Actionscript 3 :: Make A Virtual Tour Of A Room In Flash / Flex

Sep 10, 2010

I want to make a virtual tour of a room in Flash / Flex. How can this be achieved? Firstly, is it enough to have pictures taken from a still point? If yes, how can I turn them into a real tour? Also, is there a library for this kind of thing for AS3?

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Jun 2, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Virtual Tour Of Building - Global Variables?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm a student building a flash presentation in Actionscript 2.0 for a company wanting a virtual tour of a building. Each room in the building has clickable objects that need to trigger an action (by going to another slide), which we have happening; however, we don't know any way to code the flash so that it remembers where you have been, what has been clicked, etc. so that by the time you've clicked everything in the building, another slide plays saying "Congratulations!" or something. I've been told that we need to use something called a global variable to implement this function.

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Apr 29, 2010

I'm creating an interactive tour (pretty much a controllable slideshow) and I have multiple pictures now that, if in the correct order, will walk you around my school. You can turn left or right at doors (the picture that you're stopped at will wait for input from either the up, left, or right button and when clicked will take you to the corrisponding picture) and will eventually lead you out another entrance of the school and take you back to the main map.
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im trying to make a virtual keyboard using flash. im using keyCodes, problem is how do you do a backspace?

if (Key.getCode() == 65) {
var_text.text = var_text.text + "a";

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if (Key.getCode() == 8) {
var_text.text = var_text.text - "";

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Oct 3, 2011

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Does anyone know if it's possible to integrate the ToushSmart's virtual keyboard with an Adobe AIR application? In most programs (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc), when a user touches a text field a little keyboard icon automatically pops up which, when pressed, will bring up the virtual keyboard. However, this doesn't happen when clicking on text input fields in Adobe AIR applications.

Has anyone had any experience working with AIR/Flash and touchscreens? Is there any API that can tell Windows (or the HP virtual keyboard specifically) that the user has clicked in a text field and that the virtual keyboard should be shown? The text fields are the standard kind (fl.controls.TextInput).

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Apr 12, 2010

I have:

an ArrayCollection of Numbers;

a List using the above ArrayCollection as it's dataprovider, and virtualLayout=true;

a custom ItemRenderer that shows a label with:

a) the number

b) an y position depending on the number AND the highest number visible

In another words, if I have 10 numbers in the AC, and only 5 appear on the screen, the y position of those 5 will depend on the value of the maximum number for those 5. When the user scrolls, of course those 5 elements change so the position of the label in item renderers will change.

1) How can I get the list of items that are "currently" visible?

2) Which event/method to override will help me know that the List was scrolled/the visible items changed?

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Media Server :: Flash Group Chat - Redirecting User To Certain Room

Sep 12, 2009

I am working on the Flash group chat. In that how can I redirect the user to another room when the desired room is full.

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Professional :: Getting Embedded Swf Tour To Go Full Screen?

Apr 3, 2010

Attempting to get a flash virtual tour to go fullscreen when embedded in an html page.  Have no knowledge of html coding ... Have an embedded button on the tour and a p2q_embed_object.js file (both generated out of Pano2VR). Created an html page in Dreamweaver CS3, the code of which is pasted below ...


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Oct 11, 2011

i'm a newbie in Flex/Air. I'm developing an AIR web browser and i want to use a virtual keyboard to write in the HTML works well when i try to write in a text area, but i don't know how to write in the html page.EXAMPLE:To write in textarea, i just have to call this:textarea.text = event.keyLabel;

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Professional :: Use Virtual Camera In Flash Cs4?

May 15, 2011

I watched some videos on youtube, they are good but not in depth. Are there any good, easy to understand resources that how to use the virtual camera?

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Keeps Quitting - Virtual Memory Low

Jun 2, 2010

I'm working with a rather large flash file and I've already been to the flash website to download all the updates that deal with large file issues. Things are much better now. However, I was having issues with flash coming back and telling me that my virtual memory was low. I adjusted it and now I'm not getting that error anymore. Now every hour or so flash will just quit. I'll be working and then it will be gone. I don't have a lot of ram on my pc.. 2GB. I'm thinking I'll upgrade it to 4 tomorrow. I'm working
WinXP service pack 3
Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00GHz
2 GB of RAM Video Card: ATI Radeon X1050

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Version Of A Virtual Pet?

Dec 17, 2003

I want to create a Flash version of a Virtual pet.I need to generate a level of health , hunger , boredom but im not to sure how about in implementing this.

I�m thinking of using the �maths.random� function to generate a random level of each but im not to sure if this is the best way of doing it (and how to use it)

Would it be better if I just set a value for each and then decrement X amount every so often?

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