInsecureDomain("*") and it work perfectly in normal Flash but Air gives another eror:


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Flex :: When Trying To Access Google Authsub From FLash Application

Jan 8, 2011

I am trying to get my Flex application to authenticate with google using the instructions here:Url...I have copied the example there and am trying to get it to work. I am running my app on a loca server so I have changed the next parameter: authSubParams['next'] =UrL...Getting the first token works fine but when I try to get the long lived token I get an error: [code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Web Application Resize Method(and Scale X / Y) Not Working On Server But Works On Local Flex Builder

Oct 18, 2011

I have a quite different problem with resizing. I have a Flexbook component which uses the middle part of screen (center) with a html header menu and footer. The problem: The scaling works perfectly when we run in the local machine ( Flexbuilder). But when we deploy it to the server its like scaling never existed.. The requirement: when user maximizes the window or minimizes it, the Flexbook should be resized to fit the screen.


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Flash - Release Application Domain From Main SWF?

Oct 22, 2011

i like to know that there is way to remove all data after unload swf .Calling Loader.unloadAndStop(); remove content and loaded bytes , but loaded classes stays in application domain .If i load it to separated new ApplicationDomain , gc is going to collect them after unload and remove all references ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Domain Type Error

Dec 15, 2009

I have a question about a TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: error. I'm loading a SWF into my application into a child domain of the parent SWF. I thought this was supposed to allow the 2 SWF's to share the class definitions?[code]...

I'm fine as long as I don't create the child domain, or what I think is the child domain. It's obviously the same class definition just with the "@23dr3" after it. I can load correctly if I set the context to the current domain or don't specify it at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Domain Management Across Different Domains?

Jun 6, 2011

I've been getting this following error -- when I'm loading a subsidiary SWF into a main one.The sub swf contains the overlays. OverlayOne is a subclass of Overlay.

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert OverlayOne@18684f89 to Overlay.
at HSRawVideoPlayer/setCurrentOverLay()


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C# :: .net - Access Flex Application ActiveX / ExternalInterface In Separate Process?

Mar 5, 2010

I need to fetch a flex application from a process in C#.

How can i get access to the externalInterfaceAPI when the flex application is running as a Application?

EDIT: After further reading it looks like it is possible, as from what i understood, a flex stand alone application is a ActiveX "container", so what i need is to get access to the ActiveX container, and from there the externalInterface API.)

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