ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Events Within Movie Clips?

Aug 22, 2010

I have made buttons within movie clips as I want the buttons to fade in from alpha 0-100. Also, the buttons have an Over state, so when you hover over the button the colour of the button changes from maroon to grey.I originally used this code to link from one frame page to another:

on (release) {

however it just made the button disappear, so I tried using frame labels instead with the following code:

on (release) {

The above code allowed the button to link from one frame page to another, however the only problem is that it has somehow stopped the mouse Over event from working (the maroon to grey).I have used the following code to correct the mouse Over event error, but now the button itself isn't going to the specified frame.

onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
home_mc.onRollOver = function() {

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IDE :: Mouse Events And Overlapping Movie Clips

Jul 27, 2009

If two or move movie clips overlap, everything underneath the top movie clip does not seem to receive mouse events. I tried many things, including setting ".mouseEnabled = false;" on the top movie clip and its constituents, but it still eats up all mouse interaction. Is there a way around this? Listening to all mouse events and using hitTest is not an option in my case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clips With Multiple Mouse Events?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a project in AS2, and my question for that was posted in AS2 thread. But in the meantime, I was considering switching the project entirely to AS3 because AS2 is giving me a headache.

Basically what I need to have is this:

When you rollover the btn "learn how" a toggle window expands and a countdown movie clip starts. When you roll off the btn, the window and movie clip will both disappear. That works perfect. The next part is what is tricky for me. (to better make sense of it, the countdown is there as prep to a graphic movie clip. So if the user sees the countdown and decides they dont want to see the graphic movie, they can simply rollout with the mouse and the clip will go away.

Now...if the countdown plays all the way through... I need the second movie clip to start. The tricky part, is that when that movie clip starts.. it should no longer have the rollout mouse function. I need it to stay there unless the user clicks an Exit out button.. which I haven't done yet, because I have no idea if I can even get that far.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Movie Clips And Assigning Events?

Apr 7, 2009

In AS2 I could assign events for a ton of movieclips like this:

for (var i in mcMap) {
if (typeof (mcMap[i]) == "movieclip") {
mcMap[i].onRelease = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen Movie Clips Itself For Keyboard Events Instead Of Stage.addEventListener?

Dec 3, 2009

Is there a way to listen movie clips itself for keyboard events instead of stage.addEventListener ??I work on a project a kind of game and ı need mymovie clips on stage rotate with keyboard events such as KEY_DOWN key.code LEFT or RIGHT.I tried to add event listener my MC but it didn't work.If I listen to stage every Movie Clip in my stage start rotation same as the others.What should I do? Here is my codes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events Are Not Being Disabled On Movie Clips With Multiple Threads?

Oct 18, 2009

I am able to disable mouse events on a movie clip with a single frame using the mouseEnable property and setting it to false.However if the movie clip contains multiple frames setting the property to false does not disable the mouse events.Do I need to disable for each frame of the clip? Or is this outside the box for movie clips.I have tried .enable and .mouseChildren to false also.I have alternatives to what I am trying to do so I am trying to determine if I am missing something.this is basically my code, this code will ignore events if I change the movie clip to a single frame.The multiple frame movie clip is made up of 5 frames of bitmap symbols and functions properly.

public class Main extends MovieClip {
private var contract1:MovieClip=new CONTRACT ;//multiple frame mc
public function Main() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Play Movie Clip With The Button Click Without Playing All The Movie Clips On The Main Timeline

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Loading Movie Clips From A Button?

Feb 28, 2010

I have three movie clips, called clip1, clip2, and clip3 that are in my library but not on the stage.

On the stage, I have a movie clip of a curtain that is a button. How can I make it so that clicking my button (which makes the curtain rise) will load and play one of the movie clips in the library?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function For _root - Control A Movie Clips Current Frame By Another Movie Clips?

Sep 13, 2009

I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:


but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:


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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Button Respond To Mouse Events Which Is Placed Under A Movie Clip?

Jan 4, 2011

if I attach two movie clips MC1 and MC2 on the stage.MC1 has a simple button also. MC2 is transparent.First I attach the MC1 and then I attach MC2. Both on the stage. So obviously, MC2 is added over the MC1. In this situation, I cannot click the button which is place in the MC1.If Im not wrong, in AS2, if the MC2 is transparent, the button in the MC1 can still respond to the mouse events.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling 2 Movie Clips With 1 Button?

Sep 7, 2009

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function onRollOver():Void {
if (bg._x<gLEFT) {
bg._x = gLEFT;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To New Scene, In Movie Clips?

Dec 6, 2002

I've been following a flash tutorial, It's a complicated piece. You'll have to look at it to see for yourselves.My main problem is that I would like to try to add buttons to the scrolling 'menu' movie clips, that would enable me to go to a new scene. I've tried the '_parent.gotoAndPlay(2)' etc, but due to my very basic knowledge of action-scripting I can't get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;
this._yscale = 75;[code]...........

1)How can I make the movie clip blink with pure action script? And not having to do a stupid tween on the movie clip's timeline.

2)Can a button activate more than one movie clip? Because I am also trying to make the same button (aka. btnEnter, instance name enter) to change the rotation speed of another movie clip to spin faster. Here is the code for the other movie clip called mcRotatingCircle instance name outter:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 1000;[code]............

