Javascript :: Html - Play Swf File Once On Mouseover?

Aug 11, 2010

i need to play a .swf flash file when i mouse over one of my links so <a href="123.html" onMouseOver=" PLAY MY SWF ONCE ">123</a>

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<table border=0 width=100% height=100%>
<tr><td align=center valign=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="test/swfobject.js"></script>


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Flash :: Javascript - Embed Completely In HTML Without Reference To An External SWF File?

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Is there any way to embed Flash completely in HTML, without reference to an external SWF file? I ask because I would like to send an HTML file as an email attachment that the recipient will open in a browser and fill out as a form. The last step is that they will copy the result to their clipboard, paste it into a new message, and email it back. I cannot reliably copy to the clipboard with JavaScript because of the security issues, but there are simple Flash apps to add that capability.

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Is there a way to incoporate a "stop the other SWF files playing" in this somehow?

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<object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="450">
<param name="movie" value="moviewebsite/pollardsmovie.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
[Code] ......

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows
mysound = new Sound();
It works well in IE but not in Firefox.

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox?

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows

mysound = new Sound();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pass Variable Into HTML To Play A Flash File?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple SWF file that can receive the name of a FLV file in the HTML file and play it since I have many FLV files.  Basically using the technique of FlashVars.  I've set the contentPath/source in the components to be blank, and set my actions in the first frame to be player.source = filename, as was instructed to do so in a Flash book I am reading. I then set the "filename" variable to a file in the same path as the web page in the HTML file, however, all I get is a blank Flash player skin.  The FLV file will not load.  I also tried setting the "filename" variable to load the FLV from a public website in the same domain and on another domain, but it still doesn't work.

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Mar 9, 2010

I listen to internet radio at [URL] and it works pretty well, except for one minor issue. The Flash applet that runs the radio player has a timer on it, where if you don't move the mouse over the player every once in a while, it decides you're idle and shuts off the stream, even if you're not actually idle, but just working on something else with the radio player running in the background.

Is there any way I can send a fake MouseOver message to this applet to keep it from cutting me off in the middle of a song, maybe with a GreaseMonkey script? I'm using Firefox.

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Play Animation On Mouseover?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and I'm trying to create what I think is pretty simple. I have a tree that will have leaves. I want the individual leaves to fall on mouseover. When the animation is complete, I want the leaves to stay where they land and not reset back up on the tree. I know how to tween and animate the leaves, but everything else is really falling apart for me. I feel like this should be pretty simple. I've created the tree and leaves in illustrator and am importing the .ai file into flash and turning each of the leaves into a bitmap (as opposed to a movie file)

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Professional :: FLV To SWF To HTML - Loads The Background Color Of The Flash File But It Doesn't Play The FLV?

Nov 26, 2010

I made a 'movie' in Premiere and exported as FLV., Its suppose to be a banner on the top of a web page. The site was made with Dreamweaver. When played locally, the banner does great. When I put it on the server, thats a different story. I can tell thats something is there because it loads the background color of the flash file but it doesn't play the FLV.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play Layer When Mouseover?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a movieclip and I have 3 layers within the movie clip with Shape tweens. Now i want to create either 3 buttons or shapes or graphics which, when you hover the mouse over, one of the specific layers with the shape tween, will play only once (until the mouse hovers over again).

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Professional :: Converting FLV Into SWF With MouseOver Play?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a .flv video which is too wide, it needs to be 300px wide. I can scale it down in flash, no problem. I need it to start paused (displaying an image of my choosing) then when they mouseover the image, the image fades out to black real quick and the video starts playing. This needs to be exported as an swf file. Sounds easy, but I can't seem to get the action scripts to work. I'm using Adobe Flash CS 5. The video I want to use is here. [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Play MovieClip On Mouseover

Jun 1, 2005

How would I make it so that when you mouseover on a movie clip it plays? The effect I am going for is that of [URL] where the menu is on the right. Is that how I would approach doing that?

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Oct 23, 2009

We're currently building a Flex application using the PureMVC framework with a shell.swf which loads/unloads modules dynamically. We're experiencing issues with memory and we're looking to replace the shell.swf with a JavaScript-based loader.Two questions:What would be a good framework to dynamically load the Flex components and allow the modules to communicate between each other?Would dynamically loading/unloading the modules via JavaScript take care of the typical memory problems associated with Flex/Flash applications?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Sound Only On Hover/mouseover

Jun 29, 2011

i want to do many little animations with sound on one page. for not getting a complete sound mess i thought about playing only on hoover. i was lucky to mix up some as3 to get a sound playing only when you hover the animation.

A invisible button on a layer above the movie frames controls via mouseover and mouseout the start and stop of the sound - problem here: sound runs totally uncontrolled and asynchronous to the frames of the animation.


here is the code of the button:

PHP Code:

newButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutHandler);


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Play / Stop MovieClip On MouseOver And Roll Off

Oct 17, 2009

I've never used Flash for anything more than simple animations, I know nothing about actionscript. But I a sequence of images that I've loaded into a movie clip in flash, I need it to play when you mouseover it, stop when you roll off of it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button - Play Until Both The Mouseover And Mousedown Happens

Feb 11, 2010

Its been a while since i used flash and i need some action script for my latest project. On my button i want: aboutUs_mc to play when mouseover aboutUs2_mc to play when mousedown i also dont want either to play until both the mouseover and mousedown happens. i also dont want them movieclips looped.

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