Regex :: What Is The Use Of Flag Variable In The Flex

Sep 14, 2011

what is the use of flag variable in the flex RegExpValidator. what I am to do is to create a validator that can provide variety of error messages as in EmailValidator

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Regex :: Flex - How To Add Variable

Mar 21, 2011

For example, I've got var for RegEx DSX-?2 I need add this var to RegEx and get this .match(/DSX-?2/gi)

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Regex :: Using A Variable In Regexp?

Jul 11, 2011

Using Actionscript 3.0 (Within Flash CS5)A standard regex to match any digit is:

var myRegexPattern:Regex = /d/g;

What would the regex look like to incorporate a string variable to match?(this example is an 'IDEAL' not a 'WORKING' snippet) ie:

var myString:String = "MatchThisText"
var myRegexPatter_WithString:Regex = /d[myString]/g;

I've seen some workarounds which involve creating multiple regex instances, then combine them by source, with the variable in question, which seems wrong. OR using the flash string to regex creator, but it's just plain sloppy with all the double and triple escape sequences required.There must be some pain free way that I can't find in the live docs or on google.

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Regex :: URLEncode Variable Parsing From String To Array?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a flashVar variable that is coming into Flash, its URL encoded but I have already decoded it. My problem is I want the set of variables to be pushed into an array.

Let's say the variables are


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Regex - Flex 3 Regular Expression?

Mar 11, 2010

I've written a url validator for a project I am working on. For my requirements it works great, except when the last part for the url goes longer than 22 characters it breaks. My expression:/((https?)://)([^s.]+.)+([^s.]+)(:d+/S+)/i

It expects input that looks like "http(s)://hostname:port/location". When I give it the input: https://demo10:443/111112222233333444445

it works, but if I pass the input https://demo10:443/1111122222333334444455

it breaks. You can test it out easily at[URL].. Oddly, I can't reproduce the problem with just the relevant (I would think) part /(:d+/S+)/i. I can have as many characters after the required / and it works great. Any ideas or known bugs?


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Flex :: Check Extension With RegEx?

Mar 22, 2011

For example I've got string /wiki/File:test.JPG I should check if it has one of extention "jpeg","jpg","png","gif"

Currently I've written that[j,p,g][p,i,n][e,g,f][g]?/gi) and it is works, but I'd like better regular expression.

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Regex :: Replace Portion Of String With A Variable String?

Feb 10, 2012

Trying to replace a portion of a string with a "-" if it matches a string variable in AS3.

var re:RegExp = new RegExp(imageArray[j][1],"gi"); trace(imageArray[jTemp][2].replace(re,"-"));

imageArray[jTemp][2] is a string imageArray[j][1] is a string as well I'm not getting the result I expect. I would like trace above to return 'permanentContainer-' Here are the traces for the above variables

permanentContainer-temporaryContainer- temporaryContainer

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Regex :: Give Password Validation In Flex?

Oct 12, 2009

I want the validator for password text input.

At least one Upper case letter
At least one numeric character
At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

should be there in password how can i give it in action script or mxml.

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Regex :: Flex : Replace All Spaces With Comma?

Mar 24, 2010

im new with regexp, so can i ask for some assistance

Using string.replace function what code that can replace spaces with comma

Input:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Output:The,quick,brown,fox,jumps,over,the,lazy dog.

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Flash :: AIR, Flex - Check If Regex Is Valid?

Aug 23, 2011

i want to check in Adobe AIR if given regex is valid. I'm looking for somtehing similar like here: How to check if a given Regex is valid?

I dont want to compare regex and text-value - i jus want to check if this regex is valid. If someone type invalid regex - for example: "x{5,-3}" or "(((^^$$$)//)" or something like this i just need to communicate to him that this regular expression is not valid - its not proper regular expression.

In Java it can be done by:

try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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Regex :: Flex Add An Avaliable String In Regexp?

