Flex :: Create A "pom.xml" File That Allows To Keep Current Infrastructure?

Sep 27, 2009

I have been struggling to get Maven2 to cooperate with me, and was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas on how to get this working.... I am working on a Flash project, and we are considering switching from our hybrid Flex4/FlashCS4 to a pure Flex4 solution. We would like to use the Maven2 build system, so that our developers do not have to manually download, install, and configure Flex4 on their machines.I have managed to create a single-module project using Maven2 with Flex4 (I am using the Sonatype FlexMojos Plugin and their Maven2 repository located at http:[url]....

|- bin
| |- moduleX.swf
| |- moduleY.swf
| |- ...[code]....

Basically, each of our modules has its sources located under "src/<modulename>/" and its test sources located under "test/ <modulename>/", with generated SWF files being placed in "bin" and generated SWC files being placed in "lib". Our assets (things that we would like to be able to reference using the "@Embed" or "[Embed]" tags) live under "share". I have looked at the references on project inheritance and aggregation, but can't seem to find anything that would allow us to keep our existing project directory structure. We would like this migration to be as quick, painless, and non-disruptive as possible. how to create a "pom.xml" file that allows us to keep our current infrastructure.

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MNx = d["x"];
MNy = d["y"];
MNz = d["z"];

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[Code] .......

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Jan 17, 2011

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var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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<!-- benchmark: output performance benchmark-->
<!-- benchmark usage:


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I have the main fla file (Handwashing.fla) and I want to load another swf file (Quiz.swf) at frame 301 of my fla file. They each work seperately, but once I insert the AS I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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1. A week ago I started occasionally getting "Flash has has unexpectedly quit" error messages, whereupon Flash would crash. This was before I started adding many of the jpegs and the file size was still something like 5MB. Now I receive these messages almost constantly - If I try to open a second file within Flash or when I just work in my main file for a few minutes.

2. A few days I ago I started getting a few random messages saying "error initializing java runtime environment you may need to reinstall flash". This was fixed by simply restarting Flash, but still troublesome.

3. Rarely I would finish working on something and try to test the movie. It would go through the loading bar, but then nothing would happen. The only way to fix this was to go back to a previous file version and rebuild from there. My current file save has this problem.

Now I am stuck because I have to go back quite a ways to find a file that will successfully test. On top of that if I try to import one of my new movieClips into the older file version, Flash of course crashes.

Is the file too big? It doesn't feel like I'm doing that much. I've definately seen flash sites that have way more going on than mine. Could it be all the imported jpegs? Could I be importing them in a bad way? How can I avoid/fix these issues?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload The Current Swf File When I Click On The Other Button?

May 4, 2010

I have this menu that I am loading my swf files under a as. file and linked to a xml file.  It loads perfectly my swf files when i click on the buttons, but when i keep clicking the buttons, it keeps loading it on top of each other...How can i unload the current swf file when i click on the other button.? under the as file i have the following to load my swf files:
private function customFunc(link):void {      var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(link);   var loader:Loader = new Loader()   loader.load(request)   var swfContainer:MovieClip=new MovieClip ;   this.addChild(swfContainer)   swfContainer.addChild(loader);;      trace(link);
and under the xml i have the following code :
<buttons> <button name="HOME" linkType="custom" link="ball.swf" />    <button name="DESIGN" linkType="custom" link="rec.swf" /></buttons>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Get Current Lavel From External Loaded Swf File

Jan 10, 2011

In stage AA movieClip is there in side AA, BB MovieClip is there. I Load a external Swf file from BB MovieClip . Can i get current lavel from external loaded swf file.

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Mxmlc :: Does Flex SDK's Create A Cache File Or Hash To Determine If Source Code Has Changed

Oct 22, 2009

My ant buildfiles tell mxmlc.jar to recompile target mxml source. However, if the target mxml source file has not changed, either ant or mxmlc is ignoring the file and will not create a new swf. This is an annoyance because I'm editing files imported by the target mxml. I need it to rebuild when those files change. I'm guessing that the mxmlc is creating a cache file somewhere and comparing the target mxml (or maybe just a hash). Is this what is happening? What's the standard work-around? At the moment, I'm editing the target mxml just to cause a file change.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Current And Enable Other Buttons Using Class File

Jun 24, 2010

I have a simple class file for buttons. on Rollover the movieclip plays frame no 2 and on Rollout it plays frame no 11. This is working fine. Now I want to disable the current button on click/release and enable others. I don't know how to get the other buttons because the this keyword always refer to the current button that is rolled over of clicked.

ActionScript Code:
class ButtonClass extends MovieClip {
var buttonName:String;
public function ButtonClass() {
this.onRollOver = over;
this.onRollOut = out;
[Code] .....

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Aug 18, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Name Of The Current File Being Played Using A Flash 8 Video Player (custom)?

Jun 25, 2006

I'm trying to figure out how to get the name of the current file being played using a flash 8 video player (custom). Here's the code im using :


How does flash know which video is currently being played? Basically I want to set it up so that there is a 'activeVideo' varible that updates based on what video is currently being played.

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Professional :: Snow Leopard Browse For File Dialog Bug In Current Flash Player?

Sep 17, 2009

We have noticed a possible bug in the Flash Player within Mac's latest OS version Snow Leopard.
When a Browse for file dialog is initiated, upon returning to the browser. It's as if there is a layer above the flash app which stops interaction with the mouse. MouseOver events no longer take place and a click is require to remove this layer. If you move your mouse at all after the click this invisible layer returns limiting interaction.
We have tested this with 2 macs running snow leopard and the latest Flash Player. And also verified it is not an issue on Mac OSX previous to Snow Leopard.
It seems to effect only FF and Safari. Opera functions correctly.. Here is a video we created documenting the problem: [URL]
We have not had any customers complain about this yet. But if it's infact a bug, it's just a matter of time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Current External Photo That Is Being Loaded To Load The Url From A Setting In The Same Xml File?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a gfx which I have created 6 shapes and converted them into simple buttons. I have urls sat inside an xml file. How can I get the buttons to use the urls set from within the xml file?Also how can I change the current external photo that is being loaded to load the url from a setting in the same xml file.

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