Flex :: Prevent An MFC Dialog From Handling Enter And Escape Keys And Not Passing It On

Aug 11, 2010

we have a C++ application that hosts a flex application in a MFC dialog. Everything works fine, all button pushes etc are passed directly on to flex with no problem at all, except the enter and escape keys, which immediately closes the dialog. We can trap the enter key, by implementing PreTranslateMessage() or OnOK() and impede the window closing behavior, but we still have the problem of passing these enter key pushes on to the hosted flex app further. There is no "default" button on the form or anything like that, perhaps MFC is linking the enter key to the close button in the title bar behind the scenes or something. Does anyone have any ideas how we can stop MFC from treating the enter key from being a special case.[code]

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var my_listener:Object = new Object();
my_listener.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER) {


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<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
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I've never had this problem before, usually once you activate the Flash movie then page scrolling is disabled.

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public class ClassA
private var objectString:Vector.<String>; // create a new vector to hold items - this will be passed

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How would I navigate to the x:Item node?

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theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass;
theDialog.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, cpuIntensiveCalc);

At the end of cpuIntensiveCalc the dialog is removed. The dialog informs the user that "something is going on, please stand by."

The problem is that cpuIntensiveCalc starts before the dialog draws. So the user experience is that the application freezes for 10 seconds with no indicator, then the modal dialog flashes quickly (less than a second) on screen.

The Adobe docs say this about creation_complete

Dispatched when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing.

So this feels like the correct event. In the name of completeness, I also tried

theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass;

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whether using a String as the key in a Dictionary results in slower lookups than using an Object, Class or Custom Object (an instance of developer defined Type)?

When using a String as a key, does the literal String have to be parsed, or does the Dictionary key point to the String Object?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The AWSD Keys To Work As Smoothly As The Arrow Keys?

May 16, 2003

How do I get the AWSD keys to work as smoothly as the arrow keys. I can put the arrow keys inside an enterFrame

[AS]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//move the tank
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {


If I put the AWD keys inside an enterFrame they run until I push another button

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Flex :: Flash - Alert Dialog Not Showing The Text In 4?

Aug 27, 2010

I am using Flex 4 and running into some problems displaying a simple alert box. The alert box shows up, but the text seems to be the same color as the background. I know the text is there because if I mouse over in the alert box window to roughly where the text would be, I can see the cursor change. And when I double click and copy-paste into notepad, I can see the message. But the message, the button text, the message box title don't show up.The relevant code in my project is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" layout="absolute"


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Flex :: Show A Modal Confirmation Dialog With Yes No Buttons?

Mar 4, 2011

I need to show a modal confirmation dialog with yes no buttons and get the results what the user has clicked in ActionScript 3

ok save diaglog does not who up when exit is called the application just exits.

Alert.show("Do you realy want to delete", "My Title", 3,null,
function alertClickHandler(event:CloseEvent):void


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Flex :: Events - Determine Which Button Was Clicked In Dialog

Feb 26, 2012

I am using browseForSave() to give the user a chance to save a file before navigating back to a previous screen. As of now the cancel button on the save dialog just closes the save dialog. I want to see if the cancel button was clicked, and if so continue navigating back to the previous screen without saving. Right now the person has to save the file in order to move back. Below is the code I'm using.


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