I have a button within a movieclip within a movieclip on my main timeline. How do I make the button play a separate movieclip just on the main timeline? Or what code do I use to access something one or two levels higher? (I don't know the correct terminology here)
For loop generates clips containing clips. I need to access a specific clip (look_back) within the parent clip generated by the loop. Not sure how to do this.[code]
I am using an external class to control a movieclip placed in the stage, which has been drawn in flash. Part of it involves controling the clip's children . Now, the thing is, there is one child having an instance name, say ball, from frame 1 to 10. Then, from frame 11 I have removed this one, and added another child (with another type). I have given this new child the same instance name as the one I have removed. When I try to access object ball in frame 11, it doesn't work.
How do I make a button on one frame (on the main timeline) tell a movie clip on another frame to go to a certain frame inside that movie clip?
To do this, if the mc's are on the same frame is easy because you just use the dot syntax or MovieClip(parent), but how would I do this if a mc is on a different frame?
I want to create a menu which is a mc on the mainStage, not inside anything. The menu itself has element inside it, so something like this mainStage»navMenu»navMenuClose. I want the action script on the mainStage, but it does not recognize the button navMenuClose. I want the actionscript on the mainStage because I also want the menu to hide after each function, just for navigation. (The close is incase you changed your mind) If I have the script inside the navMenu it does not recognize the menu, so I cannot hide it from there.
I'm trying to build a relatively simple photo gallery where the images are loaded via XML into thumbnail movieclips that have been dynamically generated, positioned and added to the display stack. I used a simple for loop to generate the thumbs and traced the thumb.name to make sure they all had unique instance names. I then added a listener to the thumb mcs in the for loop and created a function that traces the instance name of each thumb mc, to see if all is working, however, every thumb mc traces the same instance name. My question is how can I create the thumbs dynamically in a loop and, essentially, make them buttons that would display the big the full size photo.
Here is my prototype code:
ActionScript Code: for (var i=0; i<12; i++) { var thumb_mc:MovieClip = new thumb(); // Positioning: The xy coordinates are in an array outside the for loop.
I am setting up a flash game with seven toggle on/off buttons that all do the same thing.I know how to assign them all to be able to do the same function in the main timeline. What I can't figure out is how to get them all to also do the same function within each of their respective movie clips.
I can reference the main library Class, but the clips nested within are coming up undefined and the usual parent.child.child method of accessing clips using getDefinition isn't working.
Here's my coding:
Code: Select allpackage { import flash.display.*; public class Menu extends MovieClip{
I tried both instances naming and Class naming in the library. It loads the clips within the menuClip. I can see them, but I don't have access for some reason.
I have a site I am working on for an athletic garment manufacturer. They would like to have a sample creator (product configurator) on the site so customers can get an idea what their ordered garments are going to look like. I have it all working except for one needed feature.The customer has requested that the creator have an input box where the customer can type their team name and have it appear on the drawn garment. They also need to be able to decide whether they want the name to appear in one of several various shapes. Similar to the Nike team builder am having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how to shape text in actionscript. With all of the shape tweening flash can do from the interface you would think a function would be available in actionscript
All i really want to do is be able to affect multiple movieclips at once with event listeners and greensock tweens.The first snag I hit was that I couldn't create references to movie clips using the old [] Associative array referencing method. Maybe I still can with AS3, but I couldn't get it to work..So I found another technique using getChildByName that returns a reference to a movie clips and allows me to store that reference in a variable.However, the movie clip I'm trying to affect with an event listener resides inside of another movie clips, so to build the address (aka, root.mc1.m2.mc3) to the mc I want to get to is proving to be difficult. (I'm very new to AS3...)I thought the trace(target1_mc.target2_mc.name); at the bottom of the following code would output the name of target2_mc but it doesn't...[code]
I've been trying to reproduce an animation effect I've seen on the Armani website, but I'm stuck trying to duplicate an empty movie clip with image loaded into it. The duplicates exist and I can move them, but they are invisible. Since the duplicates reside on depths above the intitial clip I'm confused about why they are invisible. The duplicates are scripted to follow behind the initial clip - each offset by 30 pixels (though I don't have that working perfectly).
