Xml :: Flex - Unable To Query Each Element?

Feb 7, 2008

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed >


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Xml :: Flex - Unable To Query Each Element - Have To Fetch Title - Id

Aug 25, 2010


need to fetch title,id and other inner values from this xml, tried as xml.feed.title and other options to...

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IDE :: Unable To Access 2nd Element And 3rd Element

Feb 23, 2010

I am unable to access 2nd element and 3rd element (I can acces 1st element.[code]

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Query - Run A Sqlite Query In Flex To Count The Total Number Of Records?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to run a sqlite query in flex to count the total number of records I believe its working fine but I just can't figure out how to display the results - all I get back is [object Object].

private function overviewOne():void{
var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
stmt.text = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM tbl_user WHERE status_status ='Away'";


So how do I make a reference to the COUNT(user_id)?

complete = true
data = (Array)#1


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Professional :: Query String Variable Based On Coldfusion Template Body Element Id

Jan 25, 2010

I'm using a Coldfusion Dreamweaver template with cfinclude tags.  The header contains a flash movie where I'd like to pass 2 variables via a query string to load the correct image and menu button based on the variables in the ActionScript.
Example:  <param name="movie" value="flash/header_v8.swf?pic=1&button=1" />
pic variable can be 1 - 3 and button variable can be 1 - 7  depending on the each pages body element id.  So the logic would be something like this for my flash movie:
if body id =home, then pic=1 and button=1
if body id =about, then pic=current variable and button=2
if body id =page3, then pic=1 variable and button=3

What's the best way to pass these variables depending on the current page body element id?

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Actionscript 3 :: Unable To Insert Child Element In XML?

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to insert child node in xml via actionscript as follow -

var xml:XML = <menu>


moreover it returns undefined and as described in actionscript livedocs -

If you call this method on an XML child that is not an element (text, attributes, comments, pi, and so on) undefined is returned.

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Flex :: Checkbox On SQL Query In DataGrid?

Oct 20, 2009

[URL]I have a checkbox renderer i am placing into my Datagrid. The checkbox needs to do a sql query on the sqllite database and see if the show is marked as watched, if it is then make the checkbox as checked and if not mark the checkbox and not checked.

What i would like to do further to this is add the watched items to one XMLList and add the not watched episodes to a different XMLList and have the checkbox on click= move from one to the other list as per watched or not.


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Php :: Flex - Insert Query In Php Service?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a MySql DB with 2 tables:

1. category - categoryID / category / description

2. photos - photoID / categoryID / photodescription / photo

And i have a service (CategoryService.php) automatically created by Flash Builder, but i cannot get the second table


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Flex :: Query - Sqlite - Insert Into Or Ignore

Feb 5, 2010

I'm using flex to develop my first desktop app and I'm working with sqlite for the first time as well. I'm creating my database and all the tables just fine, but I would also like to add a few rows of data into a couple of the tables so the information is present on first install. The only problem I'm having is every time I run the program it keeps inserting the same data over and over again. here's what I'm trying, but it doesn't seem to be working.


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Flex :: Can't Execute Query On Geocoding Service

Feb 9, 2010

I'm building Flex 3 application and I have a geocoding service (http://.../GeocodeServer) on a ArcGIS server (ESRI). I'm trying to execute a query on this service in order to retrieve some informations.

Unfortunately, when I execute the query, I get this error : [RPC Fault faultString="" faultCode="400" faultDetail="Invalid URL"]

It's definitely not the URL that is invalid since my locator uses it without any problem.

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Flex :: Query Execution Using Spring And HIbernate Together?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm going to be using Flex 4 with Spring and Hibernate.Everything is configured and working. I know this as I can do simple queries, like listing all values in a table.Problem is when I try to perform a 'select' query, then I get all the values, as I was getting before, and not the specific attributes through Select query.I'm a beginner, so kindly overlook my lack of more technically sound words..but I don use them as I don wanna mis-quote.This is class used to store data coming from the MySQL database--

package flex;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;


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Flex :: Search Interface: Load XML Or Query DB?

