Xml :: Flex 4.6 - Add Additional Configuration Sets To One "main" XML

Dec 14, 2011

i want to use XML to save some configuration for elements in my app. in my example i want to add 6 additional configuration sets to one "main" XML. each set can be config1 or config2. In this case i added 3x config1 and 3x config2. if i trace my results i do not only get the wrong order of elements but also some "strange" binding behavior. Of course this is a simplified example. my configuration sets are more complex (this is why i use seperate xml-objects for each config).


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import mx.controls.Alert;


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Flex :: Reading Server URL From AS3 For Cairngorm Configuration

Aug 30, 2011

I need to read the URL that the browser shows when a Flex application is called because I would to reference it in a mxml configuring Cairngorm remote objects. The goal I would reach is to automatically configure Cairngorm services from environment to environment (dev,test,qa,prod) without statically set the value in the mxml or other ActionScript. Since the Flex client is deployed in the root of the war of the webapp, it's enough to read where the browser is pointing.

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public class ConfigServer {
public function ConfigServer() {
var loaderUrl:String = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.loaderInfo.loaderURL;
var urlToSet:String = <loaderURL-string-manipulation>;
_serverUrl = urlToSet;
[Code] .....

But whenever I call the ConfigServer constructor and for every (known to me) technique I applied (statics or singletons or public ro so on), I have always had the same error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at org.fao.fapda.util::ConfigServer()[C:devworkspacesFAPDA runkFAPDA-clientsrcorgfaofapdautilConfigServer.as:8]

Cairngorm services initialization is done as follow:
<services:FAPDAServices id="services"/>
And the problem is that FAPDAServices.mxml is read runs before FlexGlobals is valid. Is there a point in the Flex Application lifecycle where such loaderURL is defined so that I can construct ConfigServer? When in startup events that initialization in done?

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Flex :: Event Sets The Dimensions Of A Swfloader?

Aug 18, 2011

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Apr 19, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Builder - Set Relative Url In Launch Configuration Properties?

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to use a custom html wrapper for my application, but when I browse to choose my file it defaults to an absolute path to my custom-wrapper.html file. I want to be able to pass off this project via SVN without any necessary configuration changes, but I'm not sure how to input a relative URL into this configuration dialog. I tried standard back referencing from where my main actionscript application file is in the src directory (i.e. ../../bin-debug/custom-wrapper.html), but that does not work.

I think that I need to use properties like ${DOCUMENT} or ${FLEX_HOME}, but I'm not sure where these properties get defined and which ones come by default in the environment.

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Java :: Externalizing Client ChannelSet Configuration For Flex Web Application?

Dec 10, 2010

I am looking for an approach that will allow me to (somehow) dynamically pass the server name, server port, and web context to my Flex client so it can create a ChannelSet for it's RemoteObjects to use. These three properties are, of course, readily available to my Java server-side code so I just need a way to get them to the client.

By default, Adobe says you should compile your Flex application against the server configuration file "services-config.xml". This is a highly inflexible practice that Spring says should be avoided (I agree).

One popular approach is to use Flex's http service to download an XML configuration file. I like this idea, but I don't want to hard-code an XML file and keep it inside my WAR file. Is there a way to dynamically generate this from Java code?somehow use flashvars to pass the properties in from the containing HTML page to the SWF file. But again, I don't want to hard code them into the HTML page. Is there a way (maybe with Javascript?) to dynamically set the value of these when the page loads?

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Jan 27, 2010

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Media Server :: XML Configuration Of FMS And Customization

May 7, 2009

An observation about the configuration files (XML) of FMS. When we roll out new versions or upgrades, it almost always involves updating or modifying the files in the conf/ directory. If it's within a certain revision, we generally copy them over from the previous install and it's fine. In the case of FMS 3.5, new configuration directives were added which necessitated our doing a fresh reconfigure to ensure everything was accounted for.

What I believe would make for an easier configuration process is to utilize the inheretance aspect of XML, allowing for a LocalSettings.xml file which would be read in by FMS last, overriding any default settings thus eliminating the need to alter the default *.xml files. Any new settings introduced that require changes can be imported as needed.

Overwriting the stock conf/*.xml files with new information would not interfere with your custom settings as they would remain intact in LocalSettings.xml. Any conflicts could be reported to the logs or stdout. One exception being fms.ini -- which could easily be revamped into XML and used in the above model.

