AS3 :: Performance Many Arrays Vs One Array + 'is'
Sep 2, 2010
I have quite alots of display objects to manage during runtime, so Im currently using Arrays to manage them. But the problem is I have few many types of displays objects(eg. Tile, Npc and Building) which are basically MovieClips linked to the library. Each display object plays different role where it will be checked on enter frame, a loop.Method 2 sounds much more faster and extensible however Im worried if it would affect the checking rate of each display object during runtime as the displays:Array grow larger and probably making it glitchy.So which one of the following method is faster+less glitchy and explain why you choose it.[code]
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[0] (object)
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( > 0))
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<tabnavigator />
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[{date=Tue Feb 08 19:00:00 EST 2011, volume=1200, 1={temp=-50, compound=helium}, 0={temp=-45, compound=oxygen}}]
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<mx:ColumnSeries id="secondSeries" xField="date" yField="temp">
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May 13, 2011
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var urls:Array = new Array("../data/bild1.jpg","../data/bild2.jpg", "../data/bild3.jpg");
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Nov 4, 2011
How would I go about sorting an array of nested arrays, based on the contents of one of the nested arrays elements?
var nestedArray1:Array = new Array(0,0,1);
var nestedArray2:Array = new Array(0,0,9);
var nestedArray3:Array = new Array(0,0,7);
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Mar 17, 2012
Doing something wrong with this:
I have four arrays holding data:
I have a for loop with counter set to the number of items in the arrays, with the idea of inserting data from each array into the fields of the following DiffArray. I am getting Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference and I cant see why.
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Aug 18, 2009
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Jan 26, 2011
For example, when users are connecting to this application they are given a userid var, then it's inserted into the array. So, i'm using chosenUser = usersOnlineArray[Math.round((Math.random()*usersOnlineArray.length))]; to pick another random user. But i need to make sure it doesn't pick the userID they personally were assigned so they don't end up getting themselves. how would i use that code but tell it to "remember, make sure you dont pick userid" maybe I could do something like
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Apr 3, 2011
I have movie clip in an array (newStep) that is being added to the stage dynamically. It's randomly choosing a frame to go to every time an instance is added. There is a nested movie clip (stepLine) that i need to change the alpha of. This code actually works for adding a string to to the dynamic text box (pointsDText) but when i try to access the nested movie clip (stepLine) it gives me 1009 null object reference error. The funny thing is the code actually works and does change the alpha of the movie clip but i still get that error, and i think it's making my game more glitchy. I've tried using if(contains(steps[r].stepLine)) too but it doesn't work. Is there a better way to access this movie clip without getting the error?
if(newStep != null){
for(var r:int = 0; r<steps.length;r++){
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "points"){
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