Dec 30, 2011

In the below code if i replace st2 into the pattern of regexp without quotes, it works fine.Now since i get the regular expression from some other file, as it is shown in st2. I want to add that into the regexp pattern. But as in the below code it doesnt work.

import mx.controls.Alert
public function onClicking(){


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Regex :: Flex - Matching Strings That Begin And End With The Same Character

Oct 28, 2009

I need to match a string that begins and ends with the same character in flex...I know the long hand way (RE being - "a[^(a")]a" | "b[^(b")b" | etc...), but I'm positive this isn't what I'm required to do (midterm tomorrow!);

I need to do this in flex, but if you can think of a short regex for it, I may be able to convert it to flex notation.

What I was thinking of was something along the lines of -

int firstChar;
%x string;


But this bugs me in a few ways, first, having that variable makes this not a regular language; second, I don't know if you can even use a variable to in a pattern match; and third, I don't know how NOT to match it, if it's just a normal string. And third, I don't know how to return everything that's been matched while in 'string'

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Regex :: Matching Parentheses In Flex To Save Life

Sep 3, 2010

For some reason I can't seem to match a parentheses in Flex using Regex to save my life. What's wrong with this?

var commandTxt:String = "switchview(adf)";
var switchViewArray:Array = commandTxt.match(new RegExp("switchview(", "i"));

I've tried dozens of things, but I can't seem to get a match the parentheses. What's the catch here?

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Regex - RegExp Search Field For Filter Function In Flex?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a datagrid and a search field. I've set the change event of the search field to run the filterfunction of the datagrid. I'm able to match the entire term, but I'd like to be able to use a regular expression to do a progressive search (e.g., "Pe" matches "Peter"). I tried to create a regular expression to compare the fields, but I can't seem to get it to work. How do I return the results of the RegExp? Here's the function as it currently stands


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Regex :: In Flex, To Remove Empty Lines In Text Area?

Aug 31, 2010

In flex, how to remove empty lines in text area?

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AS3 :: Regex - Use Regular Expressions To Remove HTML Tags In Flex?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm writing a HTML parser in Flex (AS3) and I need to remove some HTML tags that are not needed.

For example, I want to remove the divs from this code:


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Regex :: Flex - Extracting Variables From A String Like /var1/var2/var3/?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to extract in actionscript the variables from a string like /var1/var2/var3/...Each variables can be characters or/and number and variable size.My current regex /(w+)/g work for the first variable but not for the others.

var matchExpression:RegExp = /(w+)/g;
var match:Array = matchExpression.exec(browserManager.fragment);

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Regex :: Regular Expression To Check Comma Separated Number Values In Flex

Mar 10, 2011

find the suitable regular expression to validate a string that has comma separated numbers, for e.g. '1,2,3' or '111,234234,-09', etc. Anything else should be considered invalid. for e.g. '121as23' or '123-123' is invalid. I suppose this must be possible in Flex using regular expression but I can not find the correct regular expression.


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Regex :: Need Regular Expression Pattern For Validating Path Directory Structure In Flex?

Aug 10, 2011

I need a regular expression pattern for validating the following path directory:


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Regex :: Format Link In String To Open In Browser In Flex Mobile Project

Jan 12, 2012

I get Strings from a server that look something like this:
This is normal text followed by a link: [URL]
Links might also look like this: [URL]

This Strings are set as the text value in a spark TextArea. What I'd like to achieve is that
A. the text gets highlighted and
B. the user can click it and it opens in the systems browser.

