Javascript :: Embed Flash In The Background (hidden On The Page)

Dec 5, 2009

I'm trying to make an mp3 player that passes javascript events to a flash file. I'm not very saavy in flash so this may be a simple question.. but how do you make a "movie-less" flash file? Is it possible to just embed an actionscript file? Because that is really all I need to run. Side note: What is the easiest (and fastest) way to pass params to actionscript using javascript?

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Flash :: Javascript - After Installing - Swfobject Still Won't Embed Video Until Reload The Original Page

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Feb 16, 2011

I put object and embed tag in a why page and run on IE Everything is ok.

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I get immediately error ( i think joomla have problem )

__flash__removeCallback(document.getElementById("flash"), "loadData");

Object doesn't support this property or method it seem like not exists function _flash_removeCallBack

I have researched and found documents about problem[URL]..

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const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint = 8;
var menuItems:Array = new Array();
var txtArray:Array = ["Pop/Rock", "Hip Hop", "Electrónica", "Jazz", "Ambient", "Folk",


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Embed A Flash Swf Into The Frame Background?

Feb 12, 2010

i want a regular frame

<table border="0" width="800">
<td valign="top"> </td>


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I have a html/flash site now, [URL]. i access email from my site itself by giving the userid and pwd text box which i copied from the actual website hosting my email access. i copied the entire <form...></form> tag to my page and thus was able to put the name and pwd in my home page only and access the email in a separate window. now i have redesigned my webpage using only flash. i would like to know how i can implement the same using flash. as i have not much experience using action scripting i am a bit stuck about how you pass the hidden form variables. the below is the the exact form syntax:


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Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
var introListener:Object = new Object();
introListener.onResize = function() {


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target: "slideshow",
xmlFilePath: "galeries/images.php?album=1",


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Flash :: Providing A JavaScript Link To Embed Content

Feb 8, 2010

We can obviously provide embed code to users such as.[code]which is what every (ok, so not every, but the vast majority) video sharing site does (YouTube, Break, Vimeo etc).However, somebody's pointed out that we could also provide a JavaScript embed link as follows:[code]What's the disadvantage of the JS embed option? The advantage is obvious, it's a nicer URL for the user, less characters to place in their site. I'm worried about security here, as somebody who doesn't know JavaScript; is this an inherently insecure way of doing things? And if the JavaScript URL is fine, how come none of the well-known sites do it?

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Flash :: Javascript :: ExternalInterface Works With Embed Tag But Not With Object Tag

Sep 19, 2011

The "modern" updated way to embed a flash object, according to Adobe:


Then it works on Firefox and Chrome (the AS function is called and works properly) - (it doesn't work in IE though). How come it doesn't work with an object tag? How "safe" it is to use the embed tag instead of the object tag? Is it not obsolete? Note, that it is definitely not a timing issue - If I call the AS function from JS from an onclick function - then the results are the same.

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Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to scale this video to 640x360. When I change the width and height, the video doesn't get bigger. I tried adding the parameters scale="aspect", scale="exactfit", cale="default". None of them worked.Is there any way to scale this to 640x360?Embed Code:

<object width="416" height="374" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie"


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Embed Flash In Index Page?

Aug 17, 2010

Will a flash movie the size of of the logo area for example[url]...

slow site down when visitors first open site, my friends said no but the whole movie has to load as well correct[url]...

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Embed Flash In Page So It Won't Have Scrollbars?

Sep 26, 2009

I have a swf which is 1700px wide.I want to embed it to a page so it won't have scrollbars even if the browser window is smaller then 1700.But I need it not to be resized down

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Embed Html Page Into Flash?

Oct 13, 2009

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Javascript :: Disable Clicks And Mouseevents For A Flash Embed/object Tag?

May 26, 2011

I have a flash object on my page and I want to disable clicks on it using Javascript. I tried to use the following code:

document.getElementById('flash-obj').onclick = function(){return false;};
document.getElementById('flash-obj').onmouseup = function(){return false;};
document.getElementById('flash-obj').onmousedown = function(){return false;};

It doesn't work. Is there any other alternative?

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Flash :: Flashpaper Is Gone - Embed The Browser Into Page

Nov 25, 2008

I taught myself enough AS2.0 to configure flashpaper within my flash portfolio. I have a bunch of blueprints of site plans, elevations, maps, etc. that I like to keep at full size (24"x36",30"x42", 36"x48", etc.) and it worked great with Flashpaper until I bought a new computer with Vista

I have tried Print2Flash (I don't think they print larger than 24"x36" and even then the resolution is srewed up). I have also used Scribd (all of these large PDF files keep crashing). Are there any other special browsers for these large PDFs? I would like to embed the browser into my flash page, but I also want to control the size and dimensions of the browser within the page. I have seen one or two websites that now have Acrobat Reader 9? resized within the main website window.

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Professional :: Embed Flash In A Html Page?

Jul 18, 2011

how to embed flash actionscript in a html page, where you can see difference in colorslike you see in the flash actionscript panel, or working with flashdevelop ?

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Flash :: Embed External HTML Page?

Aug 4, 2011

Does anybody know how to embed an external HTML page into Flash? I am envisioning something like an iFrame, but can't really figure how this would work. I've attempted using a scrollpane, but it didn't work at all.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Flash Swf Without Being Embed On The Page?

Oct 26, 2009

I need to create a flash intro. One of those that sits on top of the page for a couple of seconds, showing publicity but with some transparency for the users to see what's under it (the page itself). Can anyone tell me how to do that? I just can't seem to find a way to load a flash swf without being embed on the page.

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