Jquery :: Move Flash Animation In-page To A Popup Without Reinitializing?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a Flash video which sits in a small box on the side of my website and plays video.When the user clicks on a 'View larger' button I need it to display in a lightbox - but continue playing from the same place.A simple piece of jquery like this works fine to move the video to another DIV (such as a jquery UI popup window).

$('.holder', dialog).append($("#DemoVideo")[0]);

However in Chrome + FF it restarts the video from the beginning - basically it reinitializes the <object>.My solutions are either : Position it absolutely with CSS in the first place and move it to the popup with CSS and some nasty JS event resize handlers. Remember the position and just instantiate a new video player and make the user live with the delay of rebuffering

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Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

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$("#menu ul li a").not(this).removeClass("currentMenu");[code]....

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<div id="play-btn">
<a class="play-video" href="#flashArea1">Play Video</a>

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After working for a prolonged time on a programming problem, I start to get coding tunnel vision. It makes it harder to draw back and look at the problem from farther away. Hence my question: I am using a Drupal 6 site. When a menu option is clicked, the page opens and a Flash SWF file needs to played in a ThickBox. After 8 seconds, that Thickbox closes.

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Is there a way to avoid the second privacy popup?

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What I've tried I tried combining them into one SWF, adding it to the page once and moving the DOM element with jQuery's append() function when needed. When I move it, however, it reloads and asks me again.

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<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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jQuery SWFObject plugin


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Flash :: Mouseevent - Why Does Animation Reset When Move The Mouse

Jul 7, 2010

I have 2 overlapping movieclips on the stage. Both are instances of the same movieclip, but with different names. One bigger then the other, due to a magnifying effect. (I have tried to out-rule that code by the way, so its not that). The intention is to make both movieclips play when the mouse is over the stage and then stop as the mouse leaves the area. Seems simple and I have done that alot of times with other animations.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enemy Animation Sequence - Rotate + Move, Then Stop Then Shoot Then Rotate Back And Move Off Screen

Aug 10, 2009

I am having some dificulty making a path for this enemy i'm trying to create... cause i want him to rotate + move, then stop, then shoot, then rotate back and move off screen... Its easier if you see it.. you can download the swf file in the zipped archive to demonstrate what i mean. I did it there with tweens. Anyway.. i tried and make it but i'm a little stuck on the stopping part... you can also see what i did in the fla file attatched...

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Sep 29, 2010

I'm working on a jquery slider/carousel to rotate between a couple of promotions.

What I'm looking for is a way to show the remaining time until the next promotion slides in. Exactly as the flash promo at: [URL]

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Designing Popup Card Animation Properly?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to design a pop up card in flash but it's a tough one to work out. I have a flat illustration which my client wants to appear as if it is on a pop up card, but I'm having trouble trying to animate this. Everything I try looks a bit flat, and trying to get the perspective right is a killer.

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JQuery :: How To Prevent Page Refreshing (Only Display Video)

Jul 7, 2010

I'm using JQuery to create a button that (when clicked), removes a flash video from the page. Unfortunately, I can't simply use hide(). I must remove() because hiding doesn't stop the video in ie8 and the sound continues to play. After the video is removed I would like it to reappear when a "show video" button is clicked. I tried to accomplish this with clone() and detach()... The video appears but does not play and has missing controls in IE only. Other browsers work fine.

The video is initially added to the page using the AC_FL_RunContent() function. The issue is that when I try to add the "removed" video back to the page by calling AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase'... The page refreshes and shows only the video. Everything else has disappeared. How can I prevent that from happening?

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Sep 1, 2011

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