ActionScript 1/2 :: Build Many Algebra And Geometry Equations In Flash?

Apr 18, 2006

I have a need to build many Algebra and Geometry equations in Flash. I am looking for some kind of flash plugin that will typeset these equations so that I don't have to build them by hand. For instance, if I had a fraction 1/2 or 134/489 and I was stacking the numerator over the denominator, the fraction line would adjust to the length of the longest number.

I know that the InMath plugin works like this for InDesign, but the formatting breaks in the few file types that are able to be imported into Flash. Is anyone aware of such a plugin made specifically for flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build Some Array That Describe The Geometry Of Each State Mask?

Dec 4, 2006

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IDE :: Passing Geometry Data To And From Flash?

Jan 12, 2009

Goal: To build an Internet Mapping Site (IMS) using FlashScenario: Using Manifold GIS for the backend. It is a full scale GIS software which easily outputs data (geometry and tabular) into xml. It has built in IMS capabilities, but theWould like to build an IMS using Flash as the front end, and Manifold as backend. How would I set up something where the GUI and display were Flash, the user interacts with the Flash (Pan, Zoom, Selection, Query(SQL)), have Flash fetch that from Manifold via xml, and display the new extent, query results, etc.?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Class Containing Flash.geometry.Points?

Aug 29, 2010

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When I call path.concat( myNextPoint );  I get the above error.  In order to troubleshoot  the problem, added the additional lines declaring 'iAPath'.  When I work with the arrays everything works fine. The arrays are entirely populated with points and there is no error.


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Flash :: Flex - TFS Build 2010 Call An Ant Script And / Or Build?

Mar 31, 2011

In TFS 2010 build, I have a new build and I want to call an ant script that builds Flash. How do I call the ant script? Also How can I compile the Flash directly? I've seen the Power Tools and this question but it doesn't help me as we don't have TFS 2008. I can't find any documentation on how to use the power tools except the 1 sentence on the bottom of download page saying to create your build the old way and import it (which isn't very helpful). I've installed the power tools on the agent computer but I don't see any new options in the Toolbox when I'm designing the build flow.

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Flash - Trig Equations To Create Ellipse

Feb 13, 2011

I am working with this function that moves an object around a center point in a perfect circle and am trying to modify it to move it in an oval shape that is 1/2 as high as it is wide?

Basically, I have a set speed
var myVelocity:Number = 0.25;
Then I calculate my Sine and Cosine based on the speed
var myCos:Number = Math.cos(myVelocity);
var mySin:Number = Math.sin(myVelocity);

Then I figure the distance of the the object from a fixed center points along each axis and
var x1:Number = myBall.x - centerX;
var y1:Number = myBall.y - centerY;
var x2:Number = myCos * x1 - mySin * y1;
var y2:Number = myCos * y1 + mySin * x1;
myBall.x = centerX + x2;
myBall.y = centerY + y2;

I have another function that figures x and y based upon myBall.x = centerX + cos(angle) * radius; that is easy enough to modify the radius to become an ellipse, but is there an easy way to mod the one above to become an ellipse? I want to do this to be more efficient with the code and reduce the number of math function calls

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IDE :: Take An Excel Spreadsheet With Its Equations And Place It Into A Flash File

Jan 12, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Geometry Wars Game - Preventing Lag?

Oct 25, 2010

I am currently creating a remake of the game Geometry Wars but in Flash using AS2 but the further you get through the game it seems the more lag builds up. And it is down to my computer (which does suck) but it's been tested on multiple pretty good PCs. It lags when a lot of enemies enter the screen but to be fair there isn't a lot. Here is my game which I am currently blogging to get feedback : <- with http at the start.

Stuff I am doing to prevent lag:
-Enemies are not visible when offscreen.
-Unwanted movieclips (like bullets) are deleted once offscreen.
-Main ships 'onEnterFrame' is split up in to lot of small functions.

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Actionscript 3 :: Reference Rectangle/geometry Objects In Flex 4?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm doing an geometry object tranformations for a project. I need to have same rectangle across 4 parts in a screen. So when i change one rectangle others will be transformed like scaling or something.So i was able to do this with image, just giving "source" attribute. How to do with geometry objects?[code]

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Aug 9, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Matrix Algebra And Matrix Inverse?

Apr 5, 2003

Has anyone here ever developed a function (or general library of relevant functions) that will allow one to find the inverse of a matrix? I've searched the forum archives, as well as the internet more generally, but haven't found anything. If anyone has some leads, I hope you'll pass them along.

If I don't hear anything within the next few days, I might try to develop something on my own, but I'd hate to do so if someone has already done the dirty work.

