ActionScript 1/2 :: Movie Clip Ignoring Stop() And Looping Continuously
Jul 31, 2010
I have a movie clip, which is loading a portfolio. A movieclip holding the images drops down into the screen and then when the user clicks the return button within this movie clip, it dispatches an "end" event. In the main timeline, I have put in a gotoAndPlay(frameno); in response to the "end" event.
From this "frameno" the movie plays on and is supposed to come to a stop at the end of the timeline. The problem is that it is ignoring the last stop and jumping back to the first frame of the movie. Also, the stop I placed to let the user browse the images, and listen for the end event, is being ignored and the timeline is proceeding as normal and looping continously.[code]...
it isn't such a big problem bur for a beginner like me it is.I have a movie clip called "Lion_beginning_mc", inside of it I have 3 Key Frames and Inside each and one of them I have different shapes.For example:Key Frame number 01 - DogKey Frame number 02 - CatKey Frame number 03 - MouseI want to move this movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" form Key frame number 1 to Key frame number 20.I want the Dog,Cat and a mouse to change between each other only once while moving from Key Frame number 1 to 20.And then when the movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" reaches his goal another movie clip or a frame (with a shape) will start.
how to stop a single movie clip in flash and other movie clips still looping. I tried stop(); and myclipname.stop(); both are not working. I attached a simple file,
I have a .swf that loads into a movie clip in a Flash website. The .swf has all necessary stops to play once and stop once loaded. When tested outside of the movie clip, it does what it should, but once loaded, it loops forever and the speed is faster. How do I make this stop looping? (This only happenes to .swf that were made in CS4, doesn't happen with older .swfs that were made in Macromedia)
Anyway, I am just trying to figure out movie clips as buttons, and have been following along on however, I seem to be doing these things right, but when i test my movie, the button just loops regardless of rollovers or stop actions.You can check this addressto see the failed anim, and you should be able to import it as well. Here is my coding:
function rollover (e:EVENT){ myBtn.gotoAndPlay ("in");} myBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollover); function rollout (e:EVENT){ myBtn.gotoAndPlay ("out");}
as simple as it gets, right? Wrong, the preloader works however is get this error 1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. The preloader it self works it plays and when the movie is loaded it begins the movie, however the movie doesnt stop at any of my stop commands and keeps looping through itself over and over again till i exit the window.
I am working on a Flash Banner for a website I am working on. I'm using the Greensock Tweenlite package.Basically a bunch of products slide into the screen or fade in every 5 seconds, however once all the products are shown, the SWF ends and goes blank, I want it to restart and go on continuously.
I am trying to make the bar in the Simple Flash XML Photogallery [URL] continuously loop and having a hard time. I don't really care if the mouse would control the thumbnails, just trying to have the thunbnails move left continuously. I have put two tutorials together and made the mouse control the thumbnails. I used the "Simple Flash XML Photogallery" and the "Scrolling Thumbnail Panel" from [URL] and came up with the file below. How to make this continuously loop or scroll. [URL]
I have been trying and trying this, with no luck. I have 5 different movie clips all exported for action script and all executing different tweens. At the tweens end I want all the movie clips to stop but one.Nothing seems to work! I have been using this[code]...
I have a main swf into which has a number of clip instances which serve as buttons to load separate swf files dynamically. The swf I'm testing has stop(); actions on various frames, but when loaded it simply plays through to the end and loops continuously.I was able to use onLoadInit to stop the loaded swf in the first frame, but have failed at various efforts to direct the clip to play again in the manner that I desire- i.e. stopping at the various pause points until a click starts it playing again.
I need my movie to play to frame 325 (the end ofthe timeline) and then stop instead of loop. When I try to put the stop(); command on a new layer on the original timeline, for some reason it freaks out on me in my current .fla
i have created my flash document in CS4 using AS3 and everything is done apart from the two links i need to add on two buttons i have created and i need to write the script to make the movie stop instead of looping.
i have an external video that i have placed in a movie clip. its to be used as a flash banner for a website. my problem is the video plays once and stops... i have no stop code and i have tried a few different actions to make it play. even a simple one like gotoAndPlay (1); etc. i'm using CS4. i've tried using action script 2.0 & 3.0 but no luck.. as well as building script on the movie clip, on a frame and its own layer.
