Flex :: Stop The Flash Privacy Popup From Occurring Twice On A Page?

Sep 7, 2010

My web-app records users via webcam and microphone. I want to use HTML/JS for the controls and content, so I created two separate Flex modules: * A "Webcam Setup" module that lets you choose your camera and mic input devices * A "record" module that lets the user record and submit the recording

When I embed either of these on the page, since they access the user's Camera/Mic object, Flash shows the Privacy dialog that says "[mysite] is requesting access to your camera and microphone. If you click Allow, you may be recorded."

The problem is, if I answer Yes in the Setup module, and later add the Record module to the page using Javascript, it again shows the Privacy dialog.

Is there a way to avoid the second privacy popup?

I would think that saying "Yes" for [mysite] would store that permission for at least that session, but apparently not.

What I've tried I tried combining them into one SWF, adding it to the page once and moving the DOM element with jQuery's append() function when needed. When I move it, however, it reloads and asks me again.

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text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"].

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<views:ScenarioView width="100%" height="100%" id="scenarioView"/>


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Flash :: How To Delete Privacy-Invading Cookies

May 9, 2009

Adobe is, in my opinion, intentionally deceptive on a number of levels about the privacy-invading cookies that Flash stores on your machine. These are NOT the cookies that get deleted when you clear your browser cache. These cookies remain on your machine until you MANUALLY DELETE THEM. And Adobe know that most users are not technically proficient enough to even find where they exist.There is a good site that describes how to get rid of them here: [URL]


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Here is the script I'm using-

ActionScript Code:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


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May 12, 2010

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I have one page that is build up with separate flash shows. Including one that has sound on it. Easiest way to outclude the sound is to reload page without including the php/flash file where the sound is. (yeah, I know this sounds really confusing, but this is how the page is build).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening Popup Page In Standalone Projection

Apr 28, 2005

I am creating a standalone projector (CD with autorun). This means my swf files are NOT contained within html. I would like to, when clicking on button, open a popup html page with specific dimensions. I was wondering if it is possible to do that, and what AS to use,
or if I have the obligation, to openpopups, to launch my swf files within html mother page.

Here is the code of button that works (but does not open popup):
on (press) {
getURL("URL", "_blank");

Here is the code for popup but does not work (opens html page normally):
on (press) {
getURL("URL", "", "width=580,height=400,left=100,top=100");

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Flash :: Can't Stop Page From Flashing Repeatedly

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Well first off here is my script so far on the page[url]...

Using Pastie to keep amount of text on thread low to make things easier to read.

Here are the errors I get everytime I try to debug or Test Movie[code]...

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Stop All Sounds For All Flash SWF Embedded On A Page?

Jan 23, 2012

I have 100 swf embedded in a page. The swf are various forms of individual audio playbacks.- an swf button that loads an swf into it that has audio on a timeline streamed. AS3
- swf that has streamed audio using scripting so there is no preloading. AS2Since I have 100 and the user could press all 50 at a time and have this giant noise of sounds and bog down their bandwidth. Is there anyway of:- stopping all playing of swfs that has streamed audio using timeline. I guess that could be like a ALL stop frame command??- stop all sounds coming from the streamed audio swf

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Unwanted Flicker Occurring In Button

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I have created a button for a homepage, and, to help designate it as "clickable," I have changed its background color on the Over through Hit stages.However, the background color change flickers instead of staying the changed color.Go to and hover over "Cirlces for Rice Field Days 2009" in the Spotlight box on the homepagethis is the flickering button.

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Is there a way to open a html page in a borderless popup window using AS3. I've found info using AS2 with the "getURL" but nothing with the "new URLRequest" This is an example of what I'm looking to do: [URL]

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My Flex application is required to load a SWF file externally. This SWF file has a popup. How could I ensure the popup is at the middle of my Flex application and modal?

Edit: The popup component is owned by SWF file (through a "Show more" button) and is not just an Alert. The SWF file is provided by third party. Any update on the SWF file and its popup component do not require re-compilation.

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Jun 22, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay This Action From Occurring For A Few Seconds?

Jun 12, 2009

I have a simple code:

on (release){
getURL ("google.com", "_blank");

I am wondering if when the user clicks, is there any way to delay this action from occurring for a few seconds? For example, if the user clicks, this action won't happen for 2 seconds. Is there any code I can add before or around it to make this happen?

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Nov 3, 2011

I am creating modal popup canvas window in a parent page. When I close the popup how do we get notification in parent screen that child popup is just closed.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Flash Player To Stop / When Change To Home Page

Jun 8, 2011

I'm building a website in flash using my limited understanding of action script.Everything was progressing very well until I found that if I go to one of my example pages of my web site and play the flash video (with audio)and click back to my "home" button, the audio will continue to play.If I go back to the example page, the video is off and when I start the  video, it plays again with the other audio.How do I stop the audio when I click away from the example page back to the home page or any other page?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Video Not Stop Playing When Goto Another Page

Jun 25, 2009

I am having a problem with the video on my website. I put a couple of videos on there and I have them working. But if I click on another page, the sound is still playing on the video until it is over. I found a temporary solution by putting in the code to STOP ALL. This make it work how it should. But the thing is I want background music, and with the code I have know the music would shut off every time I go to another page. Is there any code where I could just shut the sound off for that video when I click on something else and not ALL sound?

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