Javascript :: Pointer As Writing Pen In Page?
Feb 29, 2012
I want to find a way to make possible to draw on the entire browser page or a part of it using the mouse pointer. It will be just a blue line that it will be created when the button is clicked.
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May 4, 2009
I've read some previous post by others, and have got the concept of how to make it happen just need to ask a few specific questions, one is the action script for changing the movie to the cursor and telling it how to move as the mouse cursor, next question is how do i get to act as the mouse pointer for the whole page, for instance I'm using frames I've got my buttons in the left frame, with a banner it the nested top and then the pages of course load in the main frame, how when creating the mouse cursor do i get it to work all over the page? I wasn't sure if using the normal method if it acts through out the whole site or just over a flash movie.
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Feb 13, 2011
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Sep 17, 2009
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Oct 11, 2011
I have a an unobtrusive flash video looping in the background of a website, it is not essential to navigation - it is purely cosmetic.The flash video loops every 30 seconds.As this video is on all pages, it jumps back to the start when a new page is loaded.Is there an actionscript / javascript way to get it to remember the position it got to on the old page so it can start there on the new page?I do know that this can be accomplished by loading the flash movie in a frame as well as by having the subsequent pages load the contents in AJAX but I was hoping not to go down this route.I have seen other people ask the question and allude to the solution but they only posted that they got it to work without saying how.
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Jul 8, 2010
I am refactoring some code. I have a PHP page that contains a MySQL query and stores the result in a PHP variable $my_result. This result is then echoed to a Flash SWF during embedding with SWFObject. I now want to call this PHP page that makes the query from a javascript function like so - one change I have made to the PHP is that instead of storing the result in a variable $my_result I am echoing the result. Javascript function to call the PHP page and make the database query
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Mar 16, 2012
I'm trying to call a php script/page that has some javascript calls in it, from AS3.
I'm using the regular
var varSend:URLRequest=new URLRequest("http://my_www/script.php");
My php page has some javascript. The php passes some variables obtained in POST to my JS script, which connect to a 3rd party app. Now my problem is, i can call the script from AS3 without any problem, but when i do so, it seems like the JS is never running. My question is, if you call a php script/page in POST from flash, is the JS embed in that page running ??
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Nov 17, 2010
I'm trying to embed a .swf into a wordpress page. This sounds simple, but it isn't working and I cannot fathom out why. I've uploaded all the relevant files onto the server, and I'm fairly sure all the filepaths are correct. The folder containing the .fla and .swf files also contained an index.html file, which I have put into a template. I've tried putting the supplied code into the HTML on the page, I've tried simply using said template, and the best I'm getting is a blank area which doesn't load the flash content.
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Aug 15, 2011
Is there a way to get the names of variables from a flash game? I have been playing with my players health with the code;
javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.player.intHP", 0)
I am looking for a way to find out the rest of the variables, like damage and such.
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Dec 2, 2011
i am developing facebook application, and i need to get the facebook root page url not iframe, all these methods: document.location,window.location and top.location... return the iframe url ( my hosting server ) not facebook url.
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Nov 12, 2009
I need to create a flip book/page application. I have seen flash created flip page, can it be done in any other languages, e.g. jquery or javascript? And also, what are some concepts that I am required to have in mind/knowledge on for creating a flip book?
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Jan 1, 2011
In the code below what is addvariable doing also i need to embed the swf only in my html page and it is not php. how to embed the swf file in html page
<table border=0 width=100% height=100%>
<tr><td align=center valign=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="test/swfobject.js"></script>
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Feb 16, 2011
I put object and embed tag in a why page and run on IE Everything is ok.
But when i put object & embed tag in a page of joomla
I get immediately error ( i think joomla have problem )
__flash__removeCallback(document.getElementById("flash"), "loadData");
Object doesn't support this property or method it seem like not exists function _flash_removeCallBack
I have researched and found documents about problem[URL]..
I try to override that function but not effective. How to fix it ?
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Apr 1, 2011
how to open a page on click of hyper link in new browser instance (so that it should not be blocked by popup blocker) in flash AS3/ javascript
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Apr 26, 2011
I want a single online web page for my bookmarks. The page should include small windows which opens the following pages:
Fizy, Facebook, Guardian.
There should also be a button for adding a new window with an URL text input.Here's an illustration of how the page should look: http:[url].....I've built a version of this at http:[url]...., but as you may see, it uses iframes under javascript windows, which can not open frame-breaking sites (like, or Facebook.
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May 26, 2011
I have a bizarre situation in IE where JS can't call up into flash using ExternalInterface after I hit "refresh". I know the movie is getting loaded and the code that does the ExternalInterface.addCallback() appears to be completing without any error Here's a rundown of the steps to reproduce:
Open IE and load up the movie for the first time, the ExternalInterface callback methods are available to JavaScript. If I hit refresh, the callback methods aren't available and I get the error Object doesn't support this property or method.If I clear my cache and refresh the page, they are available again.If I then hit refresh again without clearing my cache, they're unavailable.If I close the browser and reopen, they're available again.
I've run into this situation before and I'm pretty sure that the extra delay required to download and instantiate the swf is what's allowing ExternalInterface to get set up properly. The way I worked around this before was to add a random number to the end of the swf's url, so that it's never used from cache, but that's not a real solution.
