ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Make ComboBox Write Variables

Nov 27, 2009

I am a dynamic site newbie, but have been making simple animations with Flash for some years. I have got a friend to give me a leg up to create a flash page full of input text boxes that write to a text file via PHP and are then dispayed in dynamic text boxes. [URL]. I want to replace some of the imput text boxes with combo boxes. eg if the combo box has the options of say "rigid" or "trailer" it would write which ever was selected in the text file so this would be displayed in the dynamic text box for the end user to see. It seems very simple but I have looked all over the options for combo boxes and can see no mention of variables.

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As3 -(works!)-> PHP -(works!)-> MySQL -(works!)->PHP -(works!)-> As3 -(doesnt work!)-> Combobox on stage

PHP Code:


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Actionscript Code:
var seljaartal:Array = new Array({label:"Year", data:""}, {label:"1939", data:"jaar=1939"}, {label:"1940", data:"jaar=1940"},  


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<mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{someArrayCollection}" />

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I'm developing an AIR app that requires a menu to show only during the first run. In it the user will be able to choose the desired language for the app to run in.

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how to return a value only after the combo box is changed.

function promptFRMenu():String{
FRMenu.enabled = FRMenu.visible = true; //when I detect the app is running for the
// first time, the dialog box is enabled


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