ActionScript 2.0 :: Spliting String Into An Array Of Arrays?

Oct 30, 2009

I have a string of text that represents an array inside an array. I would like to make that array.So the string of text is something like...

PHP Code:

var loadsOfText = "cake1,cake2,cake3,cake4,cake5|muffin1,muffin2,muffin3, muffin4,muffin5|fruit1,fruit2,fruit3,fruit4,fruit5"

//and I'd like it to be....

myBeautifulArrayArray = [["cake1","cake2","cake3","cake4","cake5"],["muffin1","muffin2","muffin3","muffin4","muffin5"],[code]..........

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Jan 21, 2011

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x="i like cheese and want to eat it everyday"i want to split the var x by every 10'thcharacter, assuming the 10 chracter is not in the middle of a word , then i want it to split it before that so that no words are not cut out...ex:x="i like cheese and want to eat it everyday" arr[1]="i like " 7chars causs 10th char was inside 'cheese' and spliting of words is not allowedarr[2]="cheese and " 10 chars exactly , splits at spacearr[3]="want to " 8 chars 10th char inside eat .. u get the idea by now i hope arr[4]="eat it " so its splitting the variable every 10th character.. if the 10th chracter is a space, if it is not it backs up to the previous space and for the next array slot starts from there

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[0] (object)
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stage.focus = ["box_"+[i+1]];

this gives me back = box_2;

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2012-03-07 135.06 135.91 134.93 135.69 143616800 135.69
2012-03-06 135.35 135.43 134.36 134.75 202129900 134.75

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array[2] = "oranges";
I want to be able to search for "oran" and get 2 back.

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Feb 3, 2009

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var TestString:Array = new Array ("chicken", "cat", "dog");
function LookStringArray(){
if (TestArrayTextfield_txt.text == (anyString.TestString)){


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AS3 :: Performance Many Arrays Vs One Array + 'is'

Sep 2, 2010

I have quite alots of display objects to manage during runtime, so Im currently using Arrays to manage them. But the problem is I have few many types of displays objects(eg. Tile, Npc and Building) which are basically MovieClips linked to the library. Each display object plays different role where it will be checked on enter frame, a loop.Method 2 sounds much more faster and extensible however Im worried if it would affect the checking rate of each display object during runtime as the displays:Array grow larger and probably making it glitchy.So which one of the following method is faster+less glitchy and explain why you choose it.[code]

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quotes = new Array();
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I know that an ArrayCollection is a wrapper over an Array, but what I wanted to know is when to choose one over the other? Will the over usage of ArrayCollections result in performance?

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Aug 17, 2011

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CDog dog[100];
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
dog[i] = new Dog();


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Nov 1, 2011

I need to change a text field every time values in an array is updated, and I tried putting the code in the setter. However, the code is not being called. Even if I do this

public function set resources(value:*) {
//this function does not seem to matter at all

Nothing happens. I think AS3 overrides setters for arrays, how do I get the functionality other than inserting a changeTextFields(); every time I change the array?

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Arrays :: Empty A Vector Or Array In AS3?

Feb 17, 2012

What is the most efficient way to empty an Array or Vector in ActionScript 3?I've always just re-initialized them:

vector = new Vector.<T>();
array = [];

It doesn't look like there's an empty() function or anything similar.

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Flex :: Looping Through Array Of Arrays

Mar 11, 2012

I am attempting to build an array of arrays that will with the following syntax. My output is definitely not what I am trying to achieve. Here is my code:


My output is coming out as 6 references to "Set3". There is obviously something wrong with my for loops, but I can't figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Length Of Arrays Within An Array?

Dec 16, 2004

I am trying to get the length of arrays within an array, here is my example (MX 2004): ["option1","","container"],["option2","","container"];

I get an output of of 3. the number of variables within the first array, this is not what I had expected.

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Flex :: Access An Array Of Objects Of Arrays?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a chart and am trying to display the "volume" in a line chart as the primary series & the "temp" as a column chart as the secondary series...(the "compound" will be shown in the datatip):

[{date=Tue Feb 08 19:00:00 EST 2011, volume=1200, 1={temp=-50, compound=helium}, 0={temp=-45, compound=oxygen}}]

I can get the "volume" series to display fine, but cannot get the "temp" series to do I access them? Right now I have:

<mx:ColumnSeries id="secondSeries" xField="date" yField="temp">

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Arrays :: Flash As3 Best Way To Create Multidimensional Array?

May 13, 2011

I have an array of movie clips (representing band members) which have various properties, among them them a property which tells where the band member went to after they left their current band. For those who formed a new group, I want to create an array. Within that array, I want to group all the ones that left for the same group into secondary arrays. So, if you had five band members and 2 of them left for group X and 3 left for group Y. What's the best way to do this? This is, roughly, my code:


Alternatively I suppose if I could do without a multidimensional array and just loop through all the members and say - for those members whose group is the same, perform this function, with the name of that same group passed as the parameter for the function. I guess the trouble I'm having is identifying who's the same.

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Oct 6, 2011

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var urls:Array = new Array("../data/bild1.jpg","../data/bild2.jpg", "../data/bild3.jpg");
for(var i:Number = 0; i< urls.length; i++){
var loadery = new ImageLoader(urls[i]);


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