Flex :: Satisfy A Concrete And Interface Requirement In SetupResult.forCall

Jun 7, 2011

The ValidationManager has a public Dictionary for storing UI components that implement the IValidatable interface.I am testing a command class that needs an instance of ValidationManager and I want it to fail the validations. So I override the ValidationManager's "validateItem()" method like so:[code]My problem is in the execute method of the command. It checks to see if the validationItem is both a DisplayObject (isVisble) and IValidatable. Any slick way to stub a typed object AND an interface? Or do I just need to create an instance of some existing object that already satisfies both?[code]

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i have an xml which contains 'interface' sub tag, iam converting xml to object using SampleXmlDecoder. compiler did not allow me to access the value of the 'inteface' attrible of the resultobject.


its treating interface as keyword. the solution for this.

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public interface IFoo {


and have it be instantiated at runtime by a factory.

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How to get around this? How can I use an interface and a factory purely in MXML?

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Jquery :: Vs Flex For Drag-n-Drop Interface

Nov 24, 2010

I'm developing an application that will randomize a list of words, and display them to the user. The user will then be able to drag the box containing each word over a Cartesian plane, and drop it anywhere they like. They will also be able to link various words together on the same plane. Once a user has completed these tasks, I want to update a database with that user's data - the coordinates of each word, as well as any parent words that may exist for each word. I started developing the application in Flex, but I'm running into problems integrating the data manipulation. It might just be me, but I find the way Flex is structured to be very counter-intuitive. I'm playing around with shifting the project over to perhaps a JQuery build. I'm proficient in neither JQuery nor Flex, however, and I'm not sure which one will be easier to pick up and develop a working prototype with.

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For a Flex application that is used to search and display results (no write operations), I am currently storing data in a relational database, but rather than querying the DB via the app, I am doing a nightly write of the data, including its relationships, to an XML file.Then, through Flex, I am loading that XML file, parsing it into custom Objects, and "querying" those objects as necessary.

It works well basically filtering an ArrayCollection of these Objects based on search criteria. Versus querying the DB, full text search, for instance, is extremely fast in this scenario.But what are some potential drawbacks? How valid is this approach?

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Flex :: Identify If Class Reference Is An Interface?

Oct 10, 2011

As in Java I want to know if my reference is declared as Interface.

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Use Flex's Coding Ability With Flash's Design Interface?

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Flex :: Call Parent Method From Module Using Interface?

Feb 22, 2011

I am using this guide for passing data to modules "Using interfaces for module communication". For getting child module instances they have done this

var ichild:* = mod.child as IModuleInterface; (mod = moduleLoader)

What should I do to get instance of parent application inside module? How can I call parent methods inside modules?

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User Interface - What Does A Web Designer Need To Migrate To Flex Quickly

Mar 12, 2011

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- Projects I need to complete in Flex
- Tutorials
- Key concepts
- Other technologies in a nutshell (webservices, SOAP, AJAX, HTML5 etc.)


This Flex reference should include everything needed for beginning Adobe Flash Builder 4

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Flex :: Listening To Events In Javascript Without Using External Interface?

Jul 6, 2011

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Flex :: Best Means Of Displaying 'Select Language' Interface?

Nov 11, 2011

Well, there is a huge debate going on with the "best way to show users language selection", but no answer.All seem to suck. 2 and 3 suffering from "Country != Language", 1 and 4 suffering from "Cognitively, selecting a word out of a list of words sucks."While this question may seem subjective, it is possible to answer this question in a non-subjective way.Such as if Flex or some Flex component exists as a "Language Chooser" such as that found on a mobile device.

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User Interface - Flex Give Yes/No Box For Checkbox Deselect?

Nov 21, 2011

I want to show the user a confirmation box when they deselect a checkbox. My code works although I think it is a bit of a hack. I listen to the checkbox click and then show the alert. Depending on the result I then set the checkbox to be checked again.

My code is

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" >


the code is specific to cb1 and cannot be reused for other checkboxes the checkbox is deselected when the alert shows. Then when the user clicks no the checkbox is selected again. stop the uncheck event if the user clicks no on the alert box. Is it possible to intercept this in Flex?

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Flex :: Find All Classes In A Package That Implement A Certain Interface?

May 29, 2009

In as/flex, Is it possible to find all Classes in a package that implement a certain interface?

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