Using the StyleableTextField throws a typerror on Flex 4.6. I tried the simplest HTML text like this:
StyleableTextField(newsStoryArea.textDisplay).htmlText = "TextArea <b>bold</b><i>italic</i>."
Which throws;
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText@fc3d0a1 to

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flag Assigned To One MC

Aug 1, 2010

I have an array packed with 100 movieclips. Say, I randomly move each array element across the stage. Now I decide to stop a specific mc. What I would normally do is remove it from the array it currently is at, so the for loop cannot "see" it. When I work with only one mc, I simply set a boolean flag, e.g. ActionScript Code: var isMoving:Boolean = false;, and make it possible to move only when the flag is true. However, it fails to work right when there's more objects on the stage, because once I set the flag to false, all mc's freeze, not the one that actually was meant to. Finally, here comes my question: is it feasible to assign a flag to a specific element of an array? Each element to have its own flag?

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Create A Waving Effect On A Flag?

Jul 5, 2011

Create a waving effect on a flag. im currently working on a logo and i need the waving effect.create a waving effect on a flag

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Flag To Change To Different MovieClip

Jul 2, 2009

I have 4 movieclips.

I have a enemy. (Not programmed yet )
And MC_dude, the player.

When I move MC_dude on top of MC_flag1,2,3, or 4, I want the flag to change to a different Movieclip (An american flag that I have already made.) after 5 seconds. I would also like to know how to make it go to the next level after you cap all the flags. Also, If the enemy captures the flag, it displays a lost screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waving Flag Or Cloth?

Aug 23, 2007

IS there anyway to code to get this kind of effect in flash?[URL]..

I am trying to get my button/objects to wave or move like flapping cloth

I want to avoid components if I can..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving A Line Like A Flag?

Jul 2, 2003

you know when a flag waves? the movement of an eel? a sperm tail?

that is what i am trying to accomplish. that movement.

other than very rough tweening i am not getting close.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Waving This Flag Without Clicking On It?

Nov 1, 2010

this project is created in FlashDevelop. It is a waving a flag by clicking on it,but, how I can make the flag flown directly when i execute the swf?.Here's the code:

import com.innerdrivestudios.visualeffect.WrappingBitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;


I want to waving the flag without clicking on it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flag Wave Fade In Keeps Shifting

Nov 10, 2008

I've been trying to piece together a way to have an image with a flag wave fade in as soon as the movie loads. Once the image is faded in almost all the way, I want the waving to slow to a stop so at the end, it's a static image. I've gotten most of this accomplished, however, once the flag wave slows and stops, the entire image shifts up and to the right. I'm sure it has something to do with some displacement variable, but since I'm no coder I can't seem to figure out how to stop this.[code]...

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Button - Set The Thumbnail To Go To A Certain Frame/flag It Doesn't Go?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm making a site that has a scrolling set of thumbnails and then when you click on one of the thumbnails a video will play. I used this (httpurl].....) tutorial and the scrolling is fine, but when I set the thumbnail to go to a certain frame/flag it doesn't go? I click on the thumbnail> +> Movieclip> goto and play at frame or label> and put in the label I've used for the frame (F15) and then when I test the movie nothing happens when I click on the thumbnail. Can someone help me? I'm dyin' here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating MC With Flag And Move It Over Frames

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to make an API in which there are 3 screens:
1. User drags items to a blank square(area) and makes a flag in the area with the items-i will call it "the flag" from now on
2. User dresses a puppet-i will call it "the puppet" from now on
3. User can print puppet+the flag(and he can arrange it-over/under the puppet, resize, rotate etc.)

I think all I have to do is create an MC with the flag and then move it over frames, or insert the flag (blank square+components used) to an MC in advance, and by code remove unused items and then "pop" it in the other frame (but then i need it to be the edited one, not the original). I attached the frame. The square is the area and the blue squares are the draggable items. I want to preserve that edit (post drag locations).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waving Flag With External Text?

May 31, 2010

I'd like to mention that i'm a totally newbye with flash and actionscriptI'd like to load some external text inside a movie clip that contains a bitmap from library.It is a waving flag created via AS2 with "Waving***EffectAS2" from flash-filter.netthe code is:

// attach filter on stage
var myFilter:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("WavingFlagEffectAS2", "WavingFlagEffectAS2", 1);


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