IDE :: Write A Call To An Asp Page With Variables In The Url?
Jan 28, 2009
I'm working on my first flash ASP project and have a question about passing variables from flash to an asp page. Can I write a call to an asp page with variables in the url?
saveEntry_lv.sendAndLoad("save_student.asp?student_id="+userID+"&login_name="+loginName+"&password=&user_name="+friendlyName, saveEntry_lv, "POST");
It's not working and I don't know if it's because I've got something big wrong here or if the syntax is bad.
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Nov 11, 2010
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Actionscript Code:
var MyMap:String = "Level01";addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,LoadMap);function LoadMap(event:Event) { var myLVL:MovieClip = new MyMap();// how do you use the variable
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Oct 20, 2009
I was wondering if ActionScript had some way to call functions and classes from variables, like they do in PHP:
function funcname() {
print "Potatoes come from tree";
$function = "funcname";
print $function; // Prints out "funcname"
$$function(); // Prints out "Potatoes come from tree"
In case you don't know the syntax for PHP, you should know that anything perpended with a $-symbol is a variable.
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ActionScript [code]...
how to make it run a function based on var's value?[code]...
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