ActionScript 1/2 :: Finding Records In A Xml File?

Jun 18, 2009

I am writing a Flash object which will be an on-line quiz. I got most of it working ok, but it reads the questions sequentially from an xml file. I want it to be random. Each record in the xml file has an 'ID' attribute. This is my code that currently reads the questions in sequential order:
var question = new XML();question.ignoreWhite=true;question.load("Questions.xml");
question.onLoad=function(){     question_txt=this.firstChild.childNodes[_root.record].attributes.ques tion;     answer1_txt=this.firstChild.childNodes[_root.record].attributes.answe r1;


There are 300 questions in the xml file. I want to assign a variable with a random number, then look in the xml file for the question which has the ID attribute matching the random number. How do I achieve this?

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Actionscript Code:
<?phprequire_once 'db_config.php';$sql="SELECT * FROM guestbook";
$result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$count=mysql_num_rows($result);while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$id = $data"[msg_id"]; $sender = $data["msg_sender"]; $subject = $data["msg_subject"];
$text = $data["msg"]; $date = $data["msg_date"]; echo($count);
echo($id); echo($sender); echo($subject); echo($text);echo($date);}?>

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21Arnetest 1.2 3hallo, dit is een eerste test berichtje grtzzzzzzzzz2010-04-14 14:03:0022Arne Janssenshallo!test nog een keer2010-04-14 14:03:00

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How can I write this code better, so that flash can handle it? Do I make an array of the results?

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package {
import flash.display.Loader;


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var num:Number = xmlAd.firstChild.childNodes.length;


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function lv(l, n, t, e, f) {
if (l == undefined) {


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And I want about 10 records to show in flash at a time....

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// Create another LoadVars instance to receive the server's reply
replyData = new LoadVars();
// Specify a function to call when this new instance receives the reply.
replyData.onLoad = handleReply;
// Submit the order data
[Code] .....

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....

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function outputXML()
for (var i=0; i<xmldata.item.length(); i++)


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Feb 23, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Searchable XML - Displaying/returning Only 10 Records At A Time?

Dec 20, 2006

I completed a similar xml searchable database based on this tutorial: http:[url]....I have a rather large xml that when you do a search flash times out and the user gets a scrip error,What I want to know is how would you go about only displaying/returning only 10 records at a time?


String.prototype.contains = function(searchString){
return (this.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString.toLowerCase()) != -1);[code].....

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Sep 27, 2010

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Flex :: Oracle - Remoteobject Multiple Records In Database Of Same Info?

Feb 11, 2012

Case1: When a client makes a remoteObject request ie to save some Info... A call is made to Java SAVE_INFO method. If request failed ie came back to FaultHandler ( we save the info in an arrayCollection).Later we call SAVE_INFO again for each item in arrayCollection ie( if arrayCollection has 10 items.. We call 10 times the same method.. I know that's kind of stupid but we have no control over java to write a overloading method). Some times we see there are multiple records of same info in DB. I am not sure if this happens when looping over arraycollection and making calls or during normal one time call. We could not find a pattern to reproduce. Java LOG level is at Error level in production. can't set to INFO in production to monitor all calls. We dont know if this multiple times saved record is, the one in arrayCollection or normal one.

Flex3 RemoteObject --> WAS 6.1 , lCDS 3.0, Java1.5 --> Webservice -- > Java (hibernate) --> Oracle 10gCase2: When application is left open and user leaves for the day and submits info the following morning, we see duplicate records in DB of that info.(No arrayCollection here. Simple straight one call)Flex3 RemoteObject --> OC4J Blazeds Java1.5 (JDBC) --> Oracle 10g.Recently one of our Testers testing case 2 application found this pattern and I am starting to think that may be in the case 1 also.. users might be leaving for lunch/break and resubmitted the arrayCollection after coming back. During lunch java might have killed the sessions for the client and after resubmitting 10 at same time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Option Menu Which Records Info And Submits To Mysql DB

Jul 14, 2010

looking to create an option menu (at least that is what it is called in HTML).[code]looking to do this in flash though with AS3, PHP and MySQL. The data can be stored in XML. please let me know if anyone has done something like this before, or if they know of a good tutorial which details how.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Finding A Node In XML File Via Node Attrib?

May 26, 2005

I thought this was going to be easy! I would like to search an XML file for a particular data set i.e. set of nodes depending on a passed variable. However, storing a subset of my XML file via Code:var gallery = this.firstChild; and then searching 'gallery' as you would an array-using a for()-doesn't work since this.firstChild isn't returning an array

<collection title="Christmas 2004">


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