Dec 30, 2010

For a Flex application that is used to search and display results (no write operations), I am currently storing data in a relational database, but rather than querying the DB via the app, I am doing a nightly write of the data, including its relationships, to an XML file.Then, through Flex, I am loading that XML file, parsing it into custom Objects, and "querying" those objects as necessary.

It works well basically filtering an ArrayCollection of these Objects based on search criteria. Versus querying the DB, full text search, for instance, is extremely fast in this scenario.But what are some potential drawbacks? How valid is this approach?

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Flex :: Pass Query String When Using The Debugger?

Sep 13, 2011

I cant pass the query string while using the debugger or else i cant debug when there is a query string. how to use the bothAm using a web application in flex using php for ex : [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing HTTP Query String To Flash Query String

Aug 26, 2010

I am successfully Passing HTTP Query String to Flash Query String.


inside html

' <EMBED src="Film1.swf'+document.location.search+'"
inside as3


Then Film1.swf can't grab no more the userName parameter.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing HTTP Query String To Flash Query String?

Aug 26, 2010

I am successfully Passing HTTP Query String to Flash Query String.Resuming:inside html

HTML Code:
' <EMBED src="Film1.swf'+document.location.search+'"


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Php :: Flex 3 Query For Recordset Array For Data Grid?

Jul 22, 2010

I am building an application in Flex Builder 3. Yes, I know that it has an auto-magic feature to build datasheet, but that will not work. I see many Flex controls, such as combo box, can take an array as a data source.

My question, therefore, is (1) How do I send the request from my action script to my PHP form to request a record set. (2) Presuming that my dataset is in a PHP assoc array, how do I format it to send it back to Action Script. (3) How do I take the data received from the recordset, and put it inot an actionscript array, suitable for use as a data source.

I can connect to my database in PHP, and query it just fine, so I don't need help with that. For consistency, and humor, lets presume that I have the following data in an assoc array that I pulled from a database.


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Flex :: Put XML Query Inside A Drop Down List Control?

Feb 7, 2011

I have this project for school where i have to populate a drop down list control from an xml file.I mange to do that for a label/text input control, but i can't seem to do that on a drop down.I get this error any time i tell him to "additem" with an xml query (not getting it with simple text):"#1009 Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference"[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Element Inside Another Element Just Having It's Id In Dynamically Created String Form?

Mar 18, 2012

I know that there is no such function as getElementByName in Flex but I also now that you can do this["object_id"] to get the element of the application u're in.What about getting an element inside another element?I've tried making element["id"] ? But in my try-catch it always runs the "catch" part..how do I get an element inside another element just having it's id in dynamically created string form?

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Database :: Displaying Query Data In A TextInput Field In Flex?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm trying to display query data into multiple TextInput Fields in Flex.

<mx:TextInput id="stagInput" text="{acContacts}" width="170" x="120" y="74"/>

This is what I'm trying but all that displays is [object Object]

I think I need to define the database field I'm wanting to display, but I'm unsure how to do this as TextInput fields don't support dataField or labelField properties. Is there another property I don't know about? How do i go about fixing this?

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Flex :: Display Result Of Query To Custom Cell Of DataGrid?

Dec 14, 2011

I followed this guide to display data from mysql database:But what to do if i have datagrid like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >


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Flex - Facebook IFrame Application - Pass Data From URL Query String?

Jul 4, 2010

I have a Facebook application that has a picture gallery. It's build in Flex 4. I want to allow users to link to a specific image. How can that be done?

The only way I see this being done is adding a GET var like &my_picture=asd.jpg in the Facebook page URL, but I don't know how to read that from the iFrame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Render Value To One Element Of Flash On Basis Of Other Element?

May 10, 2010

I have flash where there is a link for song download. And, at the bottom of the flash I've a count, loaded thorugh flash vars which should increment everytime donload button is hit. Please let me know what approach should i take to do that. can i call a Java method on donload button which will insert a row in the table and and then get the count and render it to the count variable in my flash?