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Jun 13, 2011
Is there a way to have a hidden swf ( flex application ) on a page and still have it be reachable from javascript and debuggable from flash builder? I have need to use flash to manipulate js but it needs to be reachable from js to be started.
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a flash map included in my site usually like <object... and so on. I have seen on some websites that on page load the flash is already active, I mean, on my map you have to first click on it and then start interacting with it. I want to make it on page load already available for interaction, so user when hovers over flash it would already work, so that user doesn't need to click on the map to start interacting with it.
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Jul 25, 2011
I am creating a login page in HTML with Javascript Elements.
Basically I have a login form. and if credentials are wrong I want it to show an alert in HTML which another Javascript manages. Anyway I have setup a test page here As you can see when you input the wrong credentials it will display an alert. But I want it to perform an action in HTML? (This is so hard to describe)
<div class="notification error"> That is the code in HTML which will show that red box you see up the top & I will add text later.
Here's the Login form:
else {
return true;
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Sep 10, 2011
Before Entering my site, I have a flash intro that is played, and now, I want to know how I can make it so that if the intro page has already been seen, that it does not show it next time, until the cookie expires or is deleted.
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Dec 20, 2011
This is a simple page I am trying to add a .swf to, with a small custom made js function I slapped up. With chrome the swf is pushed up and out of the navigator window and is missing the top half.
I have tried this quick and dirty approach to detect browser and set the proper background values for each browser:
var browser = BrowserDetect.browser;
var height = '';
var width = '';
switch (browser){
For the movie size in the embed tag: I have tried percents, I have tried pixels, quite a few different combinations. There is always at least one browser that chokes no matter how I set it. Right now it is chrome that chokes. Does anyone knowing the trick to these parameters mind clueing me in on a proper efficient method to integrate a .swf?
Maybe the outer html code is not properly structured and causes this? I am not specialised integration, I am mostly a back-ender, tried a few solutions online but this custom .js that sets values for <nosript> is the only way I managed to get this close to working crossbrowser.
My question basically, what are the clean efficient ways used by integrators to integrate swf cross browser, and is my approach workable if I set proper values?
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Dec 24, 2011
I'm using an ASP.NET server side control for playing mp3, of course I can use javascript or flash controls for doing so, but my problem is that I want the music to be played only once (at site start up), and its playing should continue when user displays new pages, I've used this control in master page, I don't want the music to be restarted whenever a new page is loaded?
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Oct 22, 2004
I have a sliding, drop down menu sidebar thingy. The user clicks a button and my slick little eye candy flash movie has a secondary navigation list slide down while any buttons underneath slide down as well. Then when you click on another button it slides back up and the new button's secondary nav slides down. nuff said.what I would like to have happen is that when a user clicks on a secondary nav button and a new html page loads, I would like it to appear that the secondary nav slider has stayed down on the newly loaded html page.this means passing some kind of variable to my flash movie so that it can tell which page the user is on and react (go to a particular frame)
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May 21, 2010
I've made a XML based Mp3 player using Flash 8 and AS2. The player is working just fine, I mean playing song on previous and next button. Now I want to enlarge this and my idea is to list all the mp3s on a PhP page and allow user to listen to any song randomly. This means, user can click any song name and that song will start playing in the player.
My problem over here is; the song listing and the player will be on one single page and clicking on any song wont reload that page to play the selected song but just reload the content of the mp3 player.
I know this can be done in Javascript. My thought on this is:
On clicking each song name, I need to call a JS function and pass to it the "ID" of the song. This JS function needs to pass "that ID" to the swf which will play the song.
Keeping aside the complexity involve in ActionScript to fetch the song name as per the passed ID, I need to know how to pass this ID from JS to AS
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Dec 5, 2009
I'm trying to make an mp3 player that passes javascript events to a flash file. I'm not very saavy in flash so this may be a simple question.. but how do you make a "movie-less" flash file? Is it possible to just embed an actionscript file? Because that is really all I need to run. Side note: What is the easiest (and fastest) way to pass params to actionscript using javascript?
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Jul 1, 2010
Is is possible to detect within JavaScript of Flash if there is auto audio another flash object (mostly ad) on the page?
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Jul 27, 2010
I have integrated sIFR3 and it shows perfectly in my home page but not on any other pages. I never changed anything only the name of the font. Here is my sifr-config.js:
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Mar 10, 2011
Is there any way to mute other flash objects on the same page with ActionScript or Javascript? I can understand if this would be a security issue but my flash does have a user-initiated mode which takes over the screen and I was hoping this might be an exception where it's clear it has full priority for the user.
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Apr 12, 2011
On a page I have a an iFrame and a swf, I've been trying to use ExternalInterface to pass values from the swf to the iFrame, anyone ever tried this and had any luck? I won't be able to post any code until tomorrow, will update then if needed.Here is a visualization of what I need to accomplish, perhaps if it can't be done the way I said someone will have a suggestion of another way to accomplish this.
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Jul 22, 2011
I want an mp3 player stretched at the bottom of the screen that won't refresh on page reload. I just want to embed a basic mp3 player in some flash, or use jquery, or ajax? Not really sure. I'm most familiar with jquery and would prefer that route. I just not sure how you could have a div that stretches through every page, but only being defined in one page.
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