ActionScript 2.0 :: AI Pathfinding For Text-Based Game?

Jun 1, 2010

Pretty much what I am looking to do is have an NPC find the shortest path from their location to the player's. Everything is turn-based, so the NPC would have the capability to move from one room to another adjacent room in one turn. Keep in mind that there would be no physical manifestation of the code, other than some text that would be displayed when the NPC enters the same room as the player.And as an added aspect if possible I would like the ability to stop NPCs from entering the same room as the player once they've reached it if the room/door/entrance is locked.So the end result would be something like this...

[P][ ][ ][ ][ ]

--------[ ]
[P][ ][ ][E][ ][code]..........

Only difference is that there would be no graphical representation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Based Action Adventure Game?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm currently working on an action adventure game and have run into some issues. I am using flash CS4 and AS3. On the stage I have created a user input text field with the instance name of textbox and a button with the instance name of btn. I'm trying to set it up so that when the user types in a word that word is cross referenced with an array and a function is run. I have noticed that some times the functions are not run in the order there typed. For example if I type "enterdoor. lookaround." Than the following is traced.

" you have entered the door.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
. "

Which is good but if I reverse the order and type "lookaround. enterdoor." then I receive the following.

"you are looking around, but don't see anything.
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"go back you have entered the door. you are looking around, but don't see anything."

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"you have entered the door.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
you have entered the door. "

I cant seem to figure out why the functions are not run in the order they are typed by the user. Not sure if this helps but I have determined that if a function is typed 3 times or more then it only returns the function twice. For instance if I were to input "enterdoorenterdoorenterdoor" then the following is displayed.

"you have entered the door.
you have entered the door. "

I would also like for the user to have the option of typing a function as many times in a row as needed. It seems to me that I'm missing some thing simple. I was thinking if I change the commands "array" to an "associative array" it might process the functions in the correct order. It seems to me that the commands array is being compared to the inputholder array.



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}}doCountdown = setInterval(countdown, 1000);

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Sep 28, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Component Based Architecture In Game Development?

Oct 1, 2011

I have been thinking of trying out component based architecture for game development. I have read some blog posts and articles about it but I have a few things I have not sorted out yet. When I say component based I mean that you can add components to a ComponentManager that updates all components in its list. I want to try this to avoid getting classes that inherits variables and functions that they donīt need. I really like the idea of having an really simple entity class with a lot of components working side by side without getting bloated. Also, it is easy to remove and add functionality at runtime wich makes it really cool.

This is what I am aiming for.

// this is what the setup could be like
entity.componentManager.add(new RigidBody(3.0, 12.0));
entity.componentManager.add(new CrazyMagneticForce(3.0));
entity.componentManager.add(new DrunkAffection(42.0, 3.0));
// the game loop updates the component manager which updates all components

Communication: Some of the components need to communicate with other components I canīt rely on the components to be self-sustaining. Sometime they will need to communicate with the other components.In Unity 3D, you can access the components using GetComponent().I was thinking of doing it like this, but what happens if you have two components of the same type? Maybe you get a Vector back.

var someComponent : RigidBody = _componentManager.getComponent(RigidBody);

Priority: Some components need to update before others

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tile Based Game Depth Sorting?

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Is there any open-source algorithm for path-finding that can handle groups of objects? I'm developing a (flash) game like Age of Empires.

I will be using AS3, but I can translate any code or pseudo-code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Msg To User Based On How Quickly Game Completed

Sep 3, 2011

I've developed a game that records how long it took to complete the game. At the end of the game it shows the user how long it too to complete. I want to be able display message to the user depending on how quickly they took to complete the game. I have set up a dynamic text box called "message" that will display the message, but I am struggling to figure out the syntax for :

If gametime is less than 60 secs then message = "well done thats very quick"
If gametime is between 60 and 80 secs then message = "Not bad at all"
If gametime is between 81 and 100 secs then message = "Its good but not good enough"
If gametime is between 101 and 120 secs then message = "You can do better than that!"
If gametime is between 121 and 140 secs then message = "Too slow, you need to practice"
If gametime is greater than 140 then message = "Did you fall asleep?"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Mouse-focus Based Pause Function For A Game?

