GetNextHighestDepth - Cant Put The Clip 2 Between The Background And The Png File?

Mar 29, 2011

i have 3 movie clips,all loaded external into the scene with action script

clip 1 is the background.

clip 2 is thumbnails of photos that pass through the screen from top to bottom.and the clip 3 is a png file that i want to put in front of all other movie clips.My problem is that i cant put the clip 2 between the background and the png file cause the clip 2 uses the "getNextHighestDepth" method because everytime the user clicks on a thumbnail a larger image appears in top of all other layers.

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Aug 14, 2010

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MC_windowQ.dragbarQ.onPress = function() {
I also have code that stops it dragging. What I need answering though is how to make the window get the highest depth (so that it is on top of the other windows after pressing the dragbar. I tried using getNextHighestDepth() but it doesn't seem to be working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Swf's To Load Using GetNextHighestDepth

Aug 15, 2008

I have a flash movie with some buttons that load swf's into the movie. Here is the code I have attached to the buttons:

var container:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("weddingClip", this.getNextHighestDepth());

This actually works fine the first time. The problem is that if I press button 1 and it loads the appropriate swf, then I press button 2 and it loads it's appropriate swf, if I decide to go back to 1, it won't come up because it is already loaded below #2. I would think it would come up in depth.

Here is the link to the site for demonstration purposes: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SwapDepths Random But GetNextHighestDepth Obscures Objects?

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I'm currently trying to create something akin to a simple 'page flip' effect for a site.The effect that I'm going for is basically a changing background, appearing by playing an MC (tweened movement of large rectangle that moves from off-screen to on-screen) that is, ideally, supposed to be executed by a button.

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The problem lies in the order of playing the MCs. A background colour rectangle MC should technically cover up whatever background MC is already there. However, when a new MC slides on, the one below it briefly changes to a seemingly random one. The MCs are currently not created dynamically, but I did ponder whether the problem could be solved by dynamically creating them using loadMovie and then removing it when the next one loads or something... I've made it work using swapDepths, but therein lies the problem I think, because swapDepths works by trading depths of MCs and, when giving the MC that you want to appear on top a certain depth, it takes that depth from an MC that already has it, thus causing THAT MC to adopt a new depth and the order seems to change completely... I considered using getNextHighestDepth(), but that obscures the text and, as I take it, getNextHighestDepth() gets THE highest possible depth (I think...), there doesn't seem to be any meaning in assigning a depth, no matter how high, to the text.

// MCs containing coloured buttons
// Plays each coloured button's associated coloured page MC and swaps the MCs'
// depth bringing it to the top of the stack


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So far, I have this:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;


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I load this clip:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myGalleryXML = new XML();
myGalleryXML.ignoreWhite = true;
[Code] .....

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removeMovieClip("container_mc" );
The movie disappears but the placement turns black.
I added:
this._alpha = 0;
But the other clips of the main movie doesn't load.

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Mar 26, 2010

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Code: Select allfscommand ("fullscreen", true);
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control The Background Colour Of A Movie Clip And The Stage?

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i have a movie where a user loads images into an image viewer (mc) i have craeted. If a user clicks on gallery 1, the loader appears, and load the jpg and then tells the viewer to show onceloaded. But, if a user clicks on gallery 1, then clicks on gallery 2, the movie finishes loading picture 1, before loading picture 2, is there any waqy i can force the loader to stop loading one,a dn load two immediately.

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Professional :: Make Background Move Over / When Movie Clip Hits Edge

Mar 25, 2012

the conent will not be able to be seen unless the user hits the arrow keys on there key board. So i need to make a group of objects i can make into a movie clip and than inside that movie clip make an animation that plays the squirrel running. i will pause here to ask two things i dont know how to do i want the squirrel to have an animation when standing still where it flicks its tail (like a real squirrel would). and also how would i flip the squirrel so when the left key is pressed it points left and when the right arrow is pressed it faces left? and my main question when it reaches the edge of the stage the extended background that runs off stage moves over to reavel more content. as well as not have the squirrel run off stage? in short i am using the squirrel to view the full pages content.

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I have a dynamic text field being fed html formatted text from an external text file, and is set to autosize vertically (left), works no problem. I have an animated movie clip behind the text field for a background, so the text looks like it's inside a (animated) colored box. How do I make the background movie clip autosize (vertically) along with the text box above it?

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Mar 1, 2010

I'm writing a card game in AS3. The artist I'm working with has produced (in Flash CS4) a single swf-file containing all the card graphics and animations. The structure of the fla working file looks something like this:

- Scene
- CardGraphics (Movie Clip)
- CardFront
- CardBack
- CardValueImage (Movie Clip)

In the program I create 52 instances of my Card class, each having a MovieClip instance created from the loaded swf. The idea is to set the frame of the CardValueImage MovieClip to correspond to the Card instance's suit and rank member variables. However, I can't figure out how I access CardValueImage and call gotoAndStop (or whatever method I will need to call).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Not To Scale / Background Movieclip To Take Full Screen Of Browser

Sep 2, 2009

Essentially I have an animation with two main movie clips - a foreground and background movie clip.I want the foreground movie clip not to scale but the background movieclip to take the full screen of the browser.I'm only using vector images

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Upload File In Background

Mar 2, 2009

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to allow a user to upload a file in the background and let them continue to interact with flash movie, while the file is being uploaded. E.g. if they are uploading a 50mb file, we don't want the whole interface to be locked up for 10 minutes while the file uploads, it's be great if they can continue to interact in the movie while the file uploads. I'm guessing if they refresh the page, or navigate away from the movie, that the upload process would get cut off and there isn't anyway around that. Couple of ideas I had:

1. My first thought is that we could use a popup window with a upload form in it. Which is simple, but not very cool.

2. Use some sort of ajax background uploader in conjunction with flash ... not sure exactly if this is possible.

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Flash File With Transparent Background

Jul 26, 2009

Is it possible to make flash file with transparent background. I want to make animated buttons on transparent background, so you can see background image in wordpress under the buttons.

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Professional :: Transparent Background In A A Swf File?

Mar 12, 2010

I've read a Flash tutorial which states in order for your published swf. to have no background you have to:

File - Publish Settings - HTML tab - Windows Mode: Transparent Windowless - Publish

I have then exported the file as a swf. and mounted it in a HTML container expecting the Flash movie to have no background.This did not happen, there was a plain white background in the container instead.

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IDE :: Black Background On Imported Flv File?

Jan 3, 2010

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I really need the flv to be seamless on a white background.

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public class robotMC extends MovieClip
public function robotMC()


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Feb 17, 2010

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Replace Background Image With Swf File In Html?

May 5, 2009

I want my swf animation to be set as the background in my html page so I can put tables on top of it. I tried to do it but the swf file is not coming up.

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