A solution to this problem would be very useful for 3-D work or anyone doing mathematical programming more generally.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision - Character Shall Stop Movement If He Hits A Geometry

Aug 7, 2008

am pretty new to Kirupa and Flash. I have a little problem, concerning a character hitting a wall. What i have: a char that can jump and move around by the arrow keys. What i need: character shall stop movement if he hits a geometry. But being able to start movement again, besides through the geometry. I'd like to reach this with gskinners CheckForCollision class. Have a look here: [URl] But i didnt manage my code to get it work. So maybe you could leak me some information on how to get this done. Heres my code so far:


edit admits: so far i have a character mc called "player" and one called "level". i would apply the code to the player, and it would be cool to have the possibility to check collision of the player with multiple MCs, not only the level.

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Flash :: Math Equations For Random Snow In A Snow Globe?

Oct 24, 2010

I've been experimenting with this and I haven't been able to come up with an adequate solution. Hoping one of you Mathletes can point me in the right direction. I'm building a Snow Globe in ActionScript 3 and I need to come up with a set of equations to control two level of snowflakes - one level random, and the other interactive where a user can click on them.For the random snow, I need to have it create certain number of random x/y positions at the bottom of the globe, which is a circle with a radius of around 300. Then when the shake action occurs, They should randomly float toward the top, then fall back to a random position at the bottom of the circle again.

For the interactive snow, I need it to randomly layout, but I don't want flakes to overlap so that its easier to interact with them.

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Flex :: Creating Ant Build Script To Build Only When A Dependency Was Updated?

Apr 14, 2011

I just started working with ant a few days ago. Right now I have a general buildall.xml which should call each project's build.xml. Because some projects depend on each other, I need to rebuild some other projects which depend on it. This isn't a problem--I'm just setting the depends property of the target. However, ant is always building the dependencies, even when the files haven't changed.Let's say project1 has no dependencies; project2 depends on project1; project3 depends on project1, 2; project4 depends on project1, 2, and 3; and so on.I could hack a solution which looks at project K, and checks if project 1 .. project K have updated files using uptodate. If so, then run the target. This is messy and appears unnecessary.

What is the cleanest way to implement this?EDIT: So I decided to just hack in a bunch of targets, "check_projectK" where it does the uptodate checks on all of its source files, its build file, and the build files of the 1 .. K-1 projects. Due to dependencies, this is always handled correctly. However, this is still a large amount of copy and paste for a large workspace.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Equations In It?

Jun 18, 2010

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(Lets say i want the equation y = 3x^2+3x+5 displayed)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Penners Equations?

Feb 2, 2004

I have about 15 movie clips in a movie that i want to scale with ease.Ive tried doing this a number of different ways.all of which have woked but they severely slow down the perfomance of my site.ideally i would like to use penners equations.I want to have a function on the first frame of the main timeline. i.e

PHP Code:

#include ""[code]..........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use Easing Equations

Nov 18, 2004

I am just wandering how do I use the equations I downloaded from robertpenner. Whenever I try even working out of the book I get error messages like

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 350: There is no method with the name 'easeOutBounce'.
return(Math.easeOutBounce(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.500000 + c * 0.500000 + b);

Why does it say there is no method with the name bounceEaseOut. How I can use these in my flash movies.

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Eclipse :: Retrieve Build Information After Build Completes In FDT?

Jul 30, 2011

Using FDT, when I have a debug configuration with several operations in the launcher chain and the final launcher opens in Flash Player, how can I retrieve the build output from the console once the build is complete and Flash player is running?

It seems that once Flash Player has started the console clears to make way for the application's trace output, but I need to be able to look back over the events and build times for each item in my launch chain while Flash Player is running. Is there a setting I can enable to either log my build output to a file or to preserve it in the console?

Edit: I know I can still read the info when building normally, this question is specifically for building with the debugger.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: About TweenMax And Easing Equations?

Jul 1, 2008

im a former user of FuseKit, for the time being as i like more the performance of TweenMax over Fusekit, but i got used to the flexibility of Penner Easing Equations, is there a way to use them on TweenMax?

I tried fl.motion.easing.* seems to have all of the penner equations Expo, Sine, etc.So, is there a way to use them with TweenMax?maybe im not writting the syntax correctly i dont know here is my piece of practice code

import gs.*;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.motion.easing.*;
function moveSq() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing Equations For Dynamic Tweening?

Sep 6, 2001

Virtually the only dynamic ease-tweening you ever see in Actionscript is the ubiquitous "exponential ease-out." You know, the Zeno's paradox, go halfway every time, Barney's menu method:

distance = finalX - _x;
_x += distance / 2;

It's wonderfully simple and easy to code, but it lacks flexibility. You can choose your destination, but you can't specify, "I want to get there in 40 frames." Also, easing *in* with the same method is not so easy. There are many mathematical approaches to calculating an eased tween. I've derived some easing equations using three different curves: quadratic, sinusoidal, and exponential (as well as a trivial linear equation). Each of the three curves has its own particular "style" of easing; it's quite fun to compare their aesthetics.

