Flash :: Create A Variable In Flex-config Xml File Usable Inside Of It?

Mar 29, 2011

We can auto-generate flex-confix xml file from flash-builder so to provide users that want to compile project on there own would be capable of doing such thing with out buying FB. So we use something like -dump-config slotConfig.xml as flex compiler argment. This generates a file for us... with lots of detailed comments like this one I generated from that project:

<!-- benchmark: output performance benchmark-->
<!-- benchmark usage:


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Actionscript 3 :: Swf File Can't Read Data From Config.xml File In The Same Flex Directory

Feb 28, 2012

I have a main swf file and config.xml located in the same directory. My .swf file uses config.xml to fetch config variable which it does with success.The problem appears when I put those files into Flex directory. I embed .swf file like this.

<mx:Image id="loading" source="@Embed('/blobs/visualLogo/mySwfFile.swf')"
visible="true" horizontalCenter="0"/>

I also place config.xml into /blobs/visualLogo/

This time I get an error in Flex:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mySwfFile_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Include Properties File Or Config File In Flex Application?

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Javascript :: Calling A Function From A Flash From Xml Config File

Mar 31, 2011

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<url target="_blank" method="GET"><![CDATA[http://www.google.com]]></url>

Instead of a link, I'd like to call a javascript method that opens up a modal dialog with a list of items. I've tried the following based on some things I found, but I can't get it to work.

<url target="_self" method="GET"><![CDATA[javascript:loadAsModal(#modaldiv, ajaxmenu.jsp?gid=3)]]></url>


<url target="_self" method="GET"><script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[loadAsModal(#modaldiv, ajaxmenu.jsp?gid=3)]]></script></url>

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Flash :: What Tokens Are Available (by Default) For Use In Mxmlc Config File

Jul 14, 2011

The flex compiler (mxmlc) allows the use of token substitution in the compiler config xml file, as referenced in the documentation.From the linked documentation it is clear that you can specify your own tokens for substitution on the commandline, but there are also some default/magic tokens available that Adobe has put in place.For example, the snippet below is reduced from an Adobe example on how to fiddle with the framework RSL sourcing:[code]I have highlighted two tokens in use there, namely hosted.rsl.url and build.number. These work "magically" without specifying them on the commandline.

Here is another example that vaguely shows the existence of a ${flexlib} token.Unfortunately, aside from those limited examples I can't find a whisper of documentation on what tokens are available... Is the list of tokens documented somewhere that I can't find? If not, does anyone know what the available tokens are so that this SO question can be the documentation? referenced build.number, I might as well also note that build.number doesn't seem to work quite like Adobe seems to think it does since for me it simply gives me the build number, not the whole string. ie: For flex, ${build.number} just gives me 20967 which is not much help). I had a web link where someone was complaining about the changing implementation of these tokens, but I can't find it anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Usable Multiple Instances From Library?

Sep 14, 2011

I am creating multiple bitmaps within a loop, and placing them inside their own MovieClip. I then have another MovieClip in the Library which I am calling and putting inside the MovieClip generated for the bitmap. Alas I cannot get multiple instances to work of the MovieClip from the Library. I think it must be my syntax in the following code..

this['bmp'+i] = new BitmapData(etc,etc)
this['box'+i] = new Bitmap( this['bmp'+i] );


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Flash :: Simplifying Flex Deployments In Services-config.xml?

Jan 26, 2010

I am using Flex/Flash to build a UI which front-ends my Rails server application. I am using WebORB as the communication mechanism. My question should apply beyond just WebORB, however. (I think).

Specifically, it has to do with the services-config.xml file. I have a local (laptop) dev environment, a remote dev and a remote production environment. I am sick of editing the URL in the services-config.xml file, rebuilding and deploying every time I want to test in a different environment.


By setting the URI="/weborb" and giving it a relative path, I figured it would work. locally--but it doesn't when I deploy it to my remote dev and prod environments (Heroku). Weird.

