ActionScript 1/2 :: Auto-starting After Certain Clips?
Mar 9, 2010
im doing something for a school project. what i need to do now, is making a movieclip automaticly start and overlap the rest of the frames, after 4 specific other clips are done with playing (no matter in what order).
I'm trying out Flash CS4, and am using it to create a slide presentation. as I feel stuck at the moment. Here's what I need: An intro slide to act as a "front cover", giving the user of the presentation a chance to load it up before initiating the following content. The next slide to contain a video, which starts playing as soon as the slide is loaded. Also on this slide, a few pieces of text need to appear at certain times as defined by me.
Here's what I have so far: A blank 'slide1', ready for my content. Presenter presses the right arrow and it proceeds onto slide 2. A 'slide2', which has my flv video clip placed on it with optional play controls. So I need to know how to start the flv player automatically when slide 2 is opened. I think I need to place some ActionScript on frame 1 of slide2, but I don't know what. If I set the video to 'autoPlay' in the component inspector, it starts as soon as the swf presentation is opened, which is not what I want - it should only auto play when it's own slide is navigated to.
I have a client and he wants a flash presentation where variables will be stored in a txt file. In the file it will state how many box's (movie clips) he wants and according to that number, that's how many box's will be replicated. I need the box's to auto size and arrange depending on how many box's there are. If there are 4 box's then there would be two rows of two and so on, It's ok to have odd numbered rows.
So I used flash for some relatively extensive movies back in the MX days, but haven't done much with it since. I'm trying to build a relatively simple movie now in the newest version of the software, but I'm having some trouble.I want to create various smaller movie clips with animations in them, then drop them into the main timeline and have them animate automatically when the playhead hits them. However, when I view the movie (or test it) all I get is the first frame, they don't animate.Did I set up the document wrong or something, or is this something basic I missed in the newer versions? Is there a better way to structure this?
if i have a randomClips function that shows a range of swf files every 15seconds and wanted to create a button that could stop the auto change of the clips, what would be the script for that button if the script for the randomClips looks like this:
I'm making an interactive film. At certain points within the film, the viewer has the ability to select from a few options that will direct them to an external video clip (they are flashback scenes). The main story pauses when the user selects a flashback scene and I'm clear on how to achieve this.
However, my issue is that once the flashback scene ends and the external video closes, I'm not sure how the main story will resume. Is it possible for it to auto-play (resume) in some way? My last resort would be to have the viewer select a play button - this is only because I do not want a break in the narrative and want to limit the amount of clicks the viewer has to make.
For loop generates clips containing clips. I need to access a specific clip (look_back) within the parent clip generated by the loop. Not sure how to do this.[code]
I am setting up a flash game with seven toggle on/off buttons that all do the same thing.I know how to assign them all to be able to do the same function in the main timeline. What I can't figure out is how to get them all to also do the same function within each of their respective movie clips.
I've been trying to reproduce an animation effect I've seen on the Armani website, but I'm stuck trying to duplicate an empty movie clip with image loaded into it. The duplicates exist and I can move them, but they are invisible. Since the duplicates reside on depths above the intitial clip I'm confused about why they are invisible. The duplicates are scripted to follow behind the initial clip - each offset by 30 pixels (though I don't have that working perfectly).
I have created a loop to add my clips by class and give them a name
Then I want to loop through these clips and change the alpha, I have tried casting as I thought that was how you do it but I get the 'cannot convert string' error
Is there any way to make a movie clip start at a frame other than 1? I know with graphics it's simple, but with MCs I'm not sure. If possible, I'd like to do it without code, but if that's the only way to do it, I'd like to know that way too.
okay, i'm trying to create a full website myself, and inside my main scene movie, i have a movie clip for the content.. inside THAT clip on a frame for the links, i have another movie clip that has all the link buttons embedded... i've got those buttons set up so they stagger fade in as an effect... my problem is, they just keep repeating, and i want the fade in effect to stop after the first time. i've got a stop keyframe after the tween of every button motion, but i dont know the correct code for the movie/button clip itself to play once and then stop.. this is what i have right now, as an action on the movie clip with the buttons inside it:
i'm trying to create a full website myself, and inside my main scene movie, i have a movie clip for the content.. inside THAT clip on a frame for the links, i have another movie clip that has all the link buttons embedded... i've got those buttons set up so they stagger fade in as an effect...
my problem is, they just keep repeating, and i want the fade in effect to stop after the first time. i've got a stop keyframe after the tween of every button motion, but i dont know the correct code for the movie/button clip itself to play once and then stop.. this is what i have right now, as an action on the movie clip with the buttons inside it:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { play(); }
also if you want to see what the problem is, here's the website in it's infancy (700k)
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the same position as the car whereever it goes.
