AS3 :: Flex : Automatically Arranging A Set Of Objects (furniture) In A Virtual Room?
Jun 2, 2010
I don't want to visually arrange 3D models dragging them with the mouse, all I want is: Given a room of certain dimensions (L,W,H) and given a set of elements like beds, chairs, etc (with L,W,H dimensions, of course) I want to automatically arrange those elements to take advantage of the space as much as I can. So I want to be able to put as much furniture as I can in a given room. At the end I need to represent the arranged items visually, inside the room.
My first thought was to use an array of items and sorting it with array.sortOn(["l","w","h"] Array.NUMERIC) and then define a gap between the objects and make the maths to put the objects one next to another, etc. but that isn't a good approach because some items may be placed on top of another ones (boxes of the same size, boxes on top of tables, etc).
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an ArrayCollection of Numbers;
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a custom ItemRenderer that shows a label with:
a) the number
b) an y position depending on the number AND the highest number visible
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2) Which event/method to override will help me know that the List was scrolled/the visible items changed?
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Dec 8, 2005
PHP Code:
var i:Number = 0;
function goMe(){
if (i >= myArray.length){
i'm using this code to cycle through an array and move the movie clips to x:0, and y:height of clip, times whatever number it is.... if there are 4 objects in the array, object 1 would be 1 times it's own height.... etc... so they're spaced out.
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Mar 3, 2008
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jan 23, 2010
I have loaded a bunch of thumbnails into my movie and have the script so that they arrange themselves into a grid.
My question: Within the grid, how can I make their positions slightly irregular, i.e. not all straight!? I'd like to use the Math.random function to change their _x and _y positions, but within the limits of the grid...
Here's the code for the grid (it divides the total number of images from an xml file between 3 rows):
for(i=0;i<total;i++) {
num = 0;
thmbw = thmb_mc._width;
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I had been trying to output the result of the following code in a predictable sequence of my choice:
var arrAnimal1: Object = new Object();
var arrAnimal2: Object = new Object();
var arrAnimal3: Object = new Object();
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