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Jul 12, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Global Variable From Inside Function?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a primary function that calls upon other functions, which call upon other functions, etc, each one creating different objects. I need to delete everything eventually and was thinking the easiest way to do this would be to have a global array to push() each object into. It would be easy to just put garbageArray.push(thisCreatedObject); into the for() loops of every function to grab all the objects so a deleteFunction() could just cycle through garbageArray to remove and null everything cleanly.

What I want to do:I could easily just create a global array to do this (code example 1), but I would prefer to be able to recreate this global array and delete it every time this primary function is called (code example 3) since it will be called upon a lot. It would be cleaner code to have it created from within the function as opposed to outside of it because I will have a lot of primary functions doing similar things that would require a global array like this.

I also know I could create one and simply pass it as an argument to every function (code example 2), but I would have to pass it to every single function. There are a lot of functions and a lot of calls to them, so this would require rewriting a lot of code and would be more work than it's worth. Making a global array outside of the function would be easier than doing this if it came down to it.

ActionScript Code:
//example 1 of global array. No passing as argument from
//primary to secondary functions. Multiple global arrays
//required for multiple primary functions in the future.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A .AS File And Define Constants Inside Of That File?

Sep 13, 2009

Is it possible to just create a .AS file and define constants inside of that file? Without making a new class, just so that all my classes can access these constants? This is of course possible in PHP, but are the scopes handled differently in AS3?

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Professional :: Hide Navigation Button In Xml Config File?

May 11, 2011

I have a photo gallery with a navigation button that allows for additional photo categories that I don't want to appear. Unfortunately, I can't open the .fla as it appears to have been created with a newer version of Flash. The code in the config.xml file is basically:
<navigation>  <menu 1> <content>
</menu 1>
<menu 2> <content>
</menu 2> 
Is there a tag I can add to make the navigation link disappear?

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Actionscript 3 :: Set Constant Value From A Config File During Compile Time?

Nov 23, 2010

Is there a way to set the value of a private static const identifier from a config file during compile time in Actionscript 3?Also, it would be nice if I can do this in the mxmlc ANT task.

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Flex :: Ignores Changes In Services-config.xml?

Jun 22, 2010

Today I tried to connect to other domain.I changed url of endpoint, but it looks like flex just ignores my changes.I am sure that an old url doesn't exist in any file in src directory,I even renamed services-config.xml to services-config2.xml, cleaned and rebuilded project many times, even made a release build, but it still connects to the same domain.I have tested flex application in localhost and in the same domain, that has AMF services, but it works in the same way.My services-config.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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Flex :: Specifying A Flex-config.xml With Maven / Mojos

May 19, 2010

I have to port an existing project to Maven, and it includes a resource called "config.xml" that is copied to the deploy directory alongside the SWF and HTML, and loaded at run-time to locate a bunch of WSDLs.

Flex Mojos has taken it upon itself to assume that my xml file is a flex-config file with instructions for the compiler, which of course promptly gives up the ghost.

The question is: How do I specify a named config file for the compiler so that Maven stops this nonsense (as well as specifying my compile-time options)?

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Flex :: Embed A Streaming .swf File Inside Another Flash Or Adobe Air Application

Sep 24, 2010

I currently have a network camera that streams video as a .swf (and also as a motion JPEG as well...) and I want to be able to embed the stream inside of either a Flash or Air project that I'm creating myself. The only examples i've been able to find though, require the .swf to be saved as a resource of the project; clearly, this is undesirable for a live stream.

Another option is to utilize the motion JPEG. I have some generated code (shown below), but unfortunately only the first image is displayed when viewed via adobe air (if I were to view it in a HTML browser, the image would automatically update, effectively showing the stream:

function displayImage( )
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera


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Flex :: CDATA Inside XML Variable?

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In Flex I want to create XML variable like this but parser complains about CDATA in publisher tag:

private var myXML:XML = <book>[code].....

How do I pass xml text with CDATA into XML variable being in MXML Script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Variable In From Xml File?

Oct 6, 2011

i'm new to flash, as & xml and have to create a litte quiz game. now i have a problem, i don't know how to create a variable in as2 from xml data. i want to create a variable called flags, it should read in the xml file the attribute flag, if true or false.


