Frame Rate Controlled By The Mouse Cursor?
Jul 2, 2009
I have created this spinning diamond flash with a dynamic frame rate controlled by the mouse cursor. it spins from the right to the left if the cursor is at the left side of the diamond and vice verse, and also the further away the cursor is from the middle of the diamond, the faster it spins.
it works perfectly awesome in Firefox and by itself, but when it's in IE, the cursor loses control of frame rate, so it spins at the highest frame rate regardless where the cursor is at. I used nextFrame(), prevFrame() to do the winding and rewinding job, and frame rate gets changed in ENTER_FRAME. I've heard some say that IE ignores frame rate per frame? is it true? if so, how do I fix it?
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I CAN change the frame rate, like this:
But if I want to change these values I have a problem, I could create a button that says 'on(release){ mc1.framespersec(15);' but all this will do is increase the frame rate by 15, not make it 15.
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var nCounter:Number = 0;
var nColumn:Number = 9;
var nRow:Number = 5
var aBoxes:Array = new Array();
function setInit(){
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May 27, 2009
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Dec 22, 2009
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I need to export my flash movie in an almost uncompressed format to bring it to a DVD.
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