ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Same Action In Multiple Buttons?

Sep 17, 2005


i have a buttons name list1, list2, list3 .... and so on and movieclips playlist1 , playlist2 .. and so on basically what i want to do is assign same action in the buttons, the code above is what i did and it doesn't work

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ActionScript Code:
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , butOver)
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT , butOut)
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , released)


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How To Assign Action To Button From Timeline

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Action To Dynamic Button?

Feb 3, 2005

I am creating a dynamic group of buttons based on a string that i pass to flash file. There is no problem creating these buttons (that I do duplicating a movieclip from my library) The question is, that i need these buttons to open another page, all buttons the same, but passing a parameter. How can i assign the action to my buttons?

My frame 1 code is at this moment:

for (i=0; i<totalItems; i++) {
_root.attachMovie('loader', 'imageLoader'+i, getNextHighestDepth());
_root['imageLoader'+i]._x = 132*(i);
_root['imageLoader'+i]._y = 1;

The string that flash receives is something like

totalItems=3&img0=pic01.jpg&id0=01&img1=pic02.jpg& id1=02

and the parameter i want to pass to the new page is the value of 'id'.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML- Assign More Than 1 "action" To The Button - Senocular Tutorial

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML- Possible To Assign More Than 1 "action" To The Button?

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I have studied Senocular tutorial at Kirupa : XML- Driven Drop Down Menu at this link an I learnt a lot.The menu1.xml has a structure like this :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<menu name="example">


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IDE :: Assign AddEventListener To 52 Buttons?

Apr 30, 2010

But anyway, my problem is that, I have 52 Button instances on Scene 1 as bellow:

B1 , B2 , B3 , ... , B52

and I want to assign seperated actions for each of them.

The way I currently CAN do that is this:

B1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B1F);
B2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B2F);
B3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B3F);


But "test.addEventListener(..." does not work, and Flash searches for a function named "test" instead of working with the VALUE of "test".

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B1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B1F);B2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B2F);B3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B3F);...B52.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, B4F); 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign Code To Buttons

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the current code I have on the timeline now (where the buttons reside) is:

function playLifeboy(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Values To Buttons?

Feb 24, 2010

I am new top actionscript that is why I am trying to learn AS3 instead of the AS2 etc.anyway I am trying to create a number pad in flash (like a calculator but wothout the add, subtract etc) so that when I press a number its displays the number in the flash movie. I nearly have it but it only displays one number at any one moment but i need to be able to add upto 5 digits in the display, so that later on in the project I can validate this field to make the input is is the code that I have made but remember this is my first AS3 flash program so go easy on me

display.maxChars = 5;
// start of the array


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public var var1, Var2, Var3, Var4:Boolean = false;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Array Assign Buttons Actions?

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var productList:Array = Array("diabeoff", "cholestoff", "inulina", "colageno", "power", "castoff", "dieta", "miel", "extrapower");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Same Switch Statement For Two Different Buttons

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I just want to know if there is a way to assign multiple variables, and if there is a way to check multiple variables.

I want to be able to assign variables to false and then check if all the variables are false.

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Flex :: Assign Multiple States As Base For Another State?

Nov 29, 2009

Is it possible, in flex, to assign multiple states as base for another state? Say I have state "stateA" that adds a button "buttonA" and state "stateB" that adds a button "buttonB". Is it possible to create a state "stateC" that is based on state "stateA" and "stateB"? If not, is there a workaround to accomplish that? Also notice that the button IDs should be "buttonA" and "buttonB" and I can't have several buttons in different states with the same ID ... Here is an example of what I want:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An Array To Assign Movie Clips To Buttons?

Dec 22, 2009

I've got 5 movie clip buttons.  When a user rolls over a button, I want one movie clip to play. When a user clicks on that button, an alternate movie clip plays. I'm trying to use an array to assign certain movie clips to certain buttons and actions, but I'm not doing something quite right. I can get one button to work correctly, but then am having issues getting the other buttons to work.
Here is the code I have:
var currentPage:MovieClip;
var currentScreen:MovieClip;
var prevPage:MovieClip;


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Flex :: How To Assign Auto Incremented ID Names To Buttons

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I am amateur in flex, and started my final year project in flex to learn it, I am stuck in place where I have to create rows of drop down lists when the user pressed add more, E.g.: like the ones in mail attachments. I think I have found a way to generate rows, I am not even sure whether it is a correct way, how I generate the rows:

<mx:State name="newRow">
<mx:AddChild relativeTo="{cityDropdown}">
<s:DropDownList id="newbutton" creationComplete="hotelDropdown_creationCompleteHandler(event)" labelField="Name">
<s:AsyncListView list="{getAllHotelResult.lastResult}"/>

Now when I generate more rows the dropdownlist ids will conflict, so I want to know a way to generate ids, I think I cant even call a function in there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Create Buttons And Assign Them Names To Use Later

May 11, 2010

How to dynamically create buttons and assign them names to use later on in the code.? For example:

ActionScript Code:
If(a==3) {
create three buttons:


And then assign some functions for these buttons - like:

ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Loop To Assign EventListeners To Buttons In External SWF

Mar 31, 2010

I'm fairly new to AS3. What I'm trying to is create a multiframe SWF (main.swf) that loads several external SWFs (ext.swf) on each frame. I've got that to work. My problem is that I'm trying to assign actions to buttons/MovieClips in the external swfs that navigate to different frames in my main.swf. I want to avoid hard coding the buttons because there are about 30 external SWFs and they don't all have the same number of buttons within them. The approach I took was creating two arrays in each ext.swf, one to hold the button instances and the other to hold the frame destination labels.

var buttons:Array = [link1, link2, link3, link4, link9, link10, link20, link21];
var links:Array = ["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c1", "d1", "d2", "e1"];
Then in the main.swf, I created a function that loads the ext.swf and runs a "for" loop that assigns EventListeners to the contents of the "buttons" array to go to the frame labels defined in the "links" array.
[Code] .......
The "for" loop in the "assignLink" processes and traces the "links" array just fine, but it always assigns the last array item to every button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Assign Buttons To Move Character?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to assign buttons my on my 'gameScreen' to move my character. though I am receiving an error msg saying: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no Mainas()

import flash.display.MovieClip;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Variables Do Dynamic Created Buttons?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a 13 buttons to wich I added Event listeners using a for loop:

for (var i:Number = 1; i < 13; i++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Objects / Assign True / False?

Nov 18, 2009

2 objects come onto the stage from the right. The user is directed to choose the bigger objects. If he selects the correct one it lights up green and then slides off. If he selects the wrong one it lights up red on and off and then the user selects the correct one, which lights up green and they slide off as the next objects slide on.I created all of the objects in 3Ds Max and I figured I would load them via XML and assign a true and false the the respective one. But should I go about it this way? And if so, I have the concept of what to do as I mentioned above but I am not sure where to begin to execute it... Also, for more info, I am doing this all with programming and not putting actual objects in flash because this is a part of a much bigger structure.So, my question is: Should I go about it as I mentioned above and if so do you know how - you could even tell me what to google to find the info I need in order to do it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Multiple Tweens And Assign Variable Names?

Sep 25, 2008

I'm trying to create various tween for various movies, comething like this:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code].....

My problem is how to call a specific tween to stop it, for example: onrollover stop the tween assigned to "barra3" mc for example. I can't use bot_alpha.stop() it doesn't work. I think it's because i have multiple "bot_alpha" tweens, i need something to dynamic create bot_alpha1; bot_alpha2; ... ...

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