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Media Server :: Invalid Value Set For Configuration Key?

Jul 28, 2011

I had installed a FMS 3.5.6R6003 in a Cent.O.S linux with an Edge configuration... and i have found the following error in the /var/log/messages...!!!
Configuration[19756]: Invalid value set for configuration key : Application/Process/Distribute = Instances, using default to be compatible with inst..Configuration[19756]: Invalid value set for configuration key : Application/Process/Scope.numprocs = 5, using 1, to prevent app inst getting split among multiple processes.
But, even with this warning, the FMS is running apparently normal...

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Dec 19, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Slideshow With 2 Sets Of Thumbnails?

May 22, 2007

however I need to create a gallery with two rows of thumbnails representing Before & After situation. So the xml would have to make a reference to 2 sets of images/thumbnails. I don't even have to have them scrolling. Is there an easy way of modyfying the existing code?

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Media Server :: Acceptable Configuration To Install FMS?

Aug 26, 2009

We're in process of trying to purchase a new server. Our server unit wanted to provide a VM instance, which I told them would not work (according to the documentation). So, their next suggestion is to provide a blade server. Is this an acceptable configuration (assuming they meet recommended CPU/RAM requirements) to install FMS?

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Professional :: Audio Configuration Flash To YouTube?

Feb 21, 2012

One Mp3 file lives in the main timeline of a Flash file extending length of movie. These files have to be converted for youTube postings. Output I've tried is .mov and .avi. Audio format is not being recognized by youTube. I only have the mp3 sound files which i know is a compressed format. Are there simple settings or config changes i can make for export to get these to upload to youTube with audio?

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Java :: BlazeDS Turnkey Configuration For Mysql?

Nov 15, 2009

What is the configuration and code required to use mysql within a BlazeDS turnkey

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Flash Photo Galleries Without Xml Configuration Files

Jan 16, 2011

I saw many examples in jquery compenents which takes image urls from HTML DOM. But flash photo galleries always need xml configuration files as i have seen till now. I need flash compenents which doesn't need any configuration settings from server. If it is possible to do that flash can get image urls from DOM or even by javascript. Is there such as flash photo gallery compenents ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Multiple Images From Xml In Sets?

Feb 20, 2007

I have a project to do and I'm not sure how to get it done. I have some experience using xml to load images into flash but that was one at a time. the project that i'm currently working on needs to work like something like this.

I need flash to load in three images at one time(from an xml file) and display them in a horizontal line, and then move across the stage from one side to the other.

i know how to load one image at a time but not multiple. and i don't know how to make the images slide across the stage in a line.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fonts In Library - How To Specify Char Sets

Jul 22, 2009

If I import a font to the library, am I correct in assuming that it imports the massive character set (all). There seems to be no setting that I can see where to specify the glyphs or level of character support for example all the funny characters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Individual Sets Of Animations?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a working timer in a class file that calls animations over a 15 minute period.

ActionScript Code:
public class rockSniperAlerts extends MovieClip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Record Sets ASP To Flash

Apr 21, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Record Sets ASP To Flash?

Apr 21, 2005

I know how to display 1 record set from asp to flash but I get tuck when trying to display multiple record sets. Do i have to loop with action script? I really dont know. I am trying to make a news blog and pull news from the database into flash and organize it similar to this

Date -- Headline
Bla BLah BLah Blah
Posted by: Webmaster


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Media Server :: Using Port 81 Fallback For Apache Configuration

Dec 14, 2011

I need to upgrade FMS 4.5 for HDS/HLS streaming. I am using Server 2008 and I need to use IIS7 port 80 for legacy web sites. I would like to configure in fms.ini using ports 1935 and 81 and Apache requests to port 8134. Can I use this configuration? Do I need to open ports 81 and ports 8134 in the network? What is recommended in this case?

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As3 :: Php - Using An Object To Pass Arguments In Any Order - Class Configuration

Mar 3, 2010

I want to pass through configuration arguments to a class. These are all the optional vars that go into configuring the class - and should be able to run in any order.

at the moment i just pass through the optional vars the regular way. Supposing the constuctor was like the following:

private var _reqVar:String;
private var _optVar1:String;
private var _optVar2:String;


assigning the argument to the var of the same key (i know in php to reference a variable name from a key you can use $$key = $value, is there an equivalent in as3?) display an error (using the 'throw' method) for variable names not supported by the class

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