May be this extremely confusing. Here is a very similar example on how it is done. This is actually very similar to what i want to do. [URL] on this link there is count below which increments you hit the download button.

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Flex :: 3 - Cachy - Insert A New Record And Query Next Time - Its Shows Previous Results Only

May 13, 2011

I am querying to server through flex,first time its show the result but when I insert a new record and query next time,its shows previous results only(problem facing in IE but not in chrome).

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Flex - Security Restriction - Save The Results Of A Database Query To A Local File?

Jan 2, 2012

I'm having some trouble getting around a security restriction of flex. Saving a file is apparently an action that can only be invoked upon user interaction. The problem is that after my user clicks on the save button, I need to perform a database query to get the data for the file I want to save.

Because Flex works asynchronous, I have to make the database call and then catch the ResultEvent in a different function. In that function, I no longer have the user's mouseclick event. How am I then supposed to save this file?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Element Is ITooltippable Vs Element['tooltip']

Oct 25, 2010

I've built a rather robust tooltip class recently that attaches and draws a single tooltip sprite to the root, then uses MOUSE_OVER to detect when it is over a tooltippable object, and shows the appropriate tooltip text. At the moment, I'm ensuring that any elements in my application which wants to take advantage of showing tooltips implement the ITooltippable interface, and expose a public getter, get tooltip().


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding An Element If Another Element Is Undefined

Apr 13, 2006

Basically I have 14 text boxes, each box draws its content from an external txt file. Next to each text box is a button. I want the button to be either visible=true or visible=false depending on weather or not the text box has content or is "undefined" Here is what I have so far, and it's not working:[code] I would like a FOR loop to just run through the variables and check to see if any of them are undefined. if it is, then make the correct send button invisible.

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Flash :: Adobe Flex Page Doesn't Refresh When New Query String / MVC Parameter Entered

Oct 26, 2011

I am working on adding functionality to where the URL takes in a parameter as defined by an MVC style looking way.eg. (URL... )where 12345 is the corresponding Id number that I want to get.I have this functionality working.I am using Internet Explorer 7.My issue is that when a user attempts to enter a new query string id into the URL, the page doesn't refresh when the user hits enter or the refresh button. (The user can navigate to the url/#/Id/12345 only when opening a new window/tab)Does anyone know if this is a feature that doesn't work in Flex or if there is some code or configuration needed to allow this?

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Flex :: Get An Array Element?

Aug 18, 2009

I have an array like this

public var dataAL:Array=[
{Kiv:"cash", jan:26,janTarget:28,feb:27,febTarget:26,mar:30,marTarget:32,apr:31,aprTarget:32,may:28,mayTarget:29,jun:46,junTarget:32,jul:37,julTarget:39,aug:40,augTarget:42,sep:41,sepTarget:42,oct:48,octTarget:49,nov:40,novTarget:41,dec:38,decTarget:40},


Now if i want to access febTarget for cash how will i do it?

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Flex :: Add Element To Top Of List?

Dec 15, 2011

I've got a spark list that gets dynamically filled.So far the new items appear at the bottom of the list. What I'd like to do is to add them at the top.The items in the list have a unique ID so some kind of sorting mechanism would probably do the trick as the new items have a greater ID than the old ones.What I'd like to avoid is some complex method behind this as I'm working on a mobile platform and the list can get quite big so I need this to be as efficient as possible.The list's data provider is an ArrayList that gets updated using binding.

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Flex :: Unable To Set Font Family Style To Spark Button In Flex 4.6?

Feb 28, 2012

I have created a style in which i am defining a font family.When i apply this style to label it reflects the font were as there is no change when it is applied to a spark button.I Tried various way to Apply font style but it doesn't work.Other properties work fine except font family. Even i tried creating skin class and set the font family style of label in it. While previewing the skin i can see the changes but when i apply it to buttonApproach 1

fontFamily: MyF;


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