I want to make a banner loader. Basically its a swf that must load other swfs continuously, looping. Ive tried 2 things this far, and none of them seemed to work. 1st try: on my banner1.swf I used the onComplete parameter of Caurina package. So, when the animation should end, I simply made a method stating something like this:
I currently have a 23-frame multilayered single-scene animation designed to loop continuously which I would like to add to my portfolio. As such, I am adding a Play button, which I would like to toggle to a Stop (or Pause) button. I currently have an instance of the Play button ("playButton") created.
(You can find this at
Besides imploring your assistance in providing the code, I must also ask if this requires (and best practice for) inserting an additional frame at the beginning for the ActionScript, as well as where/what layer to add an instance of the Stop button. I would like the movie to be stopped by default, presenting the Play button, toggling to the Stop button, and back to the Play button, each upon release.
I am trying to get a Flash movie I created to stop looping in my browser AFTER loading it into Dreamweaver. Here's what I've tried:
a) Place an AS3 "Stop();" at the end of the action script for the file (in Flash CS4).
b) Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab unchecked.
c) Open the tandem created .html file in my browser (Firefox)......and the movie plays then stops as hoped
d) Open Dreamweaver CS4
e) Import the swf file into a blank HTML page and Save the file.
f) Test the document in my browser. Movie plays, but the movie continues to loop.
as mentioned above, how can I stop the movie from looping after it's embedded in my web page in Dreamweaver? Is this a Dreamweaver 'problem' rather than a Flash one? The DW help file says to use Flash to control the loop....
I have created a looping movie clip which I want playing in the background of my main movie which has multiple scenes. Obviously I cant drop it on the timeline in each scene as then when it skips scenes the movie reloads and there is a jerk on the screen. Is there a piece of actionscript that I can point to my SWF and just have it looping throughout the whole movie?
It basicly loads some pictures into movie clip holders and they stream horizontally across the bottom of a page.My problem is i cannot get them to continuously loop, at the moment they just cross the screen once then stop.
I have a two-frame movie clip, each frame has a stop() action.This movie clip, instanced "btn", is inside another which has one frame, also with a stop action. This second movie clip is instanced "ctrl".The file is called mcCtrl.flaFrom another file, which I consider my main movie, I am using the following to load mcCtrl.swf.[code]Everything works fine except that the "btn" movie clip keeps looping.
I have a movie clip (scrollBar) in my site that contains a line of other movie clips moving across the stage (scrollContent1-4). Only two of these are visible at a time, so I have lined them all up, repeated the first two at the end, and have the animation looping.
I want each of the scrollContent1-4 clips to be clickable. It's all fine on the first loop, but once the clip reaches the end and returns to frame 1 the clips are no longer clickable.
I am importing a movie clip as a symbol from a SWF using Embed to a AS3 program and, after attaching the movie clip to the stage, the movie clip keeps repeating. Before you ask I have indeed creating a script layer and put a "stop()" on the last frame. In fact the swf containing the symbol works perfectly fine when executed on its own or in Flashdevelop (my choosen IDE). Its only when imported does the clip keep repeating.Here is the code:
how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline.
Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline.
I am new to AS3. Trying to create a dice that generates a random number.Almost got there, but I can't get the dice to stop continuously generating a new number.[code]
Is there a way to do stop/pause all the movie clips inside a Big movie clip? I wanna control the movie clips as well with a slider. Yes i can control the Big movie clip yet i couldn't control those movie clips lie inside that Big movie clip.
I'm trying to create a preview of which tower is selected for my game. I've set all of the 'background' of the level up with a class called EmptyBlock, which has buttonmode set to false. I then added event listeners to each one (this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver ); ) for both MOUSE_OVER, and MOUSE_OUT. Inside my onMouseOver function, I'm manipulating the x/y position of a MovieClip, and setting it's visible status to true. Inside the onMouseOut function, I'm setting the x/y position of the MovieClip to -25, -25 (Offstage, just hiding it from view), and setting it's visible status to false.
However, when I run the code and hover over this class (EmptyBlock), the MovieClip I'm manipulating flickers. It continuously flickers and doesn't stop. I tried creating the MovieClip's class and removing it (Creating in OnMouseOver and removing it in OnMouseOut) but that too flickered. Traces say that it's running the MouseOut constantly while the MovieClip is over it but not when it's not. What am I doing wrong here? I'm probably making a stupid mistake but...
On a second, smaller note: Once this MovieClip's class is created, it obviously intercepts the clicks I want to go to my EmptyBlock class. Is there anyway to forward the click onto my EmptyBlock class? The MC is not a child of my EmptyBlock class (but it is added as a child after the EmptyBlock class).