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Flex :: Use Out-of-datagrid Scope Variable Inside An ItemRenderer?

Sep 21, 2009

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Flex :: Increment A Global Variable Inside A Function?

Oct 31, 2010

The variable currentIndex is declared globally and initialized with a certain value say '0'. How do I hold the value of currentIndex which is incremented every time the function is called? In the given code, every time the function is called, the value is reinitialized.

function nextSong(e:Event):void


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Flex :: Bind A Boolean Variable Inside An ArrayCollection?

May 13, 2011

public var isToggled:Boolean = true;
public var menuData:Array = [


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Flex :: Create A Webbrowser Inside Application?

Dec 10, 2009

Is it possible to create a webbrowser inside a Flex (not AIR!) application? I want to display some links in a Flex application and when a user clicks the links, it should open a custom component with some sort of a webbrowsing component. Is it possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A String Then Use It To Reference A Variable In An External Text File

Jan 19, 2011

So i have an external text file organized like this:

/* $file: data.txt */
&detail0=Detail text for Sacrum


There are 28 of these 'title' and 'detail' pairs. The 'title' text is to fill a dynamic text box and the 'detail' to fill another dynamic text box depending on which section the user is mousing over.

My issue is getting the text from the file stored into arrays. For my test loop I keep getting undefined as the stored value, and i know it has something to do with converting a string value to object..

var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.onLoad = handleDataLoad;
function handleDataLoad (success:Boolean) {


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Java :: Java, BlazeDS And Config File For Application?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm programming Rich web applications with Flex and Java on Flex Builder 3 using blazeDS and SharedObjects.Now I need that my program will use configuration file.so, I need that my Java class will read it at the first time but the default path of java to read and write files is c:program filesFlex Builder 3 and not my application directory inside the tomcat webapps directory How can I read the config file from the java class without write the path hardcoded in the java?

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Actionscript 3 :: What Is An Alternative To Flash Config Constants

Apr 5, 2012

We have a project that has been built in Flash and as3. It is a video player of sorts that we want to fully customize. We have different images and color schemes that we want to be able to change very quickly. Right now we have config constants that we turn on and off for different schemes. And in the code there is a massive amount of different spots where the images and such are changed.When we create a new color scheme or whatever, we need to create a new config. Then we have to go through all of the code and put it in correctly.Basically any suggestions for how we can take the current flash project (maybe flex?) and make it customizable a lot quicker.

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Flex - Create Variable Paths Using E4X?

Jan 17, 2010

I need to know how I can parse a variable path in Flex 3 & e4X. For example, I have two XML strings where the name of one element is the only difference.


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Xml :: Create A Xmllist Variable In Flex?

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to create a xmllist variable in action script like this:

var _menuData:XMLList;
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="Backup Schedule"/>


How do I assign this xml to _menuDAta in actionScript? I dont want to create a string first and then do it all by fixing line break errors.

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Actionscript :: Flash RemoteObject Weborb Connection Without Services-config.xml ?

Nov 12, 2009

Context : I'm working on a Flash application developed with FDT and compiled with Flash CS4 (I need a huge library). It should connect to various Weborb services.Weborb is properly configured. My services are properly executed, and values returned, via the management console. Weborb examples as well as various tests compiled with Flex are fully functionnal.

Problem : when I try to adapt the code to compile with Flash, and setup the remote object like this :

var remoteObject = new RemoteObject();
remoteObject.destination = "GenericDestination";
remoteObject.source = "MyServices.MyService";[code]....

Question: how to properly setup a RemoteObject to connect to a Weborb remoting service from a Flash application compiled with Flash ?

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Xml :: ASP.NET MVC3, Flash Slider With XML Config Referencing Image Paths?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to use flashmo image slider with ASP.NET MVC3 but run into an issue with the XML configuration file for the Flash slider...the XML file uses a direct path to the photos I want to use..for instance:


I've checked out the other question which is similar to mine (http:url.....)

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