Mar 4, 2008

So your playing a flash game that's fast paced and mouse-based (hey that rhymes somewhat)... And then you accidentally move your mouse outside of the area of the swf... And then it pauses automatically with a "Continue" button, instead of you just dying or whatever. I've thought you could have a huge button the size of the stage and make it do something when the frame isn't 'mouseover' or whatever, but there's gotta be a better way. Also setting limits on the _xmouse and _ymouse wouldn't work cos sometimes the mouse moves too fast for them to accurately get the last mouseposition...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rudimentary Pathfinding/collision Detection?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a question regarding seemingly relatively simple collision detection and pathfinding. Thus far I've been doing pathfinding using the A* algorithm and nodes, but I want to do something simpler for a current project.

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I was wondering if anyone here has ever done this, and if so, could suggest the best way to go about doing it?

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Aug 29, 2011

I'm making my own dynamic 2D polygon pathfinder and have reached the point where i need to incorporate the actual pathfinding between the vertices. I figured Dijkstras algorithm would do the trick. If you know of better algorithms for mesh-pathfinding, please tell me. I know i could write it from scratch with reference to C, but I'm sure there are more efficient algorithms out there than the one I'd come up with.

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Java :: Get Started On A Simple Physics Based Game (with Angle / Power)?

Nov 28, 2011

Basically there will be a club and a ball. You can control the power and angle to hit the ball. How do I go about implementing this? Is flash the easiest way to go? I want to implement this as a facebook game. Any game libraries specific to this I can use to quickly implement a basic version? I am comfortable with Java and PHP.

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Actionscript 3 :: Pathfinding Implementation Not Giving Expected Results

Aug 10, 2011

My AS3 A* pathfinding implementation sometimes doesn't returns the most efficient route, rather like this:[code]The problem: i should have a total score of (distance to end) 30 + (distance from start) 10 = 40, while the tile above i should have a total score of (distance to end) 40 + (distance from start) 14 = 54. Why is 54 being picked instead of 40, I don't know - I use this to find the node with lowest total score on the open list:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Isometric Grid Movement On Mouse Click With Pathfinding Bug?

Mar 23, 2012

I am currently working on a very simple isometric3d game with a hero to move to mouse click position, using path-finding. I am trying to code everything myself step by step,as a beginner , i am well aware of asolib3d but I don't want to use it...I have read tutorials and few books I completely done with my isometric3d map. i create my path finding A-star class which is working perfectly with 2d grid tiles, but when i try to use it with isometric3d grid world it doesn't work properly.

ActionScript Code:
package  {
import com.sayConcept.isometric.IsoUtils;
import com.sayConcept.isometric.GraphicTile;


my character movement is not correct. If hero position=0,0 and I click 0,10 on my iso grid instead of moving down he will move on the right side. If I am in the middle and I click on the left he will move right. and like few steps for where it supposes to stop... my pathfinding is ok in 2d but isometric the movement is weird...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Dynamic Text Color Based On Input Text

Aug 29, 2011

I have an input text box (txtInput) and a dynamic text box (dynTxt). I want the dynamic text to stay black but highlight a segment of that text in yellow depending on certain characters.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Enlarging Dynamic Text Box Based On Text Length?

Jul 29, 2004

Is there a way to set up a dynamic text box to increase in size (height) based on the length of text loaded into it?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create Dynamic Text Box Based On The Some Length Of Text?

Sep 10, 2011

How to create the dynamic text box based on the length of the some text

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IDE :: Add To Text Based On First Letters?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to add to the front and back of a word in a string based on the letters it starts with.

For example if I had a string "I think is better than" it would look for the instance of "http://" and give me "I think <b></b> is better than <b></b>"

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Jumping To Frame Based On The Value In A Text Box?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a maths-based movie on which a number of points are allocated depending on the answers given to a series of multiple choice questions.

At the end of it, a person will score somewhere between 1 and 10 points depending on the answers they gave.

I have got to the stage where the system keeps track of the cumulative score, and at the conclusion, I have a text field on stage, which has an instance name of "results". When the person enters the frame, the results field displays the total number of points scored.

That is ok, but what I actually would like to happen is that the movie jumps to a different frame based on that figure, so that if they score 2, it would take them to the frame labelled "two" and if they score 9, it takes them to frame "nine"

Is there a way of effectively saying:

On frame enter
if results.text = 1 go to "one";
if results.text = 2 go to "two"
etc etc

I'm guessing that I need to use the:

_root.onEnterFrame = function(){

how to describe the bit in the middle...?

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