Yet the movie clip will not spin faster on roll over. The only thing that I thought could go wrong is that there is another instance of the same movie clip mcRotatingCircle, named middle on the stage. I tried absolute addressing the outter instance, but it just won't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Button Inside 2 Movie Clips Call First 1

Nov 9, 2009

I'm having a problem with something which i thought i knew and apparently i dont.I have 2 Movieclips in my scene. i have "whole" and inside it "but1gallery" inside "but1gallery" i have a button named "but1". What i need is to get to a frame inside mc "whole" when clicking "but1". this is my code(im using AS2):

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Flash8 :: Playing Movie Clips On Different Frames From A Button?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a button which when pressed I need it to play a frame on the main timeline which contains a movie clip. I also want the same button to play another frame with another movie clip after the previous frame has finished playing. I have attached a sample file of what I am looking to d

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ActionScript 3.0 :: One Button - Plays Several Movie Clips In Order?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm using AS3 in CS4. I have a problem which i can't get past: I have a button which when clicked I wish it to play two movie clips (blind_mc, text_mc) when clicked.. however I do not wish them to play at the same time (as the script below achieves).. but to play one after the other.

I cannot put them on the same layer or join the two togther for many reasons including -- I have many different buttons i wish to apply this too all with different number of movie clips and orders of play, therefore I would have to create excessively long layers for each and every click.

function goHome(e:MouseEvent):void {;

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_f01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fClick);
var targetFrame:String = "";
function fClick(e:MouseEvent):void


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Have Two Movie Clips That Each Have Their Own Button Leading To An External URL?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to have two movie clips that each have their own button leading to an external URL. Both of these movie clips have classic tweens (only making them fade in and out).If I do one, it works, but when I do two, it fails on me! The error message I always see is "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

at mh2_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()"

I have tried doing them in the same scene and on separate scenes (see attached).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Movie Clips On Press Of A Button?

Sep 13, 2009

I am in search to find a way to remove movie clips on the press of a button. I currently have 3 buttons that loads three difference movie clips however If one button is pressed I want to remove the previous movie clip that is loaded. Right now I have to press the same button twice in order to remove the movie clips. Is there a way to set up a movie clip listener on the buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: One Button To Use For Hiding And Unhiding Movie Clips

Apr 9, 2011

I'd like to have one button to use for hiding and unhiding movie clips. I think I'm having an issue with my if statement. I can get the button to hide the movie clip, but can't get it to work on unhiding the movie clip. Here's the code:


The code has only worked on hiding the movie clip. I just can't make it unhide after you click the button again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - Attaching Movie Clips To Already Attached Movie Clips?

Jun 5, 2011

As most of you don't know, I've been creating an rpg game. And, after several tries of art making, etc, I have finally moved back into coding the game. And now, I'm stuck on the equipment system idea. At first, I thought I would just place a bunch of goToAndStop's for each movie clip to go to a frame that has that certain armor piece. This was my first idea for an equipment system. However, after doing some research, and realizing how much lines of code could be saved, I started looking into simply adding and removing movie clips from the character as my new equipment system idea. Now.... on to the problem.

Basic want/ overall achievement wanted: Create an equipment system, which will basically attach movie clips (items) onto characters, which themselves will already be attached movie clips on the stage.

Problem: What is the exact code to do this? And Is there a better way to do this for an equipment system (a less laggy or more efficient way perhaps that I'm not seeing; Check the code below to get a better idea of what I'm talking about)?

Part of the code (or basic idea of code; see comments for extra details

//Don't worry I have an OnEnterFrame function here;
//attachedObj= the character; figure= the MC name of the character;
attachedObj = attachMovie("figure", "figure"+1, 1);


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Multiple Movie Clips On Stage - Buttons Not Working In Movie Clips?

Jul 15, 2009

I have multiple movie clips on stage (all in separate layers, of course) as well as buttons on stage to play each movie clip. There are buttons inside each movie clip. The problem is that the buttons inside the top layered movie clip work, but the others in the movie clips below don't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Loaded Movie Clips To Work With Button Functions?

Jul 16, 2009

im using this function to load my movies


i then place them into a grid (i load them into a created movie clip called thumbnail) and they are supposed to trace their name (or anything) when rolled over, but i cant put a working rollover on them, nothing happens with perfectly fine code. how to get loaded movie clips to work with button functions?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Animated Button - Set The Animations In Movie Clips And They Won't Stop

Apr 21, 2010

i tried following a tutorial to create an animated button. it's not functioning i originally had the animation in frames and it worked somewhat. if you test the links_1.swf, it functions as i had hoped but if you activate the button quickly, the timing gets messed up and the animation sticks. file:///Users/GS2/Desktop/links_1.fla then i tried to set the animations in movie clips and they won't stop. file:///Users/GS2/Desktop/links_2.fla i tried including the fla files for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Dynamic Menu Button Movie Clips?

Jul 23, 2010

What I want to do is have 6 menu buttons with states (such as mouseOver, mouseOut and mouseClick). I have my MC's on stage as:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move My Mouse To The Button It Resets The Movie Clips Thats Playing

Apr 18, 2011

I am having a movie clip playing on a loop on the ON frame of a button , and something else on the OVER frame, and everytime i move my mouse to the button it resets the movie clips thats playing. heres my file:

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Actionscript 3.0 :: If / Else - Certain Movie Clips Execute A Motion Tween When A Button Is Clicked

Jun 5, 2009

I'm creating a game where certain movie clips execute a motion tween when a button is clicked, and stay still when not clicked. I know that this sequence would probably use coding such as if...button pressed execute movie clip/else...

But I'm not sure how to code it. Also is it better to have the motion tweens as a nested animation in each movie clip, or should I just create the tweens on the main stage. And if I make them nexted animations how do you say in a function to play the nested animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover Buttons - Setup Timeline In The Button Movie Clips

Jul 20, 2009

I am useing thikbox code to open iframes out of flash.


Now i need to make some button rollovers for my button. I know i need to set up my timeline in the button movie clips, but how do i tell flash when i rollover button_mc3 move on the time line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Clips Point At Other Movie Clips?

Jan 4, 2009

I'm making a shooting game but there won't be much of a challenge without enemies that point and shoot. Is there an easy way to make them do that?

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