Php :: Php - Save A Screenshot Of A Certain Object On A Website?
Feb 8, 2012
On my website people enter, watch a live stream from a remote server (not my server) and when they click on a button it report it to me and what I want to add is the ability for me to take a screenshot of this stream at the very moment when they click that button and save it on the server. They question is how to implement so? Now I just have that stream in an Iframe that shows it as a .swf object Possible solutions I thought of but don't know whether will work are:
Embedding this Iframe inside a flash object that I will create. That means that on the website the users will see a flash object I created that all it does is to show the stream from an url I give it and when the user clicks on a button inside the html it will send the flash the command to save the screenshot now and then save it on my server (don't know how to implement it, so the second question is, if you think it will work, how to do so?).Second solution is to have an open browser on my server that when the user clicks the button, I send an ajax request to the server that will then order the browser to take a screenshot and save it locally on the server. (again, if you think this solution will work, tell me how to implement so).
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def webshot(url, filename):
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
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there was some event, perhaps an event that the binding broadcasts, that I could listen for in one place and manage my "Saved" variable. Does such a thing exist? I tried listening for the dataChange event that binding apparently dispatches, but I either did it wrong, or it doesn't do what I think it should.
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Mar 4, 2004
I am trying to use the shared object to save the _x and _y positions of several attached MC's. The attached MC's have all been given a variable name and attached to a dynamically created MC called "world".I need to loop through all of the MC's in to save their postions to the shared object. Here is what I have tried,.... when I trace so.flush.. it traces to true but the object postions are not saved.......
_global.initSo = function() { = SharedObject.getLocal("marinaSave");
// if the SharedObject object created a new shared object
Am I using the for... in method correctly to loop through the MC's in and save their values?
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May 3, 2011
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btnSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SaveData);
function SaveData(MouseEvent) {
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Feb 9, 2011
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Click button to change button color and click again return to old color and
Save lase color
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Feb 11, 2011
i want to create some 1 button for save and 1 button for load all shared object in my projectthis is my code for save and load and i want to create 1 button for save and 1 button for load last check point
ActionScript Code:
import com.dVyper.utils.Alert;
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Dec 3, 2011
I am new to ActionScript. I am designing a calendar with schedule just like outlook calendar. I have 30 or 31 small text boxes for each month. I would like to save data in the text boxes so that data remains in that even when the file is closed. I used the following code and it works fine.
My question is, I have totally more than 360 text boxes for 12 months. How can I save all data using shared object? I tried loop, Array and function with the above code. But it did not work. You can also tell me if there is any other way to save data using PHP MySQL or ASP? If so how to do that?
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Dec 29, 2011
im creating a side scrolling game project in flash as3..
and one of the requirements is saving and loading the game.
this is what i wanted to do.
the game can save the name, score, and the specific location of the character,
or maybe im thinking of a checkpoint or a savepoint.
ive read some articles about shared object, and im thinking on using it, but i really cant get it.
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