I have created a loop to add my clips by class and give them a name
Then I want to loop through these clips and change the alpha, I have tried casting as I thought that was how you do it but I get the 'cannot convert string' error
okay, i'm trying to create a full website myself, and inside my main scene movie, i have a movie clip for the content.. inside THAT clip on a frame for the links, i have another movie clip that has all the link buttons embedded... i've got those buttons set up so they stagger fade in as an effect... my problem is, they just keep repeating, and i want the fade in effect to stop after the first time. i've got a stop keyframe after the tween of every button motion, but i dont know the correct code for the movie/button clip itself to play once and then stop.. this is what i have right now, as an action on the movie clip with the buttons inside it:
i'm trying to create a full website myself, and inside my main scene movie, i have a movie clip for the content.. inside THAT clip on a frame for the links, i have another movie clip that has all the link buttons embedded... i've got those buttons set up so they stagger fade in as an effect...
my problem is, they just keep repeating, and i want the fade in effect to stop after the first time. i've got a stop keyframe after the tween of every button motion, but i dont know the correct code for the movie/button clip itself to play once and then stop.. this is what i have right now, as an action on the movie clip with the buttons inside it:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { play(); }
also if you want to see what the problem is, here's the website in it's infancy (700k)
I have continually run into this so i guess i just don't understand some foundation to how AS3 works.
So, I have a movie clip in the library (ClipA) - it is linked to a class.
Inside Clip A there are 3 other Movie Clips (SubClip1, SubClip2, SubClip3).
When I place ClipA on the stage i want to adjust the frame that each of the SubClips are on.
BUT, when I try to set them to a frame in ClipA's class file i get an error like this:1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
i got 3 movie clips on my logo and im using scale up and scale down for each other on Mouse_OVER and Mouse_OUT.i would like to make scaled up logo to be on absolute top.[code]
I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:
on(release){ _root.gotoAndStop(1); }
but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:
As most of you don't know, I've been creating an rpg game. And, after several tries of art making, etc, I have finally moved back into coding the game. And now, I'm stuck on the equipment system idea. At first, I thought I would just place a bunch of goToAndStop's for each movie clip to go to a frame that has that certain armor piece. This was my first idea for an equipment system. However, after doing some research, and realizing how much lines of code could be saved, I started looking into simply adding and removing movie clips from the character as my new equipment system idea. Now.... on to the problem.
Basic want/ overall achievement wanted: Create an equipment system, which will basically attach movie clips (items) onto characters, which themselves will already be attached movie clips on the stage.
Problem: What is the exact code to do this? And Is there a better way to do this for an equipment system (a less laggy or more efficient way perhaps that I'm not seeing; Check the code below to get a better idea of what I'm talking about)?
Part of the code (or basic idea of code; see comments for extra details
code: //Don't worry I have an OnEnterFrame function here; //attachedObj= the character; figure= the MC name of the character; attachedObj = attachMovie("figure", "figure"+1, 1);
I have multiple movie clips on stage (all in separate layers, of course) as well as buttons on stage to play each movie clip. There are buttons inside each movie clip. The problem is that the buttons inside the top layered movie clip work, but the others in the movie clips below don't.
How would one go about masking movie clips that are nested within other movie clips?
I have a photo gallery slider type of thingy that loads jpegs with loadMovie into containers. I can mask the entire movie clip but as for the containers,...well I just dont know whats going on here.
1. I would like to be able to delete one by one the new movie clips
2. I would like to move them all together.... First you press the word green and then click in the blue area.... A green cyrcle will appear.. Click the word green again and then in the blue square and a new green cyrcle will appear. I would like to move the cyrcles with the buttons arrownd the blue square... And when I press delete I would like to delete any cycle I choose... The flash is too large to attach it to the forum, if anyone is interested I can send it by mail.
Here's what I'm trying to do (in example form): I have a movie clip called "dude". Dude is animated to walk around, then drop a cigar (all inside the movie clip). But the problem is, dude moves, so if you try and move dude as the cigar is dropping, the cigar moves with him. So what I want to do is create a new movie clip instance called "cigar" OUTSIDE of the movie clip dude right as he's dropping it, so that you can move him without moving the cigar. Get it? I've attached another helpful animation to explain.
What I have right now is, on the 13th frame of dude, a few lines of code that create and place an instance of cigar. In that frame I also have an invisible instance of cigar for me to duplicate. Inside of the cigar movie clip is the animation that makes it fall to the ground. I need to change that code so that the instance of cigar is created outside of the movie clip dude. Here's the code I have now (inside of dude, on frame 13):
i'm trying to figure out how to reset or refresh clips that are dynamically attached to another clip based on records returned through xml.asically if the user chooses a different filter for the database query I need to be able to refresh a scrolling list made up of clips which will be different based on the filter.this is what I have for a function. I try to use "attachEmptyMovieClip" but to no avail
Code: getAll=function(){ members = getMembers.firstChild.childNodes;
I have a problem stopping multiple clips. I have created a presentation using flash and I have many movie clips which have sub movie clips inside of them. Ok lets look at one movie clip in detail. Inside one _root movie there are multiple sub movies; each with a different movieclip labels (each movie clip is named with unique labels ie. north, south, east, west, and What I need to do is be able to STOP all these sub movie clips with one stop, and in turn PLAY these same movie clip with a second action.
The only way I know how to stop all these sub movie clips is to target each and every one individually.