I can't seem to get around my video and audio files starting when I arrive at the page. I'm even using some example code with start and stop buttons. This is in CS4 Flash. I expect it's because the ActionScript is in the wrong place because when I run the movie it flashes through all of the pages on the site without stopping at the home page. Is there some generic code that will allow me to simply swap out the name of the video or audio file I want to start. If there is, do I need to locate it on its own layer at the top of the timeline?
I just started to make flash animations using Adobe Flash CS4, but there's something I just don't understand. To create an animated object, I know I have to create a new movie clip symbol, animate it, and then put it in the main scene. But when I drag the symbol from the library to the main scene, only the first frame of the animation is copied! How can I copy the entire animation of a movie clip symbol to the main scene?
I'm creating a small car game where you shoot from the car, so I've made a bullet animation with this code inside the mocieclip:
shellNo = 0; function shellEject(){ shell_holder.attachMovie("shellAnim", shellNo, shellNo); shellNo++; }
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the side of it whereever it goes.
We have a set of FMS's deployed on Amazon's EC2. One of the things we want to be able to do is automatically detect when we should start up another FMS instance. To do that, I've been looking for metrics I could measure on the local FMS box to help me identify "transition" points, e.g., when we should add capacity or remove excess capacity.
I ran some load testing to find out where the capacity limits of a particular box, but ran into a couple of problems[code]...
Figuring out Public, Private, Internal, Protected for every variable in even a basic banner is a lot for me to figure out. Defining permissions of movieclips is totally new to me. Personally, I could truly care-a-less as I don't build apps. I work in smaller media. But I need to do things right for stuff to work fast when clients want changes every 5 minutes.What's good to use starting out so I don't trip all over myself with errors?Is there a general rule of thumb for a least path of resistance? I'm thinking I should just make everything public (or what I used to know as global) unless something "bad" happens.
i've got a timer that at the moment starts at zero and goes on forever. It is also visable on stage. What I want to know is how can I get it so the timer starts at 2:00 and continues down to zero?
You don't have to understand anything the problem is into the intro. It is quite simple but I don't really know how to fix it. The problem is the movie in the first page start before it totally loaded so depending of your connection and your cpu in doesn't start at the begin.
I want to fix that.
Here's my structure.
I have a swf which load the "template" which load another swf which load the movie
I'm creating a small car game where you shoot from the car, so I've made a bullet animation with this code inside the mocieclip:
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the same position as the car whereever it goes.
I've begun playing with Flash and XML Socket Servers and I thought I started taking to it easy, but now I'm running into some problems and I'm a bit confused! I was able to connect and disconnect to a socket server I wrote and Unity but I seem to be having problems sending and/or recieveing data.I wrote a small amount of code to try it out:
var server:XMLSocket = new XMLSocket(); server.connect("",10000); server.onConnect = function(success:Boolean) {[code].....
It seems to be connecting fine but when I click and I try my send.
Currently I've got 2 of the same movie clip. both containing an flvplayback component. One of them has a heavy blur effect, one of them doesn't. The blurred one is the 'reflection' of the other one, but the problem is they don't load at exactly the same time alot of the time. Is there any simple code that will make one wait for the other to load? You can see it here... [URL].
I have done an animation which includes a button that I want to use to start it. I've added action script to stop the animation on the last frame, I just have no idea what action script to put in to start it when the button is pressed. I have 14 layers + an action script layer. 7 of the layers are animated.
In the transitional stage to AS3, I have 2 MovieClips onstage both with a short animation in them. MovieClip2 has the stop(); on its first frame. When movieClip1 gets to the end of its timeline I want it to start movieClip2 playing. parent.movieClip2.gotoAndPlay(2); doesn't work. Do I need evenetlisteners or something?
I have a simple Flash movie with a series of still pics fading from one to the next.I want to use it in a web page masthead and I would like the movie to start on a random frame.Is there some simple AS3 code I could use in the first frame that directs the movie to immediately jump to a random starting point within the 220 frames contained in the movie?
I have the below code changing the y and height properties an mc instance (l_mc). What I am having trouble doing is detecting when the tweened y property is finished, then starting a y property tween of a diff. object (r_mc). I seem to get a big delay (even when I remove the height tween). Is there any way to detect when the tweened y (or any prop.) property has finished, without a delay, and start another animation?
var twMover1:Tween; var twMover2:Tween; lt_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, expanding); lt_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, condensing); rt_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, leftClick); function expanding(e:MouseEvent):void { [Code] .....