All of the equations allow you to specify the beginning value, the change in the value, the duration of the tween, and the current time. Note that the equations will work for both frame-based and time-based animation. That is, duration and current time can be either frames or seconds/milliseconds.Here are the quadratic easing equations. I'll post the other two sets soon.


// simple linear tweening - no acceleration
// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: change in value, d: duration
Math.linearTween = function (t, b, c, d) {


Right now, the equations are all set at "maximum easing", analogous to an easing setting of 100% in Flash's Frame panel. It is fairly simple to adapt the equations so you can specify an easing percentage. Personally, I almost always use 100% manual easing within Flash.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Robert Penner Easing Equations - How To Use Them

Nov 18, 2004

I am just wandering how do i use the equations I downloaded from when ever i try even working out of the book i get error messages like **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 350: There is no method with the name 'easeOutBounce'. return(Math.easeOutBounce(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.500000 + c * 0.500000 + b); Why does it say there is no method with the name bounceEaseOut Can someone tell me who i can use these in my flash movies. I tried everything out of his book and i still get it wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using The Robert Penner Tweening Equations?

Feb 17, 2005

use Robert Penner's tweening methods? I have all the files. I understand that at the top of the actions you do include# or something like that (I just had to reformat my powerbook and haven't loaded the files back on yet to look at exactly what that line of code is).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Robert Penner Easing Equations?

May 19, 2003

But looking at the function below, how would I apply it to an MC to move its position.

// simple linear tweening - no easing
// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: change in value, d: duration
Math.linearTween = function (t, b, c, d) {

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporate One Of R.Penners Equations Into A Prototype?

Jan 8, 2004

"256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list." I've been trying to incorporate one of R.Penners equations into a prototype. it works, but appearantly not 100% scratch scratch

Here's the code. 'tester' is an MC instance

Math.easeInOutExpo = function (t, b, c, d) {
if (t==0) return b;
if (t==d) return b+c;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using The Robert Penner Tweening Equations

Feb 17, 2005

way to use Robert Penner's tweening methods? I have all the files. I understand that at the top of the actions you do include# or something like that (I just had to reformat my powerbook and haven't loaded the files back on yet to look at exactly what that line of code is).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generating Subtraction Equations That Only Return Positive Values?

Jan 21, 2010

create a random subtraction equation where the result will always be positive? For example, my current scripting will return something lilke 3-6=-3. I don't want equations like this- only postive answers

//random numbers//1.function randomNumbers(min:Number,max:Number)   var Results:Number=Math.floor(Math.random()*max)+min;  return Results;}
//2.new_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showRandomnumber);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Correct Order Of Events (brackets First, Etc) To Reflect The Equations ?

Jan 25, 2005

I have five simple equations that I need help converting to ActionScript. I'm making a small "calculator" that takes input from the user and displays a number representing the result of the equation. They're two sets of equations: 1) three-scenario fee calculator to compare the annual costs (X) of renting versus buying equipment; 2) comparison of two rental plans. The numbers entered need to stay the same - the alphabets represent what the user will input. The equations are as follows:
Scenario 1:

X = ([A � F] / G) + H + I + J + (K x 12) + ([L / N] x M)
Scenario 2:
X = ([B � F] / G) + ([E x C] / G) + H + I + J + (K x 12) + ([L / N] x M)[code]....

I've looked at my resources at hand, but my brain just shuts down when I see numbers and letters representing numbers. I do speak three languages fluently, so I (think) I make up for to properly assign the correct order of events (brackets first, etc) in ActionScript to reflect the equations above.

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Actionscript 3 :: Library For Interactive Path Drawing (or Any Other Library For The Equations)

Oct 31, 2011

I am making a flash app where I want to have a user defined viewport like the stage in the flash IDE which the user can use to define objects that have a starting postition somerwhere off or on the stage and an ending position either or on or off the stage with the object then tweening between the two points. My question is this: I want the user to be able to define a curved path for the object to tween along. Is there a library of code that I can use to define curved paths for the app?

Ideally I would like something similar to the functionality available in Flash, so a bezier curve sort of path that is subdivided into handles that can be dragged to define the path of the tween. If there isn't an existing library, then do you know of the functions that I would need to define (mathematical equations related to drawing curves etc)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Friction Equations - Tweaking The Friction Constasnt?

Nov 10, 2007

I have a billiard ball system, whic detects collisions between balls and modifies their x and y velocities accordingly.I have included a friction variable and I have a very basic system for applying the force of friction for each iteration of movement:

private static var FRICTION:Number = 0.94;
public function move() : Void[code]....

This works to a reasonable level of satisfaction, but it doesn't quite feel right. The balls seem to take just a little too long to stop when they've slowed down to a very small velocity. I've tried tweaking the friction constasnt, but I still can't get